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Everything posted by 19claire75

  1. I was wondering if anyone else was experiencing problems downloading their pocket queries on to their GPS. I haven't had any problems before and everything seems ok, but when I switch my GPS on the caches don't appear. Any help would be appreciated. (I have a Garmin Oregon 450). Thanks
  2. Ahhh. Don't worry about it. Plenty more FTF's out there!!
  3. Thanks for both replies. I took the talky toaster option as a collegue recommended it too. Now the proud owner of a GPS with maps!!! Thanks again, Claire!
  4. I'm just starting to aquainted with my new GPS (Garmin 450) and I'm fairly new to Geocaching. What I would like to do is create a route on the geocaching.com website which I can follow on my GPS with caches on the way. I have followed the instructions and have managed but only if I follow roads. It doesn't appear to include footpaths which is a bit of a pain as I am planning on geocaching whilst on country walks. Basically what I'm asking is am I doing something wrong or is this just the way it is?? Any help appreciated! Thanks Claire
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