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Everything posted by Flaneurite11

  1. I've always enjoyed going for walks and during my time at uni did a project called "Walking London" in which I'd take long walks around urban London and write a report. My research on walking came to me discovering that a person who enjoys walking is called a Flaneur or peripatetic (after Plato's habit of walking along the Peripatetic in the Greek Lyceum as he taught his students), thus, Flaneurite with my birthday being on the 11th.
  2. Im pretty sure these days more people carry lighters than pens. Being a writer of sorts I have little choice but to carry a notebook (or alternatively my security officer notepad) and pen around with me. Like everyone else, though, these items do get forgotten. Buy hey, what do I know? I've only just started (despite creating an account 6 years ago).
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