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Everything posted by ovoadmala

  1. i've been lurking on and off for, well, a long time now. first read about geocaching about three years ago when i was about 8 months pregnant -- needless to say i put off caching for a little while. i keep finding myself drifting back here, intrigued, so i finally ordered a gps yesterday to give this a shot. i actually think it's good form to lurk for a while in places like this, to get to know the tenor of a forum and the expectations of participants, both here on the forum and while out caching. i know some other places where people just jump in without getting a lay of the land first, and they just end up looking like a noob. i’m sure that will never happen to me…
  2. seems like as good a place as any to make an introduction ovoadmala comes from the latin phrase ab ovo usque ad mala meaning from the egg to the apples. as i may or may not remember correctly, it's from the traditional roman banquest which started with eggs and ended with fruits. i always like the metaphor of life as a banquet to be sampled from, from beginning to end, so i shorted it into ovoadmala as my online moniker. i use it on the other forums i participate in and as my domain name for a personal website that i have great intentions of developing for real some day...
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