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Posts posted by Trees

  1. I have been thinking about buying Topo USA or one of the other Topo programs. I know you can print maps from them, but, can you put the curser on a spot on the map and have it give you the location for it in Lat/Lon or UTM? We newbies got a lot to learn. Sure is fun thou. Thanks---Trees. icon_confused.gif

  2. I have been thinking about buying Topo USA or one of the other Topo programs. I know you can print maps from them, but, can you put the curser on a spot on the map and have it give you the location for it in Lat/Lon or UTM? We newbies got a lot to learn. Sure is fun thou. Thanks---Trees. icon_confused.gif

  3. I too have experienced a problem after getting within 100ft of the cache. The gps seems to get confused, pointing first one way then back the direction I came from. I then started useing a Compass and ignoring the arrow on the gps. How do you tell what software the gps is using? I just got it last Christmas. How do I tell if its current. Other than that, its been working great.

  4. Thanks for the help everybody. After reading the replys and doing a lot of research on the internet, I had stumbled across the article mentioned in one of the replys. Getting out various rulers and a magnifing glass(eyes not as good as they use to be)I managed to use the info to measure on the map a test location. I had orginally wanted to figure out the location in Deg/min/sec's but I guess UTM is ok sence I also found a site to convert it the other outputs used by a GPS. Also my GPS(mag315)will use UTM inputs also. I think I can measure to 9.5meters which I guess is close enough. Any other thoughts? Thanks--"trees"

  5. I have a standard topo map, 7.5/7.5 How do I detirmine the coordances of a place on the map? There are 2.5minute marks on the map but how do you get closer?

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