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Posts posted by darwinmay

  1. I'd search for this but I get tired of the forum search tool, so if it doesn't piss anyone off I'm starting a new thread.


    Considering going to Colorado for a week or so, after I get a GPS, and I'm not too sure I'd have internet access out there. Some caches are marked as "Traditional"(or whatever the plain basic cache is) but have some caveats to them. If I'm going for more than 5 caches in a day, it gets annoying to print stuff out. I'd like a PDA, only restrictions are:

    • Under $50
    • Able to run cachemate

    I had a suggestion for a Handspring, any others to look into?



  2. travle bug that i plan to take to europe and i have to keep telling my self (don't even think about it) because im tempted to just go over evry other day and take the new stuff out.

    About the travel bug, make sure you visit the travel bug page: Travel Bug and log it, or else nobody will know it's moving to europe.

  3. Lostoutdoors.com seems to be the best for us folk in the mountain west.

    I used that once. It didn't work with Firefox and I had to spend 15 minutes tryuing to find IE on my comp. I'll stick with Terraserver images.


    I like mapquest, so far I have 11 (maybe 12? lol) finds, all of those were gpless and used mapquest (and a hint from the owner on a couple really tricky ones) to find.



  4. What's the difference between deer and dog ticks? I looked at some pictures, but couldn't tell them apart.


    After caching the other day, through some tall grass cause another path (probably would have had more ticks that way) was blocked, I found a tick crawling on me.... Was rather small, maybe 1/8" wide. I caught it before it bit, but didn't feel it walking.I hate these things, they disgust me.



  5. Where can I get one of those buttons for my website that has Signal with something like "BlueNinja's stats:1 hidden, 11 found"? I've been looking but nothing's turned up.



  6. I *must* get my General license. I need to quit procrastinating on learning code.


    10m is one of the things I am most looking forward to. If I weren't planning on spending most of my birthday money on geocaching, I'd get a decent HF radio :ph34r:



  7. At a cache one day, I went along with a couple other people. One took a TB, but for simplicity's sake , I logged everything. Is it possible to transfer posession of a TB on goecaching.com?

  8. Er-maybe it's possible to go caching during the day? Or do you have something in the way of that?


    Anyways, do you know if Zanfel works for eczema too? I have that, and sometimes it's pretty bad. Probably wouldn't notice poison ivy if I got it.

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