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Everything posted by Frangelico

  1. CaptainQuack, you're totally right. Nothing is totally waterproof. Not to get too crazy here but, when I'm on an extended trip that needs a computer I put a couple of desiccant packets to promote drying in the "water proof" hard case. Again though, I'm speaking mostly of major electronic items. I don't really "waterproof" my GPSr. Although I do put a little "window cling" material over the display. I have a very, very bad habit of scratching the window of the displays on cells, GPSr's, PDA's... You name it I always manage to mess it up:) More to appease a pet peeve I have for scratches on displays more that anything else. Although my GPSr gets more mud and dirt on it than actual water. And Condoms! Yes, unlubed condoms are in every kit I take "out" with me. The possibilities are endless. Condoms,... not just for "love" anymore Captain's assortment of bags sounds very similar to mine. In lieu of the 35gal bags I use the 55gal drum liner bags. I've even built shelters out of them when it gets really wet and undesirable out. Or made a solar or tree limb well with them. So not only do the keep water out, they help you to get water too!
  2. Voyageur Dry Bags I'm with tands on this. Eventhough just about EVERYTHING that you open and close regularly with leak it's better than not having anything to protect your electronics. I found the "roll" type of dry bag to be one of the better types of water-proofing. Eventhough I probably wouldn't use it for my GPSr, I do use them for packing electronics that are going "out" with me for a while. If you use computers or other more expensive electronics out-of-the-office and in the "forest", your best bet is to store it in some kind of dry-storage; whether a bag or case (like Pelican) Even if there's no rain, river rafting and the like environments. Humidity will take it's toll as well. Very expensive stuff. I'm using the a Voyageur dry bag now for a new TB I've released; THINKER (thanks for the plug opportunity ) It's a mini book inside a very small dry bag and I'm willing to bet that by the time I ever nab it again (I hope anyhow! ) it will be trashed from the elements alone.
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