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Everything posted by trainlove

  1. This is something I had asked several months ago and would love it if they implement it. I think all geocaching web pages that give a list of caches have the distance and direction from your home coordinates shown. That also includes clicking of find all caches found by as cacher, find all caches hidden by a cacher and clicking on any cache type link in a cachers profile pages of caches. It's not as if youre not logged in when you do nearly any of these actions, so they should know your location. I think uniformity is important. Another bone of contention of mine is that when you look at all the travel bugs found by a cacher on his trackable page or all the travel bugs he owns, there should be a checkmark like indication for any that you have also handled. It would be kind of useful to see just how small the geocaching world is. It would be impossible for someone like Feathers (#2 in the World for bugs handled) to quickly be able to see if a bunch of bugs at an event table or otherwise is among the many he has touched without looking for his name in the logs for many bugs. All mine are on a computer but you can't lug that around, even putting them on a Palm is not so user friendly.
  2. Perfect, Jeremy's method works.
  3. In a few of my caches descriptions, I give mention of some other caches and cachers using something like the followeing <a href= "http://www.geocaching.com/profile/?u=stargeezer"><u>Stargeezer</u></a> and <a href= "http://www.geocaching.com/seek/cache_details.aspx?wp=gcjeg9"><u>Arabicache</u></a> I find this much better than the gobledygook of a 5000 hexadecimal digit GUID number that could change at any time. But I would like to know how, in the profile ref above, to go directly to the sheet tab that is 'Geocaches' instead of 'Profile' which forces a person to have to click on 'Geocaches'. I tried something like &p=Geocaches but it didn't work.
  4. The default used to be 100 and I used it all the time. Now I'll have to use the &dist= hack to get the info that I use in my profile page as opposed to not having to do anything special at all. That is until they make some other change forcing me to have to do something else.
  5. I'm not sure that the site is allUP and OK yet. I just tried to update my profile with my 400'th find and got UPDATE failed because the following SET options have incorrect settings: 'ARITHABORT'. what's that mean?
  6. 11'th time in 11 days, looks like you have a habit of TESTING your web site around noon Eastern Standard Time or each and every time I'm out in the field and trying to enter my logs from a library. I know you have more than one server since the forum username/password combo is case sensitive while the geocaching username/password is not case sensitive, that's at least 2 servers. And when I made my first couple caches my profile summary box showed 2 hidden but if you clicked on it and looked at geocaches there were none hidden by me until a couple hours later, so that's apparently a third server. And sometimes when I log a cache or a travel bug, my stats increment immediately but the cache or travel bug page does not show my log for several minutes, so that's a fourth server?
  7. After about a year of geocaching, I finally decided to become a premium member and what do I get, "Server down" about 10 times in the last 10 days all when I'm about 50 miles away from home at VARIOUS libraries. On each and every one of those days I had to curtail my searching and wasted many a trip. I kind of think I want to get my money back and be juat a regular member as I have been for 11 months.
  8. Oh grow up you guys. In this day and age of email enundation don't you know how to make filters and folders. I have all logs of my caches and TB's go into a folder called GeoFound, and I never need to look at those messages, I can just look at the cache of TB pages themselves. All mail sent to other cachers goes into a folder called GeoSent, this is just for my reference. All mail from other cachers goes into GeoContacting, and I read these few messages regularily. I have to add to my filters to get Waymarking to also go to these folders but I think Waymarking is going to go the way of the DoDo bird. I hope to be able to log EVERY coin icon in existance, and at a recent event a person handed out a list of his 50 different coin types with their serial numbers to at least 200 people. I guess he is smart like me and doesn't worry about the emails. If he wants to see the logs he looks at the coin pages maybe a few weeks after the event when everyone is done logging them. I looked at each and every one of those coins in his 20 pound notebook before I went away, and in the week it took me to log them all I said something about each and every one of them. And of course I'm not content with having just one of each coin, if I see another coin of a type that I already have I will still log it. My only problems are knowing which coins I have seen already (a small crib sheet suffices) and not logging a TB or coin that I had already handled. If you want to stop this practice then why don't you also only allow traditional caches, get rid of those pesky Multis and Mysteries and Earth and Event and Webcam and Letterbox and Project APE? and especially Virtuals just like you got rid of Reverse locationless.
  9. Thanks, I knew there was some way to get to it but couldn't remember how, and didn't see it in the normal processing that I do. It has been a long while since I've clicked 'geocaches' or 'travel bugs' from 'My Account' since there are better ways to do that.
  10. What ever happened to the feature where you can look at a calendar and see what days you have been caching? I just spent about 10 minutes doing everything I could thinkof to try to find that again. I guess it is no longer available but if anyone out there remembers it can you tell me how I had done it in the past.
  11. Oh, gee. I think it would be great if every coin issuer will change their icons every other day. That will make it fun to know what coin types you have handled in the past while doing cache searches! But really, why doesn't the owner of HC coins give it an icon, it currently is the same as Personal goicoins.
  12. Yes some people use Travel Bugs or Geocoins to do this. I just use the program EasyGPS to keep track of all caches I've visited including all parts of multi's, the only thing not kept is the date. I don't use TB's or coins like that since I sometimes want to know how big a cache is and if I see that it had a TB then I know it must be over a certain size. This practice by some people makes that method useless. P.S. One of these days I'll do that with a traveler tag, you know those things that are not trackable on geocaching.com but are on travelertags.com, I think they give you 10 free ones when you sign up. 1 will be for all caches, 2 will be for all caches big enough for a TB (no micros or picos), 3 will be all caches including all parts of multi's, 4 will be like 1 but at the end of each day a return trip home, 5 is like 2, 6 is like 3. In EasyGPS I have routes defined like each of the 1-6 just described. As another person mentioned, this will really only be the crow fly distances but interesting info nonetheless.
  13. Perhaps the subject of this should be "feature request". I have no idea why nobody has looked at tthis yet.
  14. Another 'useful' thing that might be added if they decide to add this capability is to also have a checkmark next to the cache that a bug is n if the logged in person has visited that cache. I.e. If looking at a history of travel bugs that are in cache xyz, a few have been handled by me so there should be a checkmark next to the TB name. A few others are in the hands of other cachers right now. A few more are in geocaches that I have been to so there should be a checkmark next to those cache names. And the rest are in geocaches that I have not visited so no checkmark. I know that this is nit picking but when I have handled several hundred TB's and met many geocachers it might be nice to check out just how small a world this is and see if any of them have handled TB's that I have had. For example, recently at a local library, I ran into a cacher I knew and he mentioned that at a recent event we both attended he picked up a Yellow Jeep 4x4. I said that I knew someone who needs to log one of those but the guy who picked it up already placed it in a cache of that other guy since he also knew that it was sought for by him. Real small world huh.
  15. I think it would be a good idea to have checkmarks show up on listiings of travel bugs for the bugs that a logged in person has handled. for example if I look at a persons profile and look at the bugs he owns, I do not see a checkmark next to any of his bugs that I have handled. This is an important feature since some bugs have stupid names like (USA geocoin) and I have handled 5 of those, but in order to know if a particular one had been handled by me i have to search it's log. And when it comes to TB's themselves, I have handled so many that I would have to make a list of their owners so that when I'm at an event and meet someone, I can say that I had handled one of their bugs. It was only after an event that I had checked my own profileof TB's and geocoins and made a list of their owners and have discovered that I have met many of them at events. I do make such a list of CACHE owners, but only for those owners that I have visited two or more of their caches. Being a small world, fully 110 of the 200 caches that I have visited were owned by only a total of 32 people., the remaining 90 caches were either one hit wonders or I have yet to visit another of their caches.
  16. I think it would be a great idea to have all areas where lists of caches are shown have the distance from your home also listed. For example, when looking at someones profile (of course you have to be logged in in order to do this), you can see all the caches he has hidden. But on the page showing his traditional caches, or multi caches or..., there are no distances shown. This would be nice to show since if you wanted to visit all the caches hidden by a person you would have to go to each listinig and see if it's close or thousands of miles away. Example 2, when finding all caches either hidden or found by a user again the distances are not shown. One way of getting here you also need to be logged in , but the other way you do not. I think that this 'query' has a smaller probability of being useful, but if YOU were logged in, why would all pages of lists of caches presented to YOU not have distances shown (isn't it a simple HTML code?)
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