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The Cartooners

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Everything posted by The Cartooners

  1. Hi there, I have almost got to the completion stage of my cartridge. At long last!! I would like to know how to code for: DeviceID Altitude Hex Encryption In particular: Where do I place the code? Can I then re-open the lua file within the Builder? How do I compile under these circumstances? Many Thanks
  2. Yes, the Somerset contingent will be entering a team very soon. We are just waiting for a few more entries to be returned and then we will announce it official. If there is anyone other mad soul wishing to join in please email me soonest as I wish to finalise things very quickly. Anyone any ideas for a name?
  3. Thanks for that Ranger. It looks as though it will be yet another variable and the timer changed from a countdown to an interval type. I have done a quick test and it seems to work. However, time remaining is another story.
  4. Hi there, I am attempting to work with the timer and nothing seems to be happening. My Scenario. A Player enters a zone and the event ZTimer:Start occurs. This is confirmed from within the message Log. The player now has to answer a question via the ZInput:GetInput command and if incorrect he/she has to exit the zone and re-enter to be asked the question again. (If a correct answer is received then my logic works fine as the next zone, lets say zone 2 is displayed and the current one, zone 1 made invisible) When a player inputs data a check against another variable is made to ascertain if the answer is correct. The Timer itself is a Countdown timer set to 108 seconds. The event When a Timer Tick occurs does the following: Decrements a variable by 1 If the variable is equal to 0 and the input from the player is still incorrect then the user has to go to yet another zone, zone 3 instead of zone 2 as a forfeit. The question is how do I determine if the timer is counting down and also know when it is at zero. Regards.... Dick Dastardly
  5. That was my post about re-typing a numerical variable after setting it to a value; however, that is not the case here; although it is probably related to the same Builder bug. The problem you are having is that Builder is converting your variable's reference to a string. I just ran a quick test of my theory. When comparing variables that are strings, Builder will do this if your input variable is InputAnswer and the variable you want to compare is CorrectAnswer: if Wherigo.NoCaseEquals(InputAnswer,"CorrectAnswer") then If you take the quotes off, it will work when you compile it outside of builder. Otherwise, the condition is only true if the player enters "CorrectAnswer", the name of the variable. The following also works... if InputAnswer == CorrectAnswer then but I think the NoCaseEquals function does some thing else like removing the 'case' sense of the strings...i.e. uppercase and lower case so that you don't have to worry about the 'case' of the player input. WARNING WHEN LOADING these modes into Builder and then saving...(I just ttried loading things back into builder and this is what I get) if you change "if Wherigo.NoCaseEquals(InputAnswer,"CorrectAnswer") then" to "if Wherigo.NoCaseEquals(InputAnswer,CorrectAnswer) then" builder will remove the whole if statement...royally screwing up your lua file. It removes the 'if' line and the associated 'end', but leaves the 'else' If you convert it to if InputAnswer == CorrectAnswer then, builder will covert it back to if Wherigo.NoCaseEquals(InputAnswer,"CorrectAnswer") then So the best thing to do is make your changes AFTER you are all done and ready to publish. While testing, just input the "name" of the variable to get it to work for the time being. I too have just experienced the same problem. ie "if Wherigo.NoCaseEquals(InputAnswer,CorrectAnswer) then" builder will remove the whole if statement...royally screwing up your lua file. It removes the 'if' line and the associated 'end', but leaves the 'else' Oh what fun. Just confirmed that by entering variable name the If statement condition evalkuates to true. That will have to do for now. Many Thanks cache_in_pocket
  6. I have been caught out a few times with variable.name instead of just variable when using IF statements. I will check the lua code later to confirm your suspicions. However, in another separate thread I recall someone resetting a Number variable by incrementing by 0 so I may also try resetting the variable when entering the zone, just in case it's losing its value somewhere. I will post any findings.
  7. It's just a plain text comparison at the moment.
  8. Hi, I am trying to compare a players response to a question against a variable which contains the answer. No matter what I try I receive "Incorrect" even though I type in the correct answer. Any ideas? Dick Dastardly of The Cartooners
  9. OK, so a zone in a zone is the way forward. Like Jaz666 I have also tried this and agree that it works in the emulator. Now to try it out in the field. Many thanks
  10. I recently purchased a P560 and had to reboot the PC before Activesynch would work.
  11. Forgive me if I am missing something here but I want the player to walk to a given location within the zone before and dialogs take place.
  12. I guess. I can't say because I haven't tried it, though. There's another thread by cache_in_pocket, http://forums.Groundspeak.com/GC/index.php?showtopic=188310, that discusses that. Why would you need a zone within a zone? If you are looking to interact with Fred, make Fred a character object. If you're looking for Fred to shout at you if you're close to him, set Fred's containing zone's proximity and distant methods. When the player enters the zone, s/he can interact with Fred. With those options available, my question to you is why you would be interested in having a zone within a zone. Creating a zone within a zone is not what I want to do. How do I set Fred's containing zone's proximity and distant methods? I believe that this will solve my problem. However, I can only see settings for these for zones and not for a character. Appreciate the help.
  13. I have overcome my initial problem by setting the property "Show objects in this zone when" to always. doh. However, in reply to the Ranger, I do indeed wish to interact with Fred (Character) once I have found him and reach close proximity to him after searching for him via the the task "Find Fred". So, does that mean that I can have a zone within a zone?
  14. I don't have my emulator running right now, but since Fred is an object in the zone, you should see the distance and direction by clicking on 'you see' tab. I'm sure there is an internal variable that we don't know about that could do just what you are saying, but perhaps all you need to do is direct the player to look at the 'you see' tab. Just be sure that you don't have too many items or characters where you are giving the player information overload. Hope this helps. I don't see anything at all in "you see" section
  15. Hi there, When a player enters a zone I have set a task to become visible. The task is named "Find Fred". I have already assigned Fred to the zone and made him visible but how do you inform the player of the distance and direction to go to meet Fred. Thanks in advance.
  16. Sorry to hear that. Will keep eyes and ears open for you. Society today stinks!!
  17. I hear what you are saying but this thread was started purely as a generic question. The actual cache mentioned was only exposed when specific cache details were requested. Just to clarify things, It isn't our intention to "Name and Shame" or to upset anyone.
  18. We thought that geocaching was for all intents and purposes of finding places you have never been before and to enjoy the walk and surrounding scenery/area, not spend a fortune texting and getting no reply. We are certainly not cachers chasing numbers, however it is and added bonus to reach milestones.
  19. Here is the Cache in question GCQBK0 http://www.geocaching.com/seek/cache_detai...=y&decrypt= It looks a very difficult one to solve so maybe the rating is too low but don't see why it should be taken off. The owner has logged in recently so although not active caching is active in interest. Why not contact the owner if concerned? Every time you text there is a cost incurred. We attempted this once and received 17 chargeable messages for just 1 answer. Hence the lack of cachers attempting it.
  20. Here is the Cache in question GCQBK0 http://www.geocaching.com/seek/cache_detai...=y&decrypt=
  21. If it's still there, and still intact I don't see why it should be archived. The Cache in question has not had a maintenance check since the last find which was 12 months ago.
  22. If a cache has not been found for over 12 months should it be archived?
  23. Thanks guys. Now to work out the costs and the best way forward. Gary
  24. Purchased Palm One T|x as a christmas present but need advice on mapping software and Geocaching overlays. Any advice on whats available would be appreciated
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