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Frumious Jane

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Everything posted by Frumious Jane

  1. I've had dozens of cachers emailing for free ebook review copies. Thank you so much! There are an infinite number more (yay for digital files) for anyone who wants them, through the end of May.
  2. Caching Out, my geocaching mystery series, was picked up for publishing about three years ago. I'd been caching for years by then, and geocaching and mysteries seemed to be natural partners. "Mystery Cache" kind of says it all. But a lot of mystery novel reviewers and bloggers didn't seem to know what to do with a geocacher sleuth. Who knew? So in honor of the 15th anniversary of the creation of geocaching, I'm offering geocachers FREE review copies of the first two books in my series, FIRST TO FIND and DEATH WILL ATTEND (mobi/EPUB), through May 31st. All I humbly ask is that you post your honest review on Amazon and/or Goodreads when you're done. These books are by a geocacher, for geocachers, so tell your caching buddies about my free offer. Just shoot me an email at morganctalbot AT gmail DOT com and I'll give you the link and password to get your free books from the publisher's website.
  3. There was one in Vancouver WA, at one of the fire stations, that had the fake plexiglass sides with birdseed. Found one during a cache machine in Walla Walla WA that had a sliding panel on the bottom. That one was nicely made, and hanging in a tree in the middle of nowhere.
  4. Pardon my ignorance, but what are the "no ALR guidelines", and what does ALR mean? It appears I'm behind on my geogeekspeek.
  5. Yes, well, there was an issue; my beta tester, Fish Soup, was using different software and his screen didn't show the right font, so the puzzle wasn't even. I've fixed it by putting in the print screen idea, so everyone can see it the same. Thanks again to everyone. FJ
  6. Thank you all for your help. I got it to work using the Cheeseheads' idea, as it was the last one posted when I last looked here. It's so cool to know where to find smart people. I've submitted my page for review. All I can do now is chew my nails to the nub and wait breathlessly for cache approval, and then my FTF's blazingly ecstatic post...or not... Thanks again!
  7. I've successfully created a puzzle for my cache and successfully hidden the cache. I've run into a wall, however, in posting the puzzle onto the cache page. Can anyone tell me how to do it? It's just text, a word search, but it's in the Courier New font, so the letters line up exactly, and when I submit my listing, the cache page changes it into some other font and the letters don't line up, so it looks like lines of random letters, which is a little harder than I intended the puzzle to be. I've tried making it a picture in the Paint program--too small: it's changed into a single question mark by the cache page. I found a thread about using FrontPage Express, so I downloaded that, but when I put it in the cache page, it's surrounded by gibberish computer language, and still in the wrong font. I'm tearing my hair out here! If it hadn't messed with my font in the first place, it would all be fine. Can someone help me out please? Oh, and use small words. I'm not anything resembling a computer expert.
  8. That doesn't seem fair. I'm pretty sure the rest of the world has cameras by now...maybe even film. Sheesh.
  9. I also attached a goal tag to mine, which I released on New Year's day. I shrank the goal down and printed it off, and laminated it with some good stuff to keep it readable. I hope it makes it to its goal country of Serbia and Montenegro.
  10. I have heard of the library caches as well. That sounds pretty neat to me, actually. I don't know that I'd go to one in a business I didn't need to shop in.
  11. So I was channel surfing tonight and came across the Hallmark Channel. A flick I'd never seen or heard of, starring Steve Gutenberg, called, "Single Santa Seeks Mrs. Claus". The part I clicked to showed the hotel lobby where I stayed (which I recognized with a jolt), on my recent trip to Simi Valley, and then some playground equipment that is dark blue in the area of the Veterans' Plaza cache, GCG6QR, which I did while I was there. My short and cute traveling companion and I played on that equipment after we found the cache. Kinda cool, and it made me wonder, has anyone else been caching and then recognized that area later by seeing it in a non-caching context on TV (or a movie)?
  12. Are you kidding me?? How do you get it out? We just dumped two old computers either to the recycle place or the goodwill, depending on the parts. Saved the hard drives. They're sitting in arm's reach. How do I get the cool magnet out? Insert image of cavegirl banging rock against hard drive here...
  13. Me too. I'm terribly curious, and some worldwide treasure hunt involving stealth and keeping track of successes is something I'd have been interested in years ago! Oh for a time machine.
  14. Is there much of a geocaching presence in China? Clearly someone is making the caches...I got my TB today; it's headed for Ruma, Serbia and Montenegro. Sounds like three places, but no, it's only one. The nearest cache to this town is over 17 miles away, which isn't really bad, but no one has found it yet.
  15. I just received mine in the mail today, like a surprise Christmas present! I'm so excited. I have a good friend whose father has Type 1 diabetes, and also a friend from my last job with Type 1 and three wonderful children. My TB is headed to Ruma, Serbia and Montenegro. There are four caches in that country, apparently, and one is temporarily disabled. the closest one is 17 miles away, and has never been found. Here's hoping someone can take my bug to that cache, GCRCHR, and then on to Ruma. I think I'll laminate a card to attach to my TB, listing its destination and goal of awareness, so folks can move it in the right direction. A little Sun Tzu is a good thing, after all: it's all about knowing your enemy (diabetes). If you don't know it, how can you defeat it? Just my $0.02.
  16. I like them. My folks spent a few years selling headstones, so my dad would trek out to cemetaries to make rubbings of the first set of carvings so the second engraving would have the same font and flowers and things. I like cemetaries; my father taught me proper respect for both the dead and the living who come to visit, and I've always found them peaceful places. I believe those who are there are really 'at rest', and that sounds pretty peaceful to me. I don't see any problem at all with caching in cemetaries, and I'll do them probably a little more readily than others, because it's a nice open area with few visitors on any given day.
  17. GCYEWG. My first cache. It's the oldest of all my still-relatively-new caches. Four cachers have logged finds. It's in a park in the city. I know the 5/3 rating is scaring some folks off, but it's pirate-themed, and there's no way I'm gonna archive this. They said 'swag' in the first Pirates of the Caribbean movie. How'm I not gonna capitalize on that?
  18. I hope we never come to this sort of reality. Sign me up for the first shuttle to Mars, man. As soon as they have satellites orbiting over Mars, I'll set up a few rockin' caches. First log: T- false-color red Mars-rock. L- alien head. (they're everywhere)
  19. What a neat story. And how cool that your cache was honored as the spot of the proposal. Geocaching brings all sorts of life experiences to us.
  20. Down here in Vancouver we had some howling winds all afternoon y'day. We lost power for a few hours last night, but it came on in time to see most of Survivor. Good to know we have the essentials and all. Our tree is a birch and nothing snapped off this time, but down two blocks a tree crushed our neighbor's van. Today we went from a clear blue sky and warm sun, to quick clouds, ice pellets, huge puffy snowflakes, then back to clear sun, in about two hours. The snow that landed in shadows is still around.
  21. Found this one while in Alaska: GCXV36 http://www.geocaching.com/seek/cache_detai...d4-e5f35fd1167d
  22. Tell me about it. We lost power for about three hours tonight. Had to dress for a Christmas party by flashlight. Managed to avoid looking like the Bride of Frankenstein somehow. Maybe the storm gods don't like satellites and are jinxing the forums.
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