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Snake River Sunrise

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Everything posted by Snake River Sunrise

  1. When did that become outside the rules?? Cool. So if I include a definition of the figure of speech or whatever on the cache page then I'm good. I guess.
  2. I'd like to start a cache where you go to some coordinates and are asked to find some text (on a sign, billboard or building) that satisfies some puzzle requirements. It would be an "English Major" series of caches like: "Find a female rhyme" or "look for a hendiady". It would be a virtual cache with no container where you'd have to email me the text to get logged. It violates a bunch of rules: 1) no virtual caches 2) being fun for a majority of cachers 3) not requiring outside research 4) not requiring contact with the owner in order to log I'd like some help from the community to change my idea into something that could be published. Maybe there could be a physical cache at each site to log in but also a series of word puzzles to solve first for a prize sort of a "log all seven of these caches and solve every word puzzle for a first to solve prize." What think you all?
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