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Everything posted by baack40

  1. I really don't undertand why people have a problem with proxies. I sure wouldn't spend $20 or so for a coin and send it out to travel only to be stolen by some creep. I have moved many of these proxies, which I would rather move than a dog tag with nothing attached to it. But to each their own I guess.
  2. Hey that sounds like a good idea to me. I just wonder if he is holding these inside the house tho, since in order to log this cache you have to wait for a notification from him as to your logging is sufficient. I would imagine this kind of guy would do that too. What a jerk he is.
  3. Hey, Ohio here, meet you somewhere and we can make a weekend trip out of this. LOL Could be the longest distance driven for ONE cache. LOL
  4. OMG this guy added two more travelers still taunting other cacher. Sure wish I lived close, I would rescue all those travelers and get them moving again. I don't even live there and this has really gotten me ired. This guy is an absolute jerk. Hope Groundspeak steps in and gets this taken care of.
  5. My question is: Why would it take this long for the cache owner to either temporarily archive it, archive it, or go replace it? As a cacher that would make me mad that it was not being maintained especially after their son confirmed the fact that the tree had been cut down?
  6. Yes, I have a few marked but don't want to get the emails on all of them LOL It is a very nice feature. Some of the beautiful geocoins and unusal tb's I have marked to watch. But sometimes I just go through the list and click last logged and it puts it in order to see which ones are missing or stalled somewhere. That is a nice feature too. However, that isn't possible with the geocoins. I love moving travelers and very seldom pass one up unless the cache owner has stated to take only one, or replace the same number of travelers that you take. If I could I would take them all. LOL I very seldom put more than one in a cache at a time as I am always afraid that if that cache gets muggled... If I notice that one that I placed in a cache is stalled and I am going to be in the area I sometimes go back and get it and move it to a different cache in hopes that it will get moving. I do the same with stalled ones in my own caches. I don't like them sitting over a month. I like to get them going again.
  7. Wow, you might want to do some more reading about Geocaching and how it works. But, that being said will try to help as much as I can in as few words as I can. 1. The items you find in a cache is called swag. If you want something in the cache you remove it, however you must replace it with something of more value, or at least the same value. For example, a small matchbox car taken, replace with something of equal or greater value. I very seldom take anything from a cache but usually add something. Might be some sticky notes, camo bandaids, a few pens, a keychain, etc. etc. Actually there shoould not have been a chocolate bar in the cache it could melt and ruin everything in the cache container and make a complete mess. I would have removed that and thrown it away. 2. A traveler be it a travel bug or a geocoin, you can remove it BUT be sure to log it under trackables. Each will have a tracking number on it, you go to the trackables page, enter the trackable number, and go to the trackables own page. There you can read as to the mission of the trackable. Wants to go north, south, east, west, wants to go to ballparks, historical sites, etc. Then you click on log it, again you must enter the trackable number. If you took it from the cache, you click on "Retrieved from". If you just want to say you saw it in the cache, you click on "Discovered". If you took it but it wasn't in the cache that you picked it up from you "Grab it" from somewhere else. You might want to check and as to the few people who signed the log and when they did. It could be they just placed it in that cache and haven't logged it yet. Give them a chance to log their "drop" if you can. If is says in the "hands of so and so" you might want to contact them first before you log it and ask if they want to log it into that cache etc. Assuming the traveler is logged into the cache where you retrieved it, you log it accordingly. This puts the traveler in you inventory. Then when you want to "Drop" it in a cache, when you log that you have found that cache at the bottom of the page it will list the travelers in your inventory. Next to each traveler there is a drop down tab, whereby you can "Drop" it in the cache, "Visit" the cache, this means you took it there but for whatever reason did not leave it in that cache. This racks up mileage for the traveler and is not necessary to do but some people like to do this. After you mark that you have dropped it you hit submit and your log find and the traveler drop will be submitted in one step. If you forget to "Drop" it at the time you logged your find you can edit your find log and drop it or just "write a Note" for that cache and drop it that way. It does not matter how far you take it. If you know you are traveling out of town in a week say, wait and take it and drop it then. Just don't keep it too long without letting the owner know why you are hanging on to it. Say you know in 2 weeks you are going on a trip and want to place it somewhere further away, just let the owner know why you are hanging on to it. Just a courteous thing to do. 3. I would wait until you have a little more experience finding caches and seeing how others hide caches before you set a cache. For hiding a cache you go to the Hide and Seek cache, read all the guidelines and rules for setting caches, etc. Make sure you really understand all the guidelines first. You must get very accurate coordinates first as to where you want to place one. Take several readings, and if you get different readings each time, average them to get proper coords. Then you have to fill out the form on the Hide and Seek page with all the information about the cache and submit it for review. Your reviewer will let you know if there are any problems such as being too close to another cache, improper placement, etc. But before you submit it to the reviewer you should have the cache placed so in case it gets published, it is there for the cachers to go get it. You don't always know when it will be published so you want it in place before submitting for review. Please read all the guidelines for proper placement before placing a cache. Hope all this helps a little. But my best advice is read, read, read, all the pages on the site to make sure you really understand about what is proper trade items, proper way to move trackables, and the proper way to place a cache. I found 100 caches before I even considered placing a cache. I would advise at least 50 finds and logs before placing one.
  8. I too have a Delorme. I just wish I was more tech savvy to use it to its potential. I get by with it great to do geocaching but know I am not using all the powers it has. I am just not tech savvy enough to understand what I need to know to load it properly and to use it as it was meant to be used. I don't even load pocket querries in it as I am not sure how to do that and have read somewhere that you can't delete a cache as you find it. Have to delete the whole file, so I just load them individually and delete them individually. I have over 600 caches loaded in it and don't play around with new things as I don't want to lose the information that I have on it. We head out for the day sometimes and really don't have a destination so I have cache loaded all around the area so we can grab a few here and there on our travels. It works great that way. I take the laptop with me and if we get into an area that I don't have caches loaded, we pull into a McDonalds for a cup of coffee and I load a few in the area we are in. Kinda fun traveling that way. Just get in the car and go with no destination. Sometimes I have around 1000 loaded if I know we are going in a direction that we don't normally go. I just love the sport of geocaching and it sure has taken us to some beautiful site, learned a lot of history, takes us to some areas that I know I will never return to too. LOL Just wish there was somewhere I could go to get Delorme 101 Lessons, LOL I am a hands on learner especially since I don't understand alot of the techy wording. LOL
  9. Wow did a little more checking on those bugs and it appears he has been hoarding a few for a long time. Retrieved them from an archived event cache which is where he placed them originally. So he kinda saved them from the graveyard in a way. Graveyard in his possession that is. What a jerk. Boy I wish I lived close to there. Too far tho. This has my blood boiling LOL
  10. I love moving travelerss and boy would this every tick me off. I would HATE one of my TB's to be in that cache. I can't believe he was arrogant enough to make the comments in the logs about placing tb's in toolson's name after they made a legitimate comment. Sure hope that cache doesn't get muggled. And I hope the first person to that cache will remove all of the TB's and get them moving again. Lots of caches or not that is just down right rude and inconsiderate of the TB owners.
  11. http://support.Groundspeak.com/index.php?pg=kb.page&id=59 I found this page to be a great help. Good Luck
  12. Congratulations on your TB travels. Gives me hope for mine. I just released my first two this week and they haven't moved yet so am looking forward to watching them. About once a week I check on the others that I have moved to see where they have gone. Always sad when I see ones come up missing or stalled. I do my best to place them in what I call safe caches and wish others would do the same. Getting harder and harder to find caches big enough to move travelers as so many micros are being placed.
  13. That's exactly the way it works. Be sure to double check the number before you leave the cache. Then go to trackables and log the trackable as I discovered it. It will then show up on your list of Moved/Discovered trackables. If you want to move a trackable you log it as Retrieved from such and such cache. Sometimes if a trackable has been in a cache for quite some time and hasn't moved sometimes just moving it an hour away into a more active cache can help the trackable too. Just a thought.
  14. Just saw Pill Fobs at the Dollar Store for $2.00 each.
  15. Try Drug Mart I bought some there for $2.00 They had platic ones for $1.00 on sale about 2 months ago
  16. When the load to gps screen comes up click on the word Delorme on the type of device. This happens to me sometimes.
  17. Theres the enjoyment of knowing that the kids got some fun out of a cache like this. One gentleman left me $6 to replace the items his kids took as he didn't have anything to trade. That helped. I still get enjoyment from having this cache out, so don't let it discourage you. Your kids will learn alot from replenishing the cache with you I am sure. Sounds like your 7 year old already has learned. Good luck with your cache if you decide to put it out. I have enjoyed mine even tho I do get disgusted with the adults I do it for the kids.
  18. I placed a cache in central Ohio called Just for the Kiddies GC2R3A1 filled with lots of goodies. Not that many people have visited the cache but somehow most of the good stuff was taken and trinkets left in its place. I have been there to fill the cache a couple of times already. So much for the trading even or up. I just wish others would maintain their caches, if only for the kids sake. However, it does lend itself to a great teaching moment for your kids. Teaching them how to respect others, follow rules, etc. So much to learn for the little ones with geocaching. However, I do understand your frustration. I hardly ever take anything from the caches but almost always add something. I used to put new toys in the caches to fill the empty ones but that was getting pretty expensive for me. Now I just add some bandaids in case someone might need one while out caching. I buy camouflag ones, sparkle ones, pacman, spiderman, etc. etc. I got an email from one mother that said I created a bandaid freak with her boy as she used one of the camouflag bandaids on a cut he had gotten in the woods and she wanted to know where I bought them because he only wanted the camouflag ones for his cuts. LOL At least someone appreciated my efforts. LOL
  19. I know exactly how you feel about you placing TB's and Geocoins. It really upsets me to see them go missing. It does happen tho, but sometimes people stick them in their geo bags only to find them later and have forgotten to log them. Don't know how long these have been missing but they could still possibly show up somewhere. Sometimes a new cacher will pick it up and drop it off in another cache without realizing they are to log them. Sometime later someone will pick it up and log it correctly or inform the owner where they picked it up so they can correct the mileage. It does happen. The very first TB I moved someone picked it up and has had it ever since. I emailed him a couple of times about it and he said he would be placing it soon. Well, that was a year ago or so,. Soooo, no hope for that one. Another one of the first TB's I moved a new cacher picked it up and logged it, however that was the only day he went caching ever. That was about a year ago now too. So it does happen. Most of the time they do move on to places far and wide. Don't let it get to you. Just keep placing them in safe places and log them as you should and that is all you can do. Today I went to one of my own caches where 2 travelers have been sitting for a time and I thought I would pick them up and move them on. Well, both travelers were there but the dogtags were gone. GRRRRRRR I have emailed a couple of the cachers that visited after they were dropped but have not heard back from any of them yet. I have emailed the owner and asked for the TB number and told him I would fix a card up to attach to it with the number if he wanted me to or I would wait until he mailed me the COPY tag, or I would mail the TB back to him, whatever he wanted me to do. I feel bad because it too was in a cache that no muggles would find and it was my cache. GRRRRRR So, you see it does happen to all of us.
  20. First of all you should NEVER photograph or publish the actual dog tag number anywhere. This can cause a lot of problems with your TB. Try to republish your pics without the number. I think that is the cutest thing. Love the published remarks. However, unfortunately I figure it won't last long out in the real world. It's too cute. LOL I hope I am wrong, I hope it travels for a very long time for you. Good Luck
  21. Seems to me you could put this cache on your ignore list and go out and find some other caches in the area. Why let this one cache upset you so much? Can I ask if this is really so terrible? Don't let this ruin what could be a great relationship between yourself and another cacher. Make noise over something like this and the word travels fast in the caching world I presume. Might want to sleep on it and wait a couple of days before you take any action. Is it worth it?
  22. I was just kidding about emailing this guy. I certainly hope everyone realized that when I typed Just Kidding after the fact. Please don't email him. I was just saying how I would feel if I got a bunch of emails about a couple of TB's. LOL
  23. I looked this TB up and noticed that this cacher also picked up another TB the same day 5/17/11 and has yet to release that TB also. Perhaps he misplaced them but that is no excuse for not responding to the emails sent to him about the matter. I wonder what would happen if all the people posting on this forum would email him and ask him about the TBs not being released? Only kidding. But could you imagine his surprise to see all the emails he would receive about a TB? Wow! I would think I was being tracked down by the FBI or something. LOL I would surely explain myself really quickly as to what happened to those 2 TB's. LOL I too get upset about all the problems with TBs and have gone to great lengths to correct mislogged items and contact owners etc. Such a fun part of geocaching and don't get why people have to steal them and ruin all the fun. In this case it looks like maybe he misplaced them and hopes he finds them later to move them on as he has moved several others. But don't understand why he just can't notify the owners and let them know what happened.
  24. You need to grab it from the previous holder of the TB. Discovered it only means that you saw it but you didn't take it with you. I would grab it from the holder then it will be in your inventory. Then you can go back to the log for the cache you located it in and let it visit there so the niles will be corrected. Or you can drop it in that cache from your inventory and then retrieve it from that cache to put it back in your inventory and then proceed as usual from there. Sooo many people choose discovered it and take the TB instead of retrieving it from the cache.
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