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Everything posted by jonny65

  1. Perhaps you want this : Define a zone with only 3 points, all of them with the SAME (!) coordinates. Now you have a "point zone". Choose "Distance to a zone" with option "value" and compare : if distance to a zone<=50 then messagebox("You are 50 feet away from the zone"). In these case you virtually have a round zone around the pointzone. Or you can compare and give an info to the player. Together with a timer you can do things like "You are 47 feet away ...", "You are 33 feet away ...", "You are 17 feet away ..." and so on. Or that (to check if the player is inside the zone) and using a "normal 4 point zone" : Simply choose : if Zone contains Player then messagebox("Now you are inside") Clear or do you need a picture ?
  2. What do you mean ? I think such a feature perhaps will be realized in Wherigo 2.0, so that I can save and also restore 1 or more states of the game.
  3. You must put the compare INTO the event of the input. See and understand ...
  4. Move the 2 sets and the show object details modules into the "On clicked" field of the message box. In your case the message box will be skipped and the program flow stops at the "show object details" command.
  5. Try to find out which player version the iphones have, on which the sounds don't work. Perhaps only a special version has a "sound bug". Besides it would be possible, that some settings are wrong, for example the volume is set to 0
  6. A much greater job it would be, if changes would have been tested BEFORE
  7. Find caches and/or sort them doesn't work. Bug or feature ? Are the (beta)tester on vacation ? I can't understand this.
  8. Doesn't work ... perhaps now ...
  9. This should work if you have a "Stop sound" command in the On clicked event of the last dialog box. Another way would be, that you make a "Start sound" in the On clicked event, which overlaps the sound before. And these sound is a "null sound", a mp3 which contains 1 second silence.
  10. Both, random numbers from 8 to 30 and random numbers between 0.1 and 10 showing decimal values, you can realize in urwigo directly. Notify that the divide property is set to 1 decimal place. See snapshot attached. Rounding, I think, takes no effect.
  11. Only "special" days are interesting, i.e Leap day, geocaching day or 10.10.10 but not any day in august 2013. Why not every day ? And afterwards since Mai 2000 Better "work" on souvenirs for every country in the world. Besides the august souvenirs are very ugly.
  12. WAV format ? I never use this, I only use MP3 or FDL (for garmin). Try this. And better place the function call between compare and messagebox, so the sound comes up immediatelly (at the same moment the message appears). Are you having these issue only after a restore of the cartridge ? There is a known bug on iphone player *). After a restore a boolean variable becomes a value of NULL. In that case your compare (EnableSounds) goes wrong. *) in a new version these bug has been fixed, but now it contains some other new bugs.
  13. Then you must show the final code...simply show it Post a snapshot of the part, where you want to show it.
  14. jonny65

    Garmin Oregon

    This only depends on the author of a Wherigo, whether he is paying attention, that garmin has its own rules and writes the program compatible. I play with Oregon 450 and I find the player rather firm. Most crashes happend because the program itself is slow or very unstable (without errorhandlings)
  15. Which commands are in the onstart event ? Generally onstart works on all devices, otherwise no Wherigo in the world would start on an android
  16. I don't understand why it should not work on other builders. Each object has an unique ID. Its like a person ... John Smith and John Smith and John Smith are different peoples with the same name. I can create 100 Todds if I want. In practice : The player has to cross a bridge and there is a guard (Zone Bridge 1), who asks for a password. Later the player crosses the bridge again from the other site (Zone Bridge 2) and the guard is still there (it seems so, but it is "Guard 2" with the name "Guard"), gives the player some hints for the further way. HERE its much easier to handle some different characters with the same name. Of course the way of moving the character is a reasonable practice too. It depends on the situation which way is the better one.
  17. I have 1 character in 2 zones, or I should better say 2 characters with the same name. Its also easier to handle than 1, which is moved from 1 zone to another.
  18. No problem, I have 34 MP3 and several FDL (for garmin) soundfiles in my cartridge. If sometimes a crash occurs, the sound files aren't the reason for this. But remember : In emulator you OFTEN have crashes if a sound should be played. This is a known "bug" in emulator.
  19. Of course. A sound is called and at once the next step (message box) will be done. If you want, you also can stop the sound if the player clicks OK. I realize this with an "intro"...a sound is called and at the same time a dialog comes up with "Hello and welcome ..." If the player clicks the last dialog box the sound stops.
  20. Our german wiki, the descriptions are in german, but how it works (display true/false, active true/false) should be clear. The link to the small example : http://wig-wiki.docfred.de/images/5/53/Zonen_enterexit.zip The whole site with different snippets of all categories : http://www.das-Wherigo-handbuch.de/index.php?title=Programmierbeispiele/Codesnipsel
  21. As I said, your problem is probably not the lua file, but uploading a wrong file. Neither GWC nor GWC manually packed in in a zip. In urwigo use "Build" in the menu and then "Build package (gwz)" Option "default encoding". Then upload the GWZ file.
  22. Is there a chance to link 2 images to 1 object like in case of a sound ? I remember I have read anywhere, that it works if the images have defined names like "_garmin" in the filename or what else. But never have tried this.
  23. Really ? I often have compiled garmin (with FDL sound files) and played this in emulator. Fact is you can link 2 media files to 1 media object. "Tada.fdl" and "Tada.mp3" are linked to Object SOUND. Depending on what kind of cartridge the player has downloaded, either the FDL or MP3 will be compiled in the GWC. But I have had no problems, when I load garmin and play it in the emulator. Due to crash if an input is open and a message pops up : We have found a workaround. First ONLY if the input type is string a crash will follow. Define it as number, no problem. If a message pops up and the input is open, a callback will be called and the input gets a nil value. This causes the crash. Some months ago I have written here in the forum, that it can be handled with a variable, but there is another way. Simply compare the answer with "". Place it in every input if it is possible that in the zone a message pops up.
  24. Perhaps it can be helpful, if the player(s) send the log file (\Wherigo\saves\*.gwl). If the crash happens at the same time or at the same function call (!) I would say the Wherigo causes this. If not so, probably it is a accidental crash. A few days ago someone has played one of my cartridge. He reports that he has a crash always at the same point (Oregon 300) He restored and the crash happened again again and again. At home he has installed a new sd memory card, copied the GWC and SAV file to it, started again, restored and has no problem at this point.
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