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Everything posted by BlueEmu32

  1. as an eagle scout myself ive been through everything scouting has to offer... and if i stumbled upon a "cache" of low cost items in the middle of nowhere i would probably not feel too bad about takingan item... an item.. however with clear knowledge of what it is... its purpouse... and the mere fact that someone took their time and energy to provide an awesome experience for many more people to enjoy... it would have been respected for what it was... someone elses thing... a scout is curteous... this point of the scout law should be enough to make you think twice before plundering what obviously belongs to someone else... well sealed containers with all kinds of goodies dont just grow up out of the dirt or sprout out of the branch of a tree... come on guys... Id like to challenge any scouters out there to really think about what youve learned... and use it... thats why we enter the program... and for you eagles and leaders... set the EXAMPLE!
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