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Everything posted by FunkMaster-T
I think what is interesting is that this pool is ultimatly going to come down to Secondary D-Men and Secondary Goalies. Other than that we all have mostly the same players (with a few exceptions) but we almost all have different goalies and D-men...And none of you stand a chance against The Funkmaster-T!!! PS Chaos Crew...How was the game? I thought it was an exibhition between 2 NHL teams so thats why I thought it would be on TV...Are you getting to see any of those games?
So the Entry Period is over (although the season doesn't start till the 7th...I was sure I heard the 3rd...ooops) We have 7 entries: Shilo Theotokos Amaroo Chaos Crew Mauison Wheezor Funkmaster-T If any of you have not recieved the Pool Info, please message me... Will try to update from time to time with how the pool is doing, in case anyone else is interested... Go Oilers Go T.
Personal card / Calling cards
FunkMaster-T replied to Hedgehog in the Fog's topic in General geocaching topics
Me and my boys have a wooden coin sig item that I carve with my Rotary tool...a little time consuming but fun... Something I did not see answered here that the OP was asking and I feel is a good question (and if it was answere, I apologize, I am still working on the morning coffee)...Are Sig Items considered Trade Items or, like TB's and Geocoins, no trade item needed. Personally, if someone had a sig item collection, I would be honoured if they took my coin and I would think alot of Sig Items would be hard to value in the Tradeup/even scale. Opinions?...T. -
Today is the last day to get your entries in to me...10 Forwards, 2 D-Men, 2 Goalies... We currently have 7 Team Entries...The more the merrier...T.
I debated eliminated Crosby Ovechkin and Malkin from the pool completely...or anyone who scored over 85 points last year or something similar just to make it more interesting and spread the players out some more but in the end, decided that, at least for this, the first year, to keep it simple...maybe we will expand next year...T.
It will be televised...They show pretty much every game...I will keep an eye out for you! And for everyone else... The pool is up...there is still a day to get your teams to me and I have sent an email to all the entrants thus far with all the login iinfo...any questions, feel free to ask...Good Luck To All...T.
Email Recieved ChaosCrew...and have fun at the game in Belfast!! You should make a sign that says ChaosCrew and we'll see if we see you on TV...T.
Just Bodychecking this thread back into existence... 2 more days to get your teams in...T.
Correct...That is the deadline...Hope that works for you Treasurekid...email me if thats going to be a prob and perhaps I can find a way to work something out...T.
Recieved your email Shilo. Wheezor...send me your pics by the 1st... We now have 4 entries officially in...T.
Got your email Theotoks! I will email you and everyone else sepratly with all the log in info for the pool site once I set it up after the first. T. Got your email too Team Amaroo (Editted to add Team Amaroo's acceptance)
Just thought I would bump this up as a reminder that Hockey Season is coming up fast. You only have 6 more days to send me your team if you want to enter!! Remember...10 Forwards, 2 Defencemen, 2 Goalies...all with One Unactivated Coin on the line!!!...T.
At this point, this is just an idea. Was wondering if anyone knows if this has been done before (I would be surprised if it hadn't) or if it would be even allowed. My idea is to make a very difficult multi where each cache would send you off to another whole country for the next step. I'd imagine it would take most people a few years to actually log all the portions of it. I would have other cachers in these other countries work with me to ensure each step is placed/maintained correctly. Probably each step could be a Traditional Cache as well so that each step has a satisfying conclusion before giving some sort of direction to the next country. Obviously this would have a '5' difficulty but would probably try to keep the terrain low. Maybe even have a puzzle to solve to decide which country you need to visit next. Obviously I am just brainstorming at this point but wanted to hear your opinions... ...T.
I don't know if this is going to sound like a silly question but have you turned on your GPS outside and looked for the coordinates? It sounds like your GPS still thinks it is in Europe (Homesick...lol). I know with my GPS if I use it indoors for whatever reason, it will still show the location I was last in on the screen (when I turned it off) until I can go outside and get a sattelite fix. Just a thought. Good Luck...T.
I released an Auto TB today on my Jeep Compass... (TB3Gy19)...Wave if you see me!
I don't think there is anything wrong with that but if you really feel like you want to spread them out in various caches, just email the owners and tell them their beloved TB's are still alive and well and will continue to move once your hoof is healed. I know I would understand if it were my TB. But as far as putting them all in one cache...why not? At least they are out moving again...Get better soon...T.
Quick little update on the coin that Penny and Kona adopted over to me...3757.8 miles in its first move!!! I don't even care that it didn't move towards me (It went from Texas to Hawaii...I'm in BC Canada) but that's one amazing move...Top that!...T.
The Odyssey of the Leonine Ladybeetles (TOLL)
FunkMaster-T replied to rhobslein's topic in Trackables
"Kate The LadyBeetle" arrived in Kimberley BC this morning...after a short visit here in The Handsome Boy Household, she will be making her way out into the adventerous geocaching world...looking forward to following her journeys and hope she meets up with some of her other LadyBeetle friends!!!...T. -
Offensive language in cache logbooks
FunkMaster-T replied to Pathfinder24's topic in General geocaching topics
I, for one, agree with you, Pathfinder. I have no use for using that kind of language in logs and such. Anyone could be reading them. And I am certainly not someone to scold anyone else for "such Language" as I have been known to drop a couple of bombs from time to time. Its all about time and place. I actually work at a casino where we do not allow swearing. Think about that, you must be an adult to enter and you can guarantee that only adults are within earshot. Add that to the fact that you are probably going to lose money and its completely understandable why someone would swear but we emphasise that we are here for the enjoyment of ALL of our patrons and we would rather not have that kind of atmosphere. Most people get it although we usually boot people from tha building at least once a weekend because they insist on continuing to swear (and please understand we are reasonable...you have to be blatantly being a jerk to be booted...we aren't going to throw you out for the odd slip up). Although ultimatly it is up to the CO to decide if he wants that kind of langauge in his caches. ...T. -
Thanks...absolutly beautiful...Thanks for sharing Doctor.
Could someone please post a picture of the Imagine Peace coin. I am a huge fan...although fan doesn't seem to be a strong enough word...of John Lennon...in fact my youngest son's middle name is Lennon. Didn't know this existed...wow...this thread is making me so jealous...first Jedi's now Lennon...I'm going crazy!
Wyatt Earp's own cointest - winner announced in post #785
FunkMaster-T replied to Laval K-9's topic in Trackables
357...more or less -
A Jedi coin there is? See it I must. (Translation for those that do not speak Yoda-ese...Can someone post a pic of one of the Jedi coins for an obsessed Star Wars Fan...Please)
With a few people interested...we might as well go ahead with this...lotsa time for more people to join in! I'm going to set a date of Oct 1/2010 (Midnight, Mountain Time)to have your team entries emailed to me to give me some time to enter them in before the season starts (I am pretty sure Oct 3 is the first day of the season...ONE MONTH!!!) Keep a close eye on those training camps!! Remember you are looking for: 10 Forwards 2 Defencemen 2 Goalies Each team will have 2 trades to use throughout the season, simply by emailing/messaging me. I will make all the changes If anyone else is interested, please feel free to join in Any other questions? Please feel free to email or message me or post here. Oh yeah...and Go Oilers Go!!
With just over a month till the 10-11 NHL season, and inspired by the Fantasy Football Cointests, I am sending out some feelers to see if there would be interest in having a Fanatsy Hockey Pool Cointest this year... Here's How it would Work... Everyone will put ONE UNACTIVATED COIN on the line for the winner Each participant will choose his/her team...you will get to choose: 10 Forwards 2 Defencemen 2 Goalies Scoring will be as follows: 2 points for a goal 1 point for an assist 2 points for a win (Goalie) 3 Bonus Points for a Shutout (Goalie) Everyone will have the whole roster to choose from (no draft) so there will be some players that may be on most people's teams. That is ok. We will come up with some sort of tie breaker if the situation warrants it. I am thinking of giving everyone 2 (and only 2) trades to use at anytime in the season I have a website that I use for a Hockey Pool at work and would send each participant the site addy with password , etc, so you can keep track of your team and its progress More details will follow if there is sufficient interest in this... So whaddya folks think...any questions...let me know...T.