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Posts posted by LingHoney

  1. You think that's bad? Benchmarkers drive around with a bag of white powder, which they smear on benchmarks to make the engravings easily visible. Imagine having to explain that to a cop.


    Heck, just carry cocaine and use that as the powder, and kill two birds with one stone!

    :laughing: Ok THAT deserved a laugh!

    I have had cops stop and ask me what Im doing, especially if Im snooping behind buildings but never had any oppose to it or pat me down.

  2. Funny and kind of off topic but is it me or does anyone else fear of getting pulled over and searched only to have the cops go through a back pack of empty pill bottles, tiny baggies, rolls of duct tape and zip ties, etc? I can only imagine! Hopefully they know of the sport, Geocaching cuz that would make one heck of an explanation! LOL :laughing:

  3. I am a bit of a cheater on this one lol......I carry baggies, old pill bottles and 35 ml canisters, heavy duty velco, small magnets, camo tape, black duct tape, zip ties, scissors, various sized replacement logs, pens/markers, duco cement or goop glue, memo books for bigger cache logs, .....etc. There is an awesome mentor, Andy "Head Hard Hat" Smith that has several Geocaching tutorials on his site: GeoSnippets.com. he teaches you the basics on how to build a E.G.R.K...... I do not mind fixing/replacing a cache especially if its a highly travelled cache but I do contact the owner to let him know so he can perhaps decide on a different type of container all together. Hope this helped:)....oh and Prevlar waterproof paper for logs is great!

    I hope that you don't ever replace a cache without asking the owners permission first. Never replace a cache because you can't find it and then claim it as found. This happened to me this past weekend and i was not happy about it. If you don't find it, you don't find it. Please give the owner the opportunity to take care of it himself and log the cache as dnf. I know some go a long time with dnf and they seemed to be abandoned but it is not up to anyone but the owner to replace it unless you aske them first.


    Oh no no, If I happen to find a badly damaged or evidence of a missing cache I do contact owner and offer a replacement along with a photo of that replacement if granted. This has happened on 2 different occasions for me and the CO's were very happy someone would take the time and TLC to care for their cache....even if I had to go back a week or so later after permission. :D

  4. I can't emphasize enough the importance of actually holding and using a unit before you buy.


    I'm going to recommend a Garmin Oregon 200. Although discontinued now - you can find them at bargain prices around $170.


    Touchscreen, high sensitivity, Geocaching friendly, USB transfers, no external software needed, rugged, water resistant.


    Check Amazon.


    How about "bouncing"? Do actual GPSr's do this as much as cell apps? Especially in high wooded areas....I will start trekking to GZ then my little "blue guy" dead stops...Next thing I know I have passed GZ by 15 feet once it re-registers itself. I didnt know if this was a GSP thing in general or if it happened more on cell phone applications. :huh:

  5. I have been using my cell phone since I started Geocaching (Motorola Droid) in Aug of last year.

    It seemed logical at the time since it was always at hand but then came the inconvenience when a text or call would come in...and lets not even mention the battery usage (I had to purchase a back up).


    I do want to look into actual GPSr's but Im not sure what I am looking for.

    I dont want to go cheap and unreliable and I dont want to go over the top and out of my range since I would just use it for the sport.


    I havent really looked at them but have noticed light ones other cacher friends have worn around their necks and I like that hands-free option.


    Also do they make them waterproof? I know some of you are probably laughing because I do not know squat about these things but, hey, I gotta know lol.

    The kids and I tend to do alot of dirty caching - in the water, in the rain, mud etc and the whole "Droid in a baggie" is getting old.


    And what about function? Do you have to download a geo app of some sort or is it simply a plug and download coords thing? I know, I am a GPSr dummy - need to buy a book or something lol.


    Someone fill me in please....and give me hints where to buy them :anicute:


    Thanx in advance!

  6. As I have said before this will not be over until she presents her evidence that supports her claims that I am an armchair cacher. I will not allow her slanderous remarks to go unchallenged!

    WHAT DID ORIGINAL CONTAINER LOOK LIKE?....no answer: my proof. Enough has been said.

  7. Ok wow, this forum so needs to be done. And for the record...geocaching.com had deleted his log and are watching the page. ( I still have email from them saved) As I said before, if some grown adult took the OP to heart when their name wasn't even mentioned, then I would seriously have to look into some self analysis instead of throwing a tantrum. I'm done. I do have a life.

    Happy caching people! :)


    Heatherlee, ask yourself this: "Was it worth it?"

    There is no doubt your actions were justified. He claimed the log was wet, when it was not. His signature wan't on the log. He couldn't describe anything about the hunt or the cache. Everything points to his found log being bogus, and Groundspeak will support your deletion.

    But was it worth it?

    Consider all the angst this episode has generated. All the stress it has placed you in. If you had posted a simple maintenance log on your cache, noting that the log was dry, and that the previous finder's signature was missing, leaving their find log intact, this whole episode would have been over before it started.

    Which is more important? Inner peace or being right?

    You know what, no. Now I think of it, really no. I am under incredible stress and have been hospitalized 3 times in 2 weeks. With having to explain this to 6 children is not easy. I have found something (geocaching) that we are all involved with and can spend some fun time and check out interesting thing together. I may take it a bit seriously but I just expect adults to follow the rules of the sport like we do.

  9. Oh so your on sick leave yet you have time to go out to geocaches? Hmmm...I wonder what your boss would think of such behavior?

    You and Linghoney both need to give this a rest.


    Your thinly-veiled threat isn't very sporting. Your log is now posted on the cache. She had a right to delete the online log when there was no signature in the cache log, and apparently she deleted a subsequent log due to some potty language. It's all over now, so get on with life. These forums have enough angst,


    Y'all both should have a donut and chill.



    Thank you geogeebee. I agree. This is too time consuming. Its bad when I spend more time arguing over a valid decision, than I do geocaching itself right now lol. :)

  10. Oh so your on sick leave yet you have time to go out to geocaches? Hmmm...I wonder what your boss would think of such behavior?

    I have cancer....my boss knows, thank you.

    And not that its anyones business but I find geocaching a nice way to spend time with my children, considering.

  11. Well was back in the area today so I went and relogged this one to shut her up, took photos this time too so no more of her lies. Also managed to find the gum rapper I left with my name and date on it on the ground near by, funny. I would also like to post a challenge to the troublemaker who has been bad mouthing me on these forums for the past few days. Show me one cache that I have not signed the log of but logged online? I mean if this is so common a behavior for me then please show evidence. If your going to throw around accusations you had better have proof to back them up, other wise it is slander and you are liable. Also to all those who took her word as gospel, please take a look at the caches I have found. If I was an armchair logger as she had suggested don't you think I would have logged a few more than 257 in the past year? Also, wouldn't the owners of these other caches have said something, or those that found them after me? Oh and for the record I do list my DNFs, there are several local caches that I have yet been able to find in my small town and believe me I want those smiles but not enough to lie about my finds and certainly not enough to avoid listing the blue frown face when I fail. Finally, as for my photo on here yes it is a beer, but if you will look in the background you will also notice the tops of several Mayan temples that make up the core of the site of Tikal in Guatemala(GCGCX7). That photo was taken the day I was first introduced to geocaching by one of my students. In order to claim this cash, one must climb to the top of one of the temples and snap a photo. The temple is about five or six stories tall and the top is reached by climbing a crudely built Guatemalan ladder. It just so happens that their is an small bar run by the park at the base of the temple and as a result a challenge has arisen at the site to see if one can make it to the top with their open beer. Anyone who knows anything about archeologist knows that we never turn down down a challenge involving beer, something the OP should know if she truly knows so many archeologist. So while up there we decided to kill two birds with one stone and snap the photo with us enjoying our beers. Now if the thought of someone enjoying a cold beer in the jungle while taking their college age students who are of age somehow upsets your feels then I both apologize and feel sorry for you for life must be very difficult for you indeed. However since I am not drunkenly beating my wife or tossing babies off the top of the temple the photo shall remain.

    Oh and one final thought. Here is a little background on Dr. Gary Fry, the professor that she thought was so very wonderful.


    The Truth about Dr. Gary Fry


    If you do not care to look I will sum it up: history of drug and alcohol abuse, arrested on campus, forced to resign, and currently working at a collection agency for the local gas company. Funny how me calling her a git and drinking a beer offends her sense of family friendly yet she can stand to be friends with this low life.




    That is fine that you have found the cache now, I'm very happy for you but as others are pointing out, there was no reason to not sign a dry log nor not to remember any aquerate details or even vague ones at that. Sure, I don't find a million caches a day but I also, until recently due to sick leave, worked 12 hrs a day and took my 5 youngest children with me on the hunt...Makes a difficult time to hit a ton in just a couple hrs before sun fall, that doesn't mean I am an unexperienced cacher nor any less of a challenged hunter.

    There were several reasons why your log was deleted and this was an explained. For one, I do not tolerate ignorance on my families page (ei. TEAM Ling Honey). My 9 and 10 yr olds frequent geocaching.com more than I do. They have even shown it in school.

    If you had been decent, there wouldn't have been a problem nor had this forum, gone on and on. You fueled the fire, with profanity and name calling. I'm honestly glad you have seeked cache and appropriately signed. If this would have been done on the earlier claimed visit, then we would not be here. If you want to leave a DECENT log on the page, I will not have a problem with that. I'm not that hard to get along with. I have met several cachers out and about and they can admit to this.


    As for Dr. Fry, you misunderstood what was said. John & Joann White were close friends of my family. I basically grew up at either the digs,at their house with their daughter, or at the ytown playhouse. He was a great guy and I'm sorry to see him gone. I only remember meeting Fry a few times when my dad helped dig up that indian snake thing (can't remember exactly what it was about, I was young).

    So as for being close with Fry, that's a nada. It was/is the Whites.



    Oh yeah I DID mention me recently put on sick leave. Just making sure. :)

  12. Ah I never said the wrapper was dry she did which is interesting since she does not get off work till seven and its only five here so apparently she can tell the condition of paper from a photo, impressive. No digging required I had the misfortune of being at YSU when that joke was sacked for his drug use, no not a liable statement there actually legally established fact. Also if "git" is considered potty language you really need to get out more because that is the only name I ever used and it is not vulgar. Frankly though I really do not care what you all think I just wanted those who had not messaged me yet for my side of the story to be able to read it.


    So...you are a teacher, huh?

    Did I NOT just mention I'm on sick leave? Oh wow! LOL

  13. Well I only became so angry when you created a hate filled slander thread for no reason. You talk about your kids when you in fact were acting like a little prat when you created this thread and claimed i was an arm chair cacher. By the way you still have yet to back up your claim that their are other caches I have illegally logged. Why not? Could it be that you were wrong? That you lied about that to give yourself some sort of moral high ground.

    Ummmm, problem there. You were the one to post ignorant things on my page BEFORE the forum got underway.

    And yes, I did talk to other COs. What we talked about (unless they themselves post here) will be kept between us and they had contacted me on the subject. End of story.

  14. Well I only became so angry when you created a hate filled slander thread for no reason. You talk about your kids when you in fact were acting like a little prat when you created this thread and claimed i was an arm chair cacher. By the way you still have yet to back up your claim that their are other caches I have illegally logged. Why not? Could it be that you were wrong? That you lied about that to give yourself some sort of moral high ground.

  15. Ah I never said the wrapper was dry she did which is interesting since she does not get off work till seven and its only five here so apparently she can tell the condition of paper from a photo, impressive. No digging required I had the misfortune of being at YSU when that joke was sacked for his drug use, no not a liable statement there actually legally established fact. Also if "git" is considered potty language you really need to get out more because that is the only name I ever used and it is not vulgar. Frankly though I really do not care what you all think I just wanted those who had not messaged me yet for my side of the story to be able to read it.

    ok - tell us your side ---- BTW still haven't answered the second question I asked above: So I am curious, why didn't you sign the log the first time around?? -- and why couldn't you describe the cache or location to her?

    Anyone is more than welcome to look at the pic and draw their own conclusions.......

  16. The cache was full of water and I left that wrapper in there. As a matter of fact it is still in there so I did not litter. The more important question is why does the owner feel so threatened by my find that she now has to delete my logs with actual photographic proof. Just sad really that someone so old must be so petty. Maybe she has been spending to much time with that old crack head Dr. Fry!

    Ahhh... you should probably go read the forum posting guidelines, my friend. Not to mention the possibility of a libel suit from just that one sentence.


  17. Well was back in the area today so I went and relogged this one to shut her up, took photos this time too so no more of her lies. Also managed to find the gum rapper I left with my name and date on it on the ground near by, funny. I would also like to post a challenge to the troublemaker who has been bad mouthing me on these forums for the past few days. Show me one cache that I have not signed the log of but logged online? I mean if this is so common a behavior for me then please show evidence. If your going to throw around accusations you had better have proof to back them up, other wise it is slander and you are liable. Also to all those who took her word as gospel, please take a look at the caches I have found. If I was an armchair logger as she had suggested don't you think I would have logged a few more than 257 in the past year? Also, wouldn't the owners of these other caches have said something, or those that found them after me? Oh and for the record I do list my DNFs, there are several local caches that I have yet been able to find in my small town and believe me I want those smiles but not enough to lie about my finds and certainly not enough to avoid listing the blue frown face when I fail. Finally, as for my photo on here yes it is a beer, but if you will look in the background you will also notice the tops of several Mayan temples that make up the core of the site of Tikal in Guatemala(GCGCX7). That photo was taken the day I was first introduced to geocaching by one of my students. In order to claim this cash, one must climb to the top of one of the temples and snap a photo. The temple is about five or six stories tall and the top is reached by climbing a crudely built Guatemalan ladder. It just so happens that their is an small bar run by the park at the base of the temple and as a result a challenge has arisen at the site to see if one can make it to the top with their open beer. Anyone who knows anything about archeologist knows that we never turn down down a challenge involving beer, something the OP should know if she truly knows so many archeologist. So while up there we decided to kill two birds with one stone and snap the photo with us enjoying our beers. Now if the thought of someone enjoying a cold beer in the jungle while taking their college age students who are of age somehow upsets your feels then I both apologize and feel sorry for you for life must be very difficult for you indeed. However since I am not drunkenly beating my wife or tossing babies off the top of the temple the photo shall remain.

    Oh and one final thought. Here is a little background on Dr. Gary Fry, the professor that she thought was so very wonderful.


    The Truth about Dr. Gary Fry


    If you do not care to look I will sum it up: history of drug and alcohol abuse, arrested on campus, forced to resign, and currently working at a collection agency for the local gas company. Funny how me calling her a git and drinking a beer offends her sense of family friendly yet she can stand to be friends with this low life.




    That is fine that you have found the cache now, I'm very happy for you but as others are pointing out, there was no reason to not sign a dry log nor not to remember any aquerate details or even vague ones at that. Sure, I don't find a million caches a day but I also, until recently due to sick leave, worked 12 hrs a day and took my 5 youngest children with me on the hunt...Makes a difficult time to hit a ton in just a couple hrs before sun fall, that doesn't mean I am an unexperienced cacher nor any less of a challenged hunter.

    There were several reasons why your log was deleted and this was an explained. For one, I do not tolerate ignorance on my families page (ei. TEAM Ling Honey). My 9 and 10 yr olds frequent geocaching.com more than I do. They have even shown it in school.

    If you had been decent, there wouldn't have been a problem nor had this forum, gone on and on. You fueled the fire, with profanity and name calling. I'm honestly glad you have seeked cache and appropriately signed. If this would have been done on the earlier claimed visit, then we would not be here. If you want to leave a DECENT log on the page, I will not have a problem with that. I'm not that hard to get along with. I have met several cachers out and about and they can admit to this.


    As for Dr. Fry, you misunderstood what was said. John & Joann White were close friends of my family. I basically grew up at either the digs,at their house with their daughter, or at the ytown playhouse. He was a great guy and I'm sorry to see him gone. I only remember meeting Fry a few times when my dad helped dig up that indian snake thing (can't remember exactly what it was about, I was young).

    So as for being close with Fry, that's a nada. It was/is the Whites.

  18. ....I find the whole concept that the find count is a score and that cache owners have been made some sort of referee to take away "points" that don't meet the puritan definition of a find, a bit too much for an activity that is just supposed to be fun. ...

    I find this to be a silly argument from somebody that has in the past adamently argued that any cache owner has the right to award extra smilies for alternate reality "finds".


    You know as well as I and do that signing the physical log is expected before logging online. Not doing so may well be an error that can be explained with a photo or description of the cache. But in most cases - just is a requirement of a find.


    She needs to stick to her guns.

    I think awarding extra smileys is silly. What I have probably said before is that cache owners who do this, don't effect the play of the many cachers like you and me who will only log a find if we found the cache. If some cache owner wants to have a cache page full of extra Found It logs because people posted pictures of themselves in yoga poses at the cache site it doesn't really effect me. (Of course if the cache is missing and people are posting finds for what you call an alternate reality find you might argue that someone will waste gas looking for a cache that isn't there. But usually these extra finds are posted along with a legitimate find.


    And I'm not saying that the OP can't delete what appears to her to be a bogus log, especially if the logger was given a chance to explain and didn't have a satisfactory explanation. But it may have eliminated a lot of angst and a good deal of the name calling had she simply posted that she checked the log a it was dry and the finder name was not in it, but let the log stand anyhow. Worrying that the "score" is wrong because some non-finder is claiming a find is what I find silly. Delete logs if you're certain they are bogus (meaning the person didn't find the cache). While many geocachers routinely sign the log when they find a caches (and there are several good reasons for doing so), the reality is that the online find log has no relationship to whether you signed the physical log other that singing the log may be a good way to prove you found the cache (better than tossing in a gum wrapper with your initials on it).

    So um, I'm wondering if the gum wrapper thing in this thread WASN'T mentioned, if he would have left a new log with pix of a nice neat, unsoiled, perfectly dry gum wrapper that WAS NOT IN ORIGINAL CACHE. ??? (Why would an experienced cacher use garbage when THE LOG WAS DRY!!! Think about this one.)

    Seems odd, wasnt in cache and if left outside in the snow/rain, not too mention mud, that it looks pretty darn prestine!

    I do not have a problem if he wants to be decent,claim a find and post pix that make sense,but if he continues to act ignorant, then its up to geocaching to delete those kind of logs, as they have done. The page is being monitored now.

    Can't people just be HONEST?

  19. ....I find the whole concept that the find count is a score and that cache owners have been made some sort of referee to take away "points" that don't meet the puritan definition of a find, a bit too much for an activity that is just supposed to be fun. ...

    I find this to be a silly argument from somebody that has in the past adamently argued that any cache owner has the right to award extra smilies for alternate reality "finds".


    You know as well as I and do that signing the physical log is expected before logging online. Not doing so may well be an error that can be explained with a photo or description of the cache. But in most cases - just is a requirement of a find.


    She needs to stick to her guns.

    I think awarding extra smileys is silly. What I have probably said before is that cache owners who do this, don't effect the play of the many cachers like you and me who will only log a find if we found the cache. If some cache owner wants to have a cache page full of extra Found It logs because people posted pictures of themselves in yoga poses at the cache site it doesn't really effect me. (Of course if the cache is missing and people are posting finds for what you call an alternate reality find you might argue that someone will waste gas looking for a cache that isn't there. But usually these extra finds are posted along with a legitimate find.


    And I'm not saying that the OP can't delete what appears to her to be a bogus log, especially if the logger was given a chance to explain and didn't have a satisfactory explanation. But it may have eliminated a lot of angst and a good deal of the name calling had she simply posted that she checked the log a it was dry and the finder name was not in it, but let the log stand anyhow. Worrying that the "score" is wrong because some non-finder is claiming a find is what I find silly. Delete logs if you're certain they are bogus (meaning the person didn't find the cache). While many geocachers routinely sign the log when they find a caches (and there are several good reasons for doing so), the reality is that the online find log has no relationship to whether you signed the physical log other that singing the log may be a good way to prove you found the cache (better than tossing in a gum wrapper with your initials on it).

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