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Posts posted by Vooruit!

  1. Just hoping the maintainer of webwigo.net is reading this. Can Webwigo.net be updated with the latest version? The current one still uses Google Maps, and that hasn't worked for some time now.




    The latest version has Bing and OSM.

  2. I've never really used Earwigo, but I think I can still help you out. I've created a reverse Wherigo myself, and it basically comes down to:


    - (in my case) a start zone. I have no need for a 'generic' reverse Wherigo, I just create different cartridges when I need more instances.

    - a cache zone, which is hidden, naturally.

    - a variable in which you keep count of the number of attempts (only needed if you want to restrict the player in the number of attempts).

    - an item 'Compass', which you can put in the player's inventory at the start.

    - a command to use the Compass (which shows the distance to the cache zone). Increase the mentioned variable if needed, and disable the command when you want a limit. I use this Lua expression to calculate the distance: math.floor(zoneGeocache.CurrentDistance("m")). Replace zoneGeocache with the identifier you gave the cache zone.

    - if you are near the geocache zone, I show a message with an additional hint.


    Let me know if this works for you.

    • Upvote 1
  3. Having cached for 8 years, and having found around 6000 caches, I think in only 2 instances a nano was actually the best (also meaning the most fun) option. One was a cache called 'Pure frustration': a tree just FULL (100+) of holes. The other I found just last week: an abandoned house, with a doorbell that was actually a nano. Absolutely brilliantly hidden.


    In mostly all other cases, there simply shouldn't have been a cache at all at that location.

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  4. Dutch CO here. I was surprised to learn that my part of the cache can be done by information available online. That was not foreseen by any of us COs. Still, I can live with it, as long as the majority of the logs will be of cachers that actually formed a team. Of course, the coordinate will be out in the open eventually, that's how it goes here in the Netherlands.

  5. So in the guidelines for augmented reality caches it says:



    We suggest to avoid placing AR caches near the location of Mega-Events or other large events, as AR experiences might not work well when multiple people are attempting to view the same AR experience.


    But, whaddayaknow, 8 out of 10 lab caches of (of all events!) Going APE 2018 (GC7HJBN) are a Metaverse experience. I guess it really is just that: a suggestion.

  6. On 8/7/2018 at 11:44 AM, -CJ- said:

    On the other hand, when I host my own events I usually announce them to last for 30 minutes only; it's a guaranteed (and required) time for the logbook to be available.


    Logbooks for events are optional (I never provide one at my own events), so I don't think that's why the minimum event time is 30 minutes. Otherwise, it is a sane guideline, to avoid 5 minutes' microevents or things like that.

  7. My basic rule that has never let me down: just check the favorite points count before going for one of these. Here in the Netherlands, there's not a whole lot of wilderness, so placing a costly cache in your frontyard could be a thought-out thing to do.


    That said, there are those who hide a film cannister or petling in their yard, and make it tricky to find them as well. Those caches make for exactly 0% fun.

  8. On 6/30/2018 at 4:56 AM, Max and 99 said:

    I solved my first AR cache today. I will tell you my experience, although I need to preface it by saying I use cheap phones.  I downloaded the app (Metaverse) and was informed the app might not work right until I updated Google Play, which I was not able to do. Anyway, I ran outside and started the game. All I could see on my phone was a camera view of my  backyard. Immediately three responses showed up for me to choose from (no question, just three options to choose). I picked one, and about 10 seconds later I got another choice of 3 "answers", again with no question or reference, so it was just guessing. I was told I was wrong, to try again, so I did and got it right. I hit continue. All this time, nothing on my screen but my backyard. I walked around the driveway to see if anything would happen and then the final coordinates appeared with a little Congrats note. Huh? I didn't do anything!!


    I guessed at one answer (no idea what the question was), guessed at a second answer (no idea what the question was), and then my coordinates showed up.


    I have no doubt the experience is much more than that, but that's all I got. And this has nothing to do with the CO or the game, I'm sure of that. This is just MY experience .

    Looks like a experience without a location added to it, which results in quite a pointless user experience imo. Surprised the guidelines allow for it.

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