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Everything posted by Snowwolf75

  1. Aw drat. I don't live close enough to any of the marker regions to get any valid entries. Guess I'll just sit back and watch the contest play out.
  2. While on a trip over to Okanagon and trying to get Fort Okanagon (didn't realize it was already snagged), I found a marker for the Cariboo Trail, but I don't know if it qualifies because it's listed as Okanagon Historical Society, not a state group. Should I submit it anyway?
  3. The 24th is the GeoPoker Run in Bremerton (GCT0NF), which I will be at. Maybe you can hitch a ride over there?
  4. Trust me. You'll find plenty of competition. Plenty, yes, but I'm hoping not quite as much.. but I have seen you FTF some from afar. ;}
  5. I got my list from the DOT a week or so ago, but havn't had time... and I doubt I will be able to get to any of them. Interesting list and goal, however. :}
  6. Sheesh.. can't even edit my own post in my own thread. :/ Anyway, update from my seller. Minter should begin next week and, barring any problems, should be ready in 3-4 weeks. Once the coins are in the possession of the seller, invcoicing and shipping will begin. I really appreciate everyone's patience on this. More information will be mentioned as it becomes available.
  7. Due to changes in lodging and financial reason, I'm leaving my comfortable abode on Capitol Hill for one in suburbia Federal Way... This has good and bad points to it. Of note, if means I'm even less likely to get the TUS bell that I've been watching and occasionally hunting for. On the flip side, though, it means there might not be as much competitino for FTFs down there, but that's yet to be determined. The area is a alot flatter, so I can bike more places, but the busses aren't nearly as wide-spread. Of course it also throws a big monkey wrench in my plans for placing caches. There was a pocket park near me that I was thinking of placing one at, as well as one in the UW area. Two of the possible caches will still be placed (once I create suitable non-conformist containers for them), and I might adopt out my one current hide, Scenic Sunrise Spot (or at least enlist a local when/if it needs to be checked upon). I might still come up to Seattle for the odd hide or two, but if I do I'd rather do quite a few at once so the trip is worth my time. Anywho, when next I cache, it'll likely be in the bounds of Federal Way/Auburn area... except possibly for a cache I'm thinking of snagging in Okanagon on a trip next week. :}
  8. Finally I can post an update. After a long battle with the minter, I finally got die art that is correct!! Minting should begin soon (I hope) and invoices too. Of course, I'l be going on vacation next week, so I hope everything goes smoothly without me. :}
  9. If it's just a ron-of-the-mill coin (not a geocoin with its own tracking), you can buy a travelbug tag and attach it. The TB number will give you trackability, but you don't get any cool coin-specific features like icons.
  10. Seeing as I have no trading fodder, that might be hard. You've inspired me, though, so not all hope is lost. :}
  11. is there a master list of people that it's supposed to go to? I'm curious how far down I am on the list and if I'll even get it before the deadline.
  12. The GPSmap 60cs I have just uses a USB mini-B connector... I'll make sure to bring my cable, if you don't have one like that.
  13. Ah... Guess I'm out of the running then. The likelyhood someone will release a coin as a traveler in my area (since hasn't already happened) is slim... and me getting my hands on the coin before the deadline to place my own cache is slimmer still. I'll still keep my eyes open for one, tho. Interesting that there are three contests relating to coins (aside from the american idol), and I won't stand a chance in any of them. Maybe I should convince someone local to start a contest so I can at least have the possibility of participating. On a brighter note, I already have an encoding scheme planned, should I be lucky enough to get a coin.
  14. I wasn't talkign about finding the cache with a paper version.. I was talking about those that are placing the caches. Honestly the decoder coin didn't fall into my desireable criteria when I first looked at it, but now I'm seeing that it might have some interesting uses. Mind you, even if I placed a cache that used a decoder coin, I don't know if anyone in my area would be able to decipher it with the coin.... those that buy coins in my area usually also place them in caches for others to find/enjoy and I havn't seen any floating aroudn local caches. Anyway.. I was looking at some of the images, particularly the die art in your preorder thread, and I was wondering if the hole is really an oval or just a circle?
  15. Perchance will they be available as downloadable files to a Garmin 60cs? (or to any computer-connectable gps device, for that matter)
  16. maybe tack-weld it to the top of the ammo can?
  17. I'm with UOTrackers.... If we had a high detail image we could print it out and place it on pog, to use only in creating/testing the puzzle(s).
  18. Congrats to you on #200 Yeah, I know my 200 isn't as great as those that are in the 1000's, but I'm pleased with myself. Even moreso, that I visited Groundspeak HQ for the 200th. :}
  19. Thanks for the compliment.. those are always nice to hear.
  20. I apologize for the delay, folks. Not having the die art ready before I opened the storefront was a bad move on my part, but I hope you'll forgive me as this is my first attempt. I promise I won't make the same mistake again. Bad news is I'm still waiting for the acknoledgment of the correction I asked for in the die art... Good news is that on the polished gold alone we're over 500 preorders, last I heard. Once the die art is _correct_, the storefront for the black nickel will open and then hopefully we can get coins minting soon.
  21. Was there talk about getting a fifth icon if you managed to complete a set, or am I confused?
  22. tracking/signature confirmation and insurance sounds like a good idea... sure it increases the shipping a bit, but then you'll have proof it got there safely.
  23. intriguing... What states will it cover? Will the coins be activated (meaning, visible as being in the cache)?
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