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Posts posted by farrtom

  1. One of the first coins I discovered in a cache was the BSA 2010 coin. This coin was only avalible through a drawing given out by the Boy Scouts of America through the local councils. Since I am very involved with the Boy Scouts and my son is a cub scout I realy wanted one of these coins, well both my son and I entered the drawing through two diferent councils, but on the consecutive days we recieved packages in the mail and we had both won one! In fact I won a coin from a third council that made their own coins. I recieved this one in the mail on the same day my son recieved his. Three coins in two days, now we are hooked and starting our own collection.

    My BSA coin now goes with me to caches as a visitor.

    I am sure I have shared this photo on other posts, but I realy like it.


  2. that is a cool coin i love it let me know when you have it done


    will it be Trackable i ask because i am not the Trackable wording on it but other then that i love it


    Yes it will be trackable, it will be on the side of the coin. We will most likly do some non trackable for the non cachers.

  3. So... the railroad won't actually do any funding?

    The railroad turned over the property to the town. It is a small town and a big project so they do what they can with grants and donations. The funds will go to a non-profit group that was established back when there was talk of just tearing down the buildings. The group (Roundhouse Restoration Inc or RRinc)main focus, now that the town has committed to saving the buildings, is promotion and education. They also help provide some of the match money to the grants.


    We are thinking of doing a coin annualy, if this first one does good (and by good, we just don't want to be left with any leftover inventory that doesn't seel).

  4. Here is the art work (with my revision on it) for a new coin I am having made.

    It will be used as a fund raiser / promotional tool for the Evanston WY Roundhouse & Railyards, currently undergoing restoration.


    We are trying to decide on how many to have minted and I am trying to gage interest...


    What do you think?


  5. I live in Southeast Idaho, and the three reason I like this area are in no particular order:


    1- Close to everything I need/want - the city, mountains, lakes, desert

    2- No immediat threat of a major natural diasters or extreme weather issues - no huricans, tsunami, tornados, earthquake, flooding or extrem cold

    3- Friends and family live close by (sometimes too close!)

  6. ... but the Picasso is protected.

    Not necessarily. In the US, any work that's been published before January 1st 1923 is in the public domain (even if the work hasn't been published in the US, as long as it happened in complience with US copyright formalities), even though the same work may not be in the public domain in other countries.


    What makes me cringe are the blatant copyright violations I see in the coin and tag production lately.




    Each to their own I suppose, but the time is coming...


    Seconding that. "Borrowing" and/or "enhancing" ideas is its own can of worms around here. But the trend of blatantly using copyrighted images of familiar characters on a final product is increasing because it's easy money for the folks behind it. Think about it, all the marketing is already done for them. However, the practice is drawing some very unwanted attention to our kind of collecting, and I agree with Chris in that it's only a matter of time before they get hit with a legal fastball.

    Completely agree. I was wondering when the mention of the tags would come up. It seems like the majority of those listed for sale online contain copyrighted images. It makes you wonder when that ticking time bomb is going to burst. After reading through the thread, am I correct in assuming that not only the seller of the questionable items could be in serious legal trouble but those that helped make the items as well? If that is the case, why would these companies put themselves in jeopardy?


    I am another who completely agrees - the whole thing with tags is shocking. It is so blatant that it isn't funny. There's been no attempt at originality what-so-ever and I hope those few people doing it get severely burnt! Some of them have been getting away with doing it for 3 years or longer now. And the worst part is that these tags are selling for ridiculous prices. As Lara said - Off with their heads!


    I agree about the tags! I am new to geocoins and when I first went to ebay to look at some, I was very suprised by the tags and how they use copyrighted materials.


    I am no lawyer, but because Groundspeack has to approve geocoin designs, aren't they opening themselves up to some possible legal problems by approving designs with copyrighted materials?

  7. To take this subject to geocoins... What are people's thoughts on coins that have copyrighted images but do not have the right to use those images? For example a coin with a pop culture image on them.


    There are some I would realy like to get but I wonder / worry about the copy right issue.

  8. It isn't an overly complex coin, but it's the first one I found, and I love trains (particularly the steamy ones): The Travel Express geocoin!




    I'll do two in one post: I hope someone will make a geocoin with a steam train engine with lots of personality (cartoonish)!


    Here is the first version of a steam train engine coin I am working on right now.


  9. Another thought as it relates to coins (and hopefully to the original story)...

    How would one of us feel if we came up with an original coin design but someone else took our design, changed it by adding a logo or image to it (or mabey cropped the design and enlarged it) then with there better resources got it out to the public before us? And if not before us, mabey we were making it avalible on a limited bases but they swamp e-bay, this forum and the internet with "their" design.

    I think, on this forum, there would be alot of criticism of that person who "stole" our design.


    This is one resone I am worried about some design ideas that I have thought about that turn out to be very similar to some that have already been created. I don't know if I should go forward with them or at the very least put them out there before I spend any more time on ebay or the other sights that have coins on them.

  10. I have been thinking about this topic recently as it relates to geocoins. I am new to geocoins and have been thinking about making some coins of my own (in fact I am making one right now for a non-profit groups fund raiser, but I digress). I have though up a couple of ideas, then to later be looking on ebay, in here or else where on line and find very similar designs already made. This got me to thinking about copyrights of a design and what would keep people from stealing mine (or anybody's) designs. I know the buying public (and this forum) would not support a design that "has already been done".


    I know in my profession (architecture) there are alot of borrowed ideas that get used. In fact we study the "masters" in school a follow in their styles.

    The courts (and our contracts with our clients) say the building owner own the building and can do what ever they want to it after it is completed, but that doesn't mean that if I desing a building for you that you can then go and take those plans and build additional buildings with out compensating me for them. This can be a touchy, and legal subject if you go and try and make minor changes then build the building. This is very clear cut when it comes to a specific, already built building. It becomes more difficult when it is just a plan. An example, my father-in-law is an architect (different firm) that provided a site and building plan to a client that was trying to decided between two architects on who they wanted to use on a project. Both architects have worked with this same client. One on the east side of the state and the other on the west. The client decided to go with the other architect because of there size, they are a much larger firm and could handle the size of the project better, but they ended up useing the basic plan of my father-in-laws instead of there own. The building changed in it's details (it went from 2 stories to 4) but they used the basic layout and site layout. I know this bothered my father-in-law even though it says it didn't. He also didn't recieve any compensaton for his ideas. I asked about him pursing some compensation but hed didn't want to rock the boat with a former, and hopefully a future client. Nor did he have the finaces to hire a lawyer. It would have cost him more in legal fees then he would have collected. I don't know that the client even relized thay were doing anything wrong, they liked his layout better, but the other architect should have known and gotten his permision to use his ideas.


    I know this rambled on, but my point is that there are more to copyright issues then just in music and movies. I have often wondered about some of the designs on geocoin (and especially pathtags). I see alot of copyrighted images being used. I know Disney or the NCAA or other corporations may not come after the little guy for using an image on a personal item, but when these items start being sold it makes me wonder.

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