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Everything posted by geosibisa

  1. Thanks for prompt reply. Sooo... If i was contemplating caching away from my home for a few days, in an area say with no internet. Using GSAK I could download a list and details of caches in the area I am visiting to my laptop and use it "Off line"?
  2. Hi. I hear a lot about GSAK and wonder do I need it or is all I need within this site? What can it do for me that I cannot do here? Do the programs compliment one another or shouldn't I even be mentioning it here? (apologies if the latter) Thanks Osi.
  3. Hi. Just wondered what the correct procedure is when one eventually bumps into another person searching for the cache you are looking for? Do you help, share, turn your back and let them hide it again for you to find? What?
  4. Thanks all.. Very old and very new here just picking up the game. Apologies if all said before I did look around but I found no reference to objects having their own tracking number as opposed to having a tag affixed. That was why I asked the question. All has been explained. With respect then, it seems that if you want to use the system you must obide by its rules? I suppose the cost of the tracking numbers covers the costs of whoever is running the site that supplies the tracking info... I am a little slow but will get there in the end... Osi
  5. Can I buy just sets of tracking numbers to affix to my own trackable objects? Thanks.
  6. Had to get My A license the hard way face to face CW. Without doubt one of the most nerve racking tests I have ever done... Don't know why but many agree it was worse than taking a driving test. Ahhhhhhh the good old days.. Its all gone a bit off topic this thread sorry...
  7. Yessss... Got my second today... woo woo... Sorry forgot... I am G4RKN......used to be G8YAL, wife is G8YAK...good call for a woman lol...
  8. As I will be travelling to Madeira soon I wondered what a newcomer like me could/should do with regards to finding caches in other countries and possibly taking bits and pieces with me or bringing things back... (No non descript packages of powder please). Should I look into travel tags and cache hotels and things.... Can I leave stuff there and see if it comes home...That sort of thing.. All a bit of a rush but I didnt want to miss out on possibly another side to the game. Thanks..
  9. Looked for an answer honest...... very new to this... but wondered how long it took on average for a non complicated Cache to be reviewed and accepted/denied...?
  10. Yehhhhhhhhhhhhh! Got my first one today. Thanks all....seems I have many Radio Ham fiends out there too.. Happy hunting..Now.....If I am no longer a Muggle what am I?
  11. Hi. Just thought I would say hello. Been in the computer game since the days of Bulletin Boards before the Internet. Work for very large Computer Company, only discovered Geocaching this week!!!!! DOH! Looks like great fun, that you can do at your own pace, in your own time and its healthy. Needed something to get me out of the house, looks like this is ideal. Not retired yet but close so need a hobby to help me keep the legs working. Not discovered anything yet but intend to try this week so wish me luck. One question...any Radio Amateurs in this group? See you all soon, hopefully after my first find.....
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