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Everything posted by T.R.a.M.P.

  1. Are you all on a Virgin connection? I was getting "server not found" errors last night, so Edgey kindly gave me a mirror address which worked, though I still get the errors, but at least the box appears. I'd imagine when Virgin have fixed all their issues it'll work fine. We are not on a Virgin connection. It is slightly reassuring that others are experiencing similar concerns. Hope somebody can help SOON Ditto here - I get a url not found message
  2. I didn't know that... While the OS map substituter is out of action (any news on that?) I have the Yahoo map for the detail as well - and if you click on that one you go to the Google Maps. I didn't know that either
  3. You need to edit the memory.txt file and point the userimages directory to where yours is. My problem was that my default directory is C:\GSAK.. and the memory.txt file has it as C:\program files\GSAK... removing the Program files etc worked for me. It's a good guide but use it in conjunction with the readme.txt file in the ZIP file as well. Hope that helps.If not, PM/EMail me (I'm nearly back to being good again!!!) Wow that was quick! You must have been posting as I corrected the orginial - many thanks for your reply anyway
  4. I have been fairly happy with the default icons but I thought I would have a look at what all the fuss was about I followed all the steps in the link above and it all made sense - the only problem is that I end up with every cache and waypoint as a small blue dot What have I missed??? Edited - I found it For some reason I installed GSAK in c:\gsak and memory.txt has the path to the icons embedded in it. A quick find and replace to give the correct path and the export now gives me all the lovely icons! Many thanks to all involved in generating them! Cheers, Trevor
  5. We saw that one as well - from the initial trailer I though it was Wherigo So, what came first, Locomatrix or Wherigo?
  6. Only been caught cache in hand once when we had snaffled the cache from a fairly busy location and sat nearby to fill in the log. When we went to return it there was another couple searching the cache location. Well, we couldn't be the cause of a DNF, so we introduced ourselves and handed over the cache - they were looking in the right place anyway
  7. 6. Pigpen 7. Dilbert.... Carol the secretary?
  8. I thought that 'seeing stars' was actually blood corpuscles crawling across the cornea Or maybe I've been hit on the head too much
  9. Of those two, Rutson's list, every time. The alternative has far too many unitary authorities, which in most cases, to most people, are not counties. Many of them aren't even cities. What the man said - Rutsons list for me.
  10. Or even this one not too far away if you want something smaller.
  11. Glad to be of assistance Yes but I use Notepad2 - nothing to do with Microslob...
  12. Doh - I see what has happened. I originally referred to v1.3 which is the GC Forums fix script but the actual fix described above is in the Geocaching Forums Tools script. Sorry I hope you can fix it now.
  13. Can you advise on how to put this into the existing script? I can open the script in Notepad, but it is not easy to identify where the modification needs to go. Or could you put a link to the full, modified script? Thanks. Geoff YES - it works for me as well but with a little fiddling... The code to be replaced is around line 53 of the script where you find the original function definition. Remove these lines - they are now in the commented (/*...*/) part of the new code. Insert the new code - I removed the ; on the end...? I then had to disable and re-enable the script, with page refreshes before it finally burst back into life. Many thanks GeoBain
  14. Not working for me either and I have the same versions as Dino. I'm on the same versions, but on Ubuntu (Linux) not Windows, and it was working for me. HOWEVER while poking about it unexplainably stopped working, to get it working again I had to disable the script and re-enable it again and it's all working as expected. Not working for me, Win2K at work, Win XP at home - same versions with GC forum fix (v1.3) I tried disabling then re-enabling but no difference.
  15. OS map substitution is working fine but the link to OS GetaMap from the grid refs seems broken. I'm not sure if I still need it with the map substitution...?
  16. Stop ignoring people?????? ...who said that?
  17. Doh, I really should read all the day's posts before posting myself - I just bumped the original ignore script thread with the same observation.
  18. A quick bump to this old thread... My 'ignore button' seems to have stopped working... Any suggestions please anyone?
  19. I would go along with that. I have lived on the South Downs all my life but until a couple of local power trails were put up I had never bothered to venture that far. I also don't think that stages in a multi would have go us around the route(s) - I guess it really is about the numbers for us
  20. With all this talk of save and restore, I would be much happier if Win Mobile 5 also had the capability It seems as though a hard/soft reset does not lose everything as with earlier versions but I don't want to trust in that. Does anyone know of any way to make similar backups from WM5?
  21. How did you put them on the SD card? If you put the SD card into a reader, it is likely that the card got reformatted when the new files were added. I followed the install instructions with ActiveSync running and followed the relevant prompts on the IPAQ as they occurred. Interestingly, Wherigo still seems to start up even with the SD card missing - so it (and .NET) must have installed in main memory despite which I selected! Having said that, I still have not run the tutorial... I really posted this as a warning of possible problems, since I only lost my Memory Map maps and a few mp3 files. I have now reformatted the SD card and copied over the missing files and all seems to be well - others may not be so fortunate!
  22. Slightly OT but even Win Mobile 5 is not immune - it is Microsoft after all I installed Wherigo on my IPAQ rx5720 SD card and lost the contents of the card Trevor
  23. Since Tesco's already have Cadbury's creme eggs in, the Easter Avatar is on standby J But Sainsbury's have had hot cross buns all year...
  24. I don't know if it was the .NET install or the Wherigo but I put them on the SD card on my IPAQ rx5720 and now all the other folders on the storage card seem to have gone There is a single strange file the seems to be 15M in size. Should I not have put .NET and Wherigo on the SD card? Has anyone else seen this and is there any way to recover, or do I just have to re-install the missing files again? Cheers, Trevor
  25. I'm with spannerman on this one. We had the same experience with a micro in the fence around a play area and it took a couple of visits before we found the play area deserted and we could log the cache undisturbed. Slightly OT but a single man caching in an area with many dog walkers can also stand out and cause concern among the muggles. Trevor
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