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Posts posted by nutlady

  1. Close this. Im in contact with Winini, the letter I got was WAAAYYYYYYYY out of line. Im sorry most of all for apologizing to the person that sent me the nasty nasty mail that threatened me for liability on his security guards. ( YES HE DID) ( AND I still dont know why there WERE guards? Must be a BAD Apartment complex across the way? )

    Im now going out to eat an entire molten lava cake topped with a gallon of ice cream, with a side of Onion blossom for atonement. Winini want to join me?

  2. At 4:30 this morning, a well seasoned cacher ( a few thousand finds) was confronted at one of my new caches by security guards. First off, I will admit as I hid the cache, I saw NO security, reason for there to BE security ( still dont), or reason to think it was not in the public right of way, I have found several like it. So cache placement is MY fault, and cache was immediatly archived.

    The cacher REFUSED to leave the area after being asked too, until he found the "cache". I get a letter today from some guy in a building nearby that hes destroyed the cache taken from security, and mentioned that the cacher involved was confrontational, thrashing about, and hitting his fence in his attempt to find the cache. All of this in front of security guards.

    To think that he could have just left as he was asked to, sent me a mail and I could have archived it without any confrontation.......I am absolutly bewildered by this persons actions! Just what we need!

    Im not giving him his coveted FTF , either! :D



    First off the name of this thread is a personal attack and should be revised.



    Now, in defense of you and Nomex the cache appears (google sat) to be placed lawfully on a public right of way.



    I have some knowledge of the security field given nearly 20 years of doing and teaching corporate security.



    If the cacher in question was touched in ANY way by that Security Officer he was fully within his rights to resist with as much force as needed to back him off. The SO's authority DOES NOT extend to a public sidewalk. If this is what happened and the cacher KNEW his rights, that plus a good lawyer equals PADAY.



    I would save calling him an idiot unless you were witness to the action or have watched a tape of the encounter. I'd like to hear from that cacher's point of view too.


    Once again I apologize, how do I change the name of this thread?

  3. All right, let me correct myself by saying that I am the idiot. That was extremely poor judgement that I used and I deserve to be called upon it. I AM sorry. I also never expected folks to actually dig up any info...wow, you guys are good! I was upset because I got a letter "Email" that was pretty clear about my placement, which I was FURTHER an Idiot about, obviously. The arrow in the pic isnt correct, the cache was placed just off a sidewalk next to the big building, which is open to the public. Someone assumed correctly that it was under a loose fence cap, on the back corner.

    I will apologize here to everyone here, as well as the cacher personally. I Feel AWFUL that because of my post folks have taken the time to find out who he/she may or may not be. I surely didnt want to point any fingers.

    I was, AND remain upset over the language used in that e-mail that was sent to me. Without talking to the cacher I dont know the full story. I have forwarded the mail, however. It wasnt pretty. And besides my stupidity, if the person that sent me the mail felt the situation was so dire its still not good PR.

    To answer another persons question, I include a note in each on my caches as to what it is, and how to contact me if there is a problem with the placement.

  4. At 4:30 this morning, a well seasoned cacher ( a few thousand finds) was confronted at one of my new caches by security guards. First off, I will admit as I hid the cache, I saw NO security, reason for there to BE security ( still dont), or reason to think it was not in the public right of way, I have found several like it. So cache placement is MY fault, and cache was immediatly archived.

    The cacher REFUSED to leave the area after being asked too, until he found the "cache". I get a letter today from some guy in a building nearby that hes destroyed the cache taken from security, and mentioned that the cacher involved was confrontational, thrashing about, and hitting his fence in his attempt to find the cache. All of this in front of security guards.

    To think that he could have just left as he was asked to, sent me a mail and I could have archived it without any confrontation.......I am absolutly bewildered by this persons actions! Just what we need!

    Im not giving him his coveted FTF , either! :D

  5. :ph34r::D I was trying to let the guys think they stand a chance. :P The good news is that no more finds for the ladies today. The bad news is still no guys have been to the girls victory confetti. Maybe it will be Doug?!


    I hope it doesn't come down to the guys begging for clues from the ladies. B) At lease the puzzle master solved it in two minutes! I was hoping for longer but not surprised... there is 'magic' involved after all. B)


    Im BLIND! But I am also the WORST puzzle person. I think I have only figured out ONE puzzle all by myself, it was one for me in fact....the clues were like this...

    d, sounds just like fore

    e, same as d


    well, you get the drift?

  6. I think these are the kinds of things that nutlady is talking about.






    I think it's quite clear why poking around these could be construed as intending to vandalize or contaminate.


    I've found a few caches on these and similar pumps--though never on active farmlands (the area where I used to live had a lot of disused/abandoned agricultural lands). Usually they're right by the side of the road, and are unfenced.


    Thanks team perks! I dont know how to add pics here. The one on top is what I meant, but you find the other one here as well. Now add a mailbox a few feet in front and a house within view behind it, voila.

  7. We went to one a few days ago and there were NO Trepassing signs and Fences so we did not cross went on to next came home reread the page and and Placer had posted permission for hide.....Will try again but these pumps are private property and some may be dangerous if they are on timers or something and come on and hurt some one, Also the Farmers are actually looking out for us becouse the Chemicals they spray with can be a hazard also, they have to put up signs Here in Ca, when they Spray but some peeps don't care. I grew up in town and now work in a farm comuninty so i'm learning how Farmers can be and they don't like people around there property....Nut Lady did the right thing by contacting the cache placer and hopefully he/she will understand what the guidelines mean about permission.


    Just a place to rant.




    P.S. Nutlady we should make a meet and greet and explain the farmers point of veiw.


    Thanks Greg. I thought alot about this today. Why did I bring this up....I dont want any hard feelings from anyone, shoulda kept my fingers shut, etc. Then I had a conversation with an ex-farm wife. Shes a cacher too, so I didnt have to explain. It was pointed out to me that I couldnt put a cache on one of my own pumps still in use ( not to confuse with some old rusty thing sitting on seemingly deserted property or somthing) because if my over zealous trigger happy brother didnt catch a cacher and run them off, a neighbor would.

    I wouldnt have a problem with a cacher placing a cache near or in a fence post, along a ditch, or in weeds next to a telephone pole on my property. But actual farming equipment in use? Thats my beef.

    Like geocaching, farmers police each other too and report any suspicious activity. Theres ALOT of agricultural theft going on here and scrap metal prices are set pretty high right now! Another geocacher was just telling me a few days ago about coming across a chop shop where guys were cutting up irrigation lines to sell for scrap. ( ironically, they would have been worth MORE UN chopped) - Addicted people will do ANYTHING. How many times have I had to chase off folks stealing walnuts in my orchards when the price is "right" at the roadside, cash, no questions asked stands?

    Reason I am posting this is because I certainly realize that Geocachers WAY outnumber farmers. And Im QUITE sure none of you mean any malicious harm with your placements. In fact, geocachers are the best people Ive ever met! Yet to meet one I dont like!

    I guess I just like the sport too much. Its WAYYYYYYY funner then say, harvest. :unsure:

    I dont want to see bad things happen if they dont need too.

  8. .... And I do know for sure that it was placed without permission. ...
    I just reread your initial post. It did not appear from that post that you absolutely knew that the cache in question was placed without permission. That leaves two possible scenarios. Either you knew that it was placed without permission and did not say it, or you don't know that it is without permission and you are merely saying that now to make your case stronger. If it's the first option, I have to wonder why you didn't simply contact the reviewer or post an SBA. If it is the second, shame on you.


    Ok , I will take the shame on me. Im used to it.

    It was only after I saw where the cache was and started this topic, that I sent a note to the cache placer.

    See why I didnt want to start this topic? I kinda figured it would turn out this way, and I just want to be friends with all of you.

    The placement in question was far worser then then then the 7-8 other like wise caches. And i WILL ADMIT to looking for the others, and posted notes to each of them did they have permission.

    I got a post late last night from the hider, no , no permission. What makes it harder for me, I know him personally. If he was anonynous, I would have contacted the approver. Im really hoping he sees this thread. I hold him and his hides in high esteem. But this cache hiden a few feet from the mailbox and inview of the house. ....

    Heres what I would do.....take plate numbers and call police while loading my gun.

    Look, A micro stuck to somthing in town....which is most likely private, no ones going to notice. A Micro 10 miles outa town on a farms pump, or WHAT have you....thats going to be caught.

    Id rather be a snitch then have someone find buck shot up their hiney.

    And thats all I am trying to alleviate. Not to mention the BAD news coverage this would produce in our little news rags further bringing down the sport.

    Really, thats all! Otherwise I am fair game!


    A friendly note to the cache placer would probably be the best thing in this case. I looked at the caches you found yesterday and found the two that it was most likely involving, and as the next cacher, I wouldn't really see your note (I hope this is public property) as a potential problem warning the next cacher, or making the placer think about the location of the cache.


    One way you could word it would be something like "As a farmer involved with many types of expensive machinery, I don't think I would appreciate people around my equipment. Accidents can happen, to both the person and the machinery. Did you have permission from the farmer to place the cache on his pump? If so, would you please state on the cache page that permission was granted from Farmer John to place the cache here." If they do not respond, or respond to you rudely, then contacting the local reviewer may be the next step.


    I really don't think that you would be turning into a "cache police" by carefully wording your statement to avoid blame or finger pointing. They truly may not realize that they were on private property.


    Sorry, forgot to add that while those two were questionable, the one that set the original post off I woulnt DARE find without permission.


    A friendly note to the cache placer would probably be the best thing in this case. I looked at the caches you found yesterday and found the two that it was most likely involving, and as the next cacher, I wouldn't really see your note (I hope this is public property) as a potential problem warning the next cacher, or making the placer think about the location of the cache.


    One way you could word it would be something like "As a farmer involved with many types of expensive machinery, I don't think I would appreciate people around my equipment. Accidents can happen, to both the person and the machinery. Did you have permission from the farmer to place the cache on his pump? If so, would you please state on the cache page that permission was granted from Farmer John to place the cache here." If they do not respond, or respond to you rudely, then contacting the local reviewer may be the next step.


    I really don't think that you would be turning into a "cache police" by carefully wording your statement to avoid blame or finger pointing. They truly may not realize that they were on private property.

  11. I might add...Nutlady...why are you looking for a cache that you admittedly thought was on private property in the first place??? If you have concern that it's NOT supposed to be there, why are YOU??


    Not trying to be mean or single you out NL...just a serious question about this.


    As far as jumping to conclusions...how are we to KNOW unless we question??? Ignoring the listing DEFINITELY won't help the situation! It's not that it BOTHERS anyone, it should be more to the point of IS that a SAFE and REASONABLE location, are we WELCOME there and not trespassing??


    To simply ignore this is inexcuseable as a responsible cacher! Letting someone else find out the "hard way" is probably the worst thing I've seen so far!!


    Would it REALLY hurt either the cacher wondering about a cache OR the owner of said cache if the person ASKS??


    When I drove up to the cache, I realized from the hint alone exactly where it was, so I drove off. No way IM gonna be the one caught redhanded! Thus, why I started this thread. And I do know for sure that it was placed without permission. Its going to be ugly when someone gets caught.

  12. What sbell said - you state that you don't want to be a cache cop but you are making yourself into one.


    Which is it? Will you monitor and police caches or just go enjoy finding them?


    Skip any you don't like. :blink:


    Geocaching's dirty-little-secret is that the vast majority of hides have no permission. :blink:


    Feel I gotta defend myself here. I would say 1 out of 4 caches I find are in places they most likely SHOULDNT be. A few make me go WOAH, how did THAT get by the reviewer? But I figure its none of my business, find it or skip it and on my way! Ive got a few of them myself that some people loathe. This "problem" appeared months ago and I have bit my tongue til yesterday cause I didnt want to make anyone angry or blow whistles. Well, the rest is in the post above this.

    Thanks EVERYONE for your opinions! I worried about making a remark in my posts and instead questioned the hider to no response in the past, now I feel confident enough to mention somthing in the logs I made.

  13. You can always place those caches on your ignore list and move on with your life.


    In this case cant. Its not that its one person, or one kind of hide I dont like, so Im being "picky", its that in this one general area it seems to be accepted to hide a cache on a farmers pump! Yesterday there were 3, ( one RIGHT next to his/her mailbox visable from the house.) Before that in the same area were 4-5 others, one was actually an EXCELLENT camo job! One of the best! But it sure didnt belong there and while I searched and found it, I was mighty scared Joe farmer was going to come out of the orchard anytime and catch me messing with his equipment.

    What I see happening is that as newbies find these caches, they assume its fair game as far as new placements go, and THATS what I would love to avoid!

  14. Ok. I went caching today for a few. I live in a rich ( and I dont mean $$$$$) farming area. THeres a few caches out here that are placed by non farmers on things such as water pumps, which are clearly ( to me, Im a farmer) private property that happens to be close to the road. I try to be nice, cause maybe folks dont realize that because its in the "boonies" and a nice magnetic place, that its not private property. Yet, as a pump owner, if I caught anyone looking around one of my pumps ( besides the electric bill guy looking at the meter spinning in a clearly marked truck) I would take their plate number and call police while I chased them away. I just dont find this "kosher" placement. Unless, of course permission is given by the owner.

    Ive left nice notes.....( like, do you have permission?) .I dont want to be the cache police here . I REALLY dont want to be the cache police here! And so much so, that Im wondering what to do? Cause I guarantee that once farmer sees one messing with his multi thousand dollar pump he isnt going to be amused!

    What to do? I might add, I seem to be the only one here in my area concerned, so maybe that makes me a farming fogey? If so, slap me with a wet noodle, or nut!

  15. When I started hiding, I will admit to some poorly placed unpopular caches. One by one they are getting "lost"....I just wish they would get lost FASTER! Part of me wants to go and yank them all out and archive them. But then I decided as others so I have read....that I should replace them with a better thought out cache. I have at any given moment at least 20 ready to go caches in my vehicle. I tend to make a cache and then look for a spot. Probably not the wisest method, and has been brought up. Better to find location first....but you cant teach an old dog new tricks! Besides, I carry with me at all times loads of "tools for the trade. "


    The biggest thing I try to do now, is to NOT hide a cache "just because". Sure, I can go out tommorow and hide 50 lame hides, but I dont want that reputation. ( its already bad enough...LOL)

    So my ratio is going way down, cause I prefer to hide caches that are more clever ( I HOPE) then what I started doing ! Personally, I would rather search for one clever thought out cache then 10 boring ones!

  16. It kinda makes me angry that some folks wont admit to a DNF. ( yes I sure do, Im almost to 200 now! MUCH more interesting then being FTF!) Most of my caches are not THAT difficult....and I have had people personally tell me they looked for such and such so many times but couldnt find it, and in the time between my cache gone missing and me getting this news, other folks look for it. Look, I try to check on my caches as best as I can, so maybe that makes me a bad cacher for placing so many! But as soon as I get 2-3 DNFs on a cache I am there to check it out. Even 1 DNF if im in the area.

    And as a hider, I do have a few difficult ones, and the fun for me IS the DNFS. WEll, ok, the finds too, but I purpously made these challenging, what is the shame in admitting a DNF? Isnt that part of the game? Come on, let me have fun, but give me the heads up to check on the cache as well. Its not like there will be a medal awarded to the cacher that has no DNFs logged.

    Off my box.

  17. QUITE unexpectantly came a bag of coins yesterday. Only one that I bought was expected. THANK YOU.......you know who you are:-)

    I bought....

    The last cache of the day

    I received WITH IT

    Team Sand Dollar trackable Black, Silver, Gold

    Satellite series Gold and silver

    Mtn-Mans brick

    Sparkley orange lips

    bronze FTF

    caching the pumkin patch


  18. TRUST ME, is was $$$$$ feasable and I could sell them for the additional cost incurred, my coins would have been made anywhere BUT China. I will gladly pay more for a local ( or at least made in my own COUNTRY) coin. But sadly, I expect most people only look at the price when shopping for anything.

    Off my bucket.

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