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Everything posted by nashoba

  1. So, does the gpx file display all this extra information on my gps? The raw gpx data looks like html.
  2. Here is what I know: You can transfer the geocaches as waypoints directly to the gps with .loc. The only thing that shows up on the gps is is cache name, "number," and coordinates. This is all fine if you are going out to look for one cache, then coming back home. I have noticed that many caches are nearly impossible to find or no fun looking for without at least the cache description. Is this the information that people are talking about when they go paperless? Will this information show up on my Garmin Vista Hcx? or do I have to go through the extremely pain-in-the-rear process of getting it on my palm treo by use of Pocket Query and several other apps? (as read on other topics) In short, How can I easily have the descriptions of several caches without manually cutting and pasting the information into a text editor and printing it out? Is this what .gpx files and Pocket Query are for, and if so, what exactly are the features of gpx and Pocket Query. What do they do? Will they easily give me the information I need in a paperless form? -Thanks nashoba (Sorry for the long post. I am very confused after reading dozens of posts on above topic)
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