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Everything posted by freeday

  1. i heard infos (garmin-dealer) about new colorados in autumn that might be the reason because the support of the current colorados is going to fall asleep. the new models seem to have more features than the current colorados. does anyone have more information.
  2. you can have 4 different map-files at the same time (tested) sorry - info in german language http://www.naviboard.de/vb/showthread.php?t=25706 Wo können die Karten liegen? Intern SD (SD = externe Speicherkarte) gmapbmap.img gmapbmap.img *) wahlweise (SD hat Vorrang)ist normalerweise die DEM im internen Speicher !!! gmapprom.img gmapprom.img *)wahlweise (SD hat Vorrang) gmapsupp.img gmapsupp.img beide imgs werden gleichzeitig genommen *) Es gibt Berichte, daß gmapbmap.img + gmapprom.img nur intern laufen. http://www.naviboard.de/vb/showpost....80&postcount=5 man kann also 4 IMG gleichzeitig drauf haben und anzeigen lassen Beispiel: intern:\Garmin\gmapbmap.img DEM default intern:\Garmin\gmapprom.img beispielsweise Worldmap 4.0 intern:\Garmin\gmapsupp.img beispielsweise Selbstdefinierte Karten oder MS-zusammengestellte-Karten extern:\Garmin\gmapsupp.img beispielsweise Selbstdefinierte Karten oder MS-zusammengestellte-Karten
  3. of course i can wait to get an update - but now we are waiting long enough to get some bugs fixed
  4. you can turn all tones on or off no keytone and a alarmtone or routing tone is not possible. But there are a lot of guys who are happy with this feature --> http://forums.Groundspeak.com/GC/index.php...p;#entry3464162 if you want no key tones you have to: use the display of the colorado (without tones) take a vista hcx with you to get the routing tones and take a clock with alarm function with you to get a alarm wake up garmin http://forums.Groundspeak.com/GC/index.php?showtopic=192938
  5. geocachers maybe will love it. all others will not be happy with this buggy garmin
  6. does it mean you are all so happy - so you need never any update of the firmware because all is perfect now
  7. so why doesn't Garmin change it it is impossible to turn of the key tones but enable the alarm tone
  8. The best invention of the year the new colorado silent alarm function. just turn of the key tones and your colorado will wake you up with a silent alarm tone your neighbour will be happy wtfigoh
  9. nice pics - but i am sure garmin will not change it (and i am sorry about that) I thought garmin would implement more features afters having the unit some months on the market. there was plenty of time to do so. the co might be a nice unit for caching, but for biking, hiking (and other activities) the gpsmap-series and vista series will be the best choice.
  10. in think there is a big difference (my colorodo 300 has the same difference as shown on the pic) left: full battery light right: full car adapter light picture from gpspassion.com maybe there is a problem only with the series colorado 300 (but i already have the second co300 with this backlight bug)
  11. great idea - but - we have only 7 days - so they might think there is only a position error on wednesday and forward it to the nasa
  12. after the latest beta-fw i am not sure if it makes any sense to report bugs to garmin - garmin seems to have their own strategy. i thought they would change e.g. the visibility of the colorado display (light like car-adapter, type of colors) - until now there is no approvement from the bug-list http://garmincolorado.wikispaces.com/Issues+List we are still missing "some" fixes. so does it make any sense to report it one more time?
  13. YES, but after the 2.51b, i am sure Garmin will never do so with the current 300 and 400 Colorado series
  14. @g-o-cashers Did you ever get an answer from garmin that your excellent list of bugs will be really read. after the new beta, i am not sure they did read your http://garmincolorado.wikispaces.com/
  15. please look at the last topic of this page: http://www.kowoma.de/en/gps/accuracy.htm accuracy and EPE is not the same. But is is a nice indicator - therefore you need no datafield. still missing the status bar on the colorado
  16. Is anyone else missing the blue circle? What is the blue circle on the map of the other garmin units: The blue circle graphically illustrates the accuracy on the map. The larger the circle is, the less accurate you should expect your position on the map. It is a very nice feature - i like it.
  17. If you do not like to have a "key beeper" you can turn of the tone. - But then you will not have any alarm function. So alarm function and no tone by pressing any key is not possible. Crazy function.
  18. YES, I mean the GPS bars next to the battery indicator on the backlight screen (when you push the power button) Why does not Garmin make a bar for each sat with a lock/connection. - So it is easy to see if i have 2D/3D-Reception. I would prefer: 1 satbar: 1 sat with connection 2 satbars: 2 sats with connection 3 satbars: 3 sats with connection (2D) 4 satbars: 4 sats with connection (3D) 5 satbars: 5 or even more sats with connection (3D)
  19. some additional issues: 1) i have 2 profiles: automotive and custom SETUP -TRACKS -TRACKLOG is set to ON (on both profiles) sometimes the system sets it to off (at this time i do not know what you have to do to get this bug - but i had it already several times) 2) on pressing WHERE TO? - WAYPOINT - Example1 at this time it is only possible to: PROJECT WAYPOINT EDIT WAYPOINT GO it would be great to be able to scroll on the map
  20. What does it mean if i have 1 satbar 2 satbars 3 satbars 4 satbars 5 satbars I compared it with the satscreen. The bars on the satscreen are different to those on the power-on-screen so if you have 4 bars on the sat-screen, you do not have 4 bars on the power-on-screen
  21. 1. unit had bad reception and the enter-key did not work always 2. unit is ok (C 300)
  22. good idea !!! - available until 6 months after the snapshot -so we have to wait
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