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Everything posted by frivlas

  1. I agree, this is too cool a thread to close down!
  2. So, are "delta123" from the first list and "Delta123 " from the second list different or just one incredibly lucky cacher id?
  3. Aww man...I was helping out at field day at school today...no chance to try for the personal. Oh well. Congrats to all the lucky winners!
  4. Hey theres a tracking number in that pic! Have you ever wrapped me? that would be interesting to see. Sounds a bit stiff and confining to me, but you are right, it would be very interesting to see you wire wrapped!
  5. That's one pretty cool coin!
  6. It's 3 coins, and he said that once they were gone, they are gone, so assume no.
  7. I can see where this could be confusing... If a cacher posts a "caching carnage" story and orders coin(s), one of the coins will be a gold version of the coin. So, if a cacher "earns" a gold and orders only one coin, the coin they will receive will be a gold limited edition. If you (or anyone else who didn't get all the black nickels they wanted with their gold) would like a black nickel version, you can order another one via the sales page and let me know in the PayPal comments box if you'd like the $1.50 shipping fee refunded or a pin tossed in with the coin. In other words, the shipping will be on us because we weren't clearer on how the limited edition distribution would work. Since this is a "benefit" coin, giving away coins would defeat the purpose and we aren't charging extra for the limited edition other than encouraging folks to share their caching incidents and helping raise awareness about the need to always practice safe caching. Boy, don't I feel foolish! I guess in the future I must learn to read between the lines. For some reason I failed to read it into this line "The remaining 25 are available only to the first 25 cachers who order coins and post a link documenting a caching mishap that required a trip to the emergency room medical treatment and/or drew blood documented with a photo in this thread. ". Oh well, my bad.... that's one of the reasons that I hardly ever buy coins anymore.
  8. Could I get a clarification please? Is the gold one to take the place of the one I purchased? I received a package today with one gold coin and 1 pin. I'm confused as the things highlighted on the envelope are C:1, G:Y, and P:1 Thanks, frivlas
  9. Yeah, I love the alien, and how could I not love a Mom coin. :-D
  10. Images are posted on their site now.
  11. Hi, I didn't see this thread. I just sent Leonardo my info. RD, can you let me know if Leonardo gets my email? Thanks, frivlas
  12. Somethings are beyond their control. Geocoinclub coins haven't come either and there is no word from them either. I assume that both companies are waiting until there is news before they post.
  13. Yeah, next year's design will be a Foster Farms chicken. Not the Fosters Imposters? I wanna see one of yours.
  14. Awww....I am SO jealous. Is it too early to get on the list for next year?
  15. It's pewter and looks rough around the edges, plus they colors look wrong. The pictures of #205 in the gallery make it look like antique silver type finish. If you look at the closeup of 205 in the gallery, you can see certain shading in the metal that isn't there in the one on eBay. Sure looks fake to me.
  16. Ordering mine now. Posting here first. I'm ordering for my younger son...lil checkers. The poor kid was either just barely 4 or ready to turn 4 and we were looking for a place to hide a cache in a nearby park. The two boys were running around the par course equipment when the little one cut it to close and ran into the wooden bench. He started shreaking, so I looked at his leg and discovered a VERY large splinter just under the skin on his leg. There was no way I could get it out, so we had to go pay the $100 copay at the emergency room and have it cut out. This splinter.....1.5 inches long and the diameter of a toothpick. I was so shocked that I forgot to save it or take pictures of it. I did however return later and place the cache...HERE That is why I am ordering this for my son.
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