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Everything posted by mrking

  1. Don't politicians have better things to do, like, lets say, oh i don't know, work on health care issues, defending the country from real threats, etc. Being Canadian, opinions of others are always integrated into society like it is our own. s***, the Canadian Cup of Hockey, is now the World cup of Hockey so as not to offend other nations. Geez Seriously, tell them to shut up and do what they were elected to do. Like the saying goes... " Opinions are like a**holes, everyone has one" But in this case, politicials seem to have more than one.
  2. Just make the change that the posted cords don't lead you to the library door. If it is a puzzle cache, make it one. You're getting your underwear in a knot for no reason.
  3. Hey great! Public forums are always great places to put ideas into someones head. Ther propensity is always there, I guess, but don't I have a greater chance at getting hit by a car? However, safeguards are always a good thing. Perhaps you should contact cache-tech (the approver) and discuss your concerns. Chatting it up with people who have NO idea about it does no good at all. Oh, and yes I have had my share of wierd situations in which I just said "Nope, not doing that one." Go with your gut I say. EDITED: bad spelling
  4. I'll tell you what is worse... Finding a 3.5" floppy with AOL 2.5 on it. Now that is WORSE!!!!! I wish bad karma on those traders.
  5. Will that sanitize my cutting board after cutting chicken too?
  6. If you happen to know the area no GPS is really required. I saw there was a cache in a local park that I knew, headed out and just started looking. Google Earth comes in handy to help generalize the area. Give it a try.
  7. mrking

    Gps Pictures

    Actually it is done more than you think. I had a cache that created an arrow, from there you had to project a waypoint from the tip of the arrow. I cheated and did it in mapsource first though.
  8. Thanks, the coords to Enkakuji is a start although I already got them from Google Earth. Domo. The links were good. I've pretty much read everything I can find on Funakoshi-san over the years. Have been involved in karate-do since I was 13. Been on a sebatical for about 4 years now since I have a family with two kids. Ah, I love karate-do. Well, if anyone is in the Kamakura area, please get the coords for me. Cheers, Mike PS. The one thing that I miss the most of Japan... the food. Oh, how I loved the food. One day, I will return. Matz- where are you located?
  9. If anyone is in Kamakura, Japan I would love for you to get me the coordinates (and possibly pictures) of Gichin Funakoshi memorial, originator of modern traditional shotokan karate. I believe it is in Enkaku-ji in Kamakura. Ironic part of this, is that I lived in Kamakura for 1.5 years back in '95. I should have been on top of things back then. Oh, I don't even think they had commercial GPS units back then though. OK, I feel better. On a side note, getting the cords for his actual grave in Zenshoji, located west of Tokyo near Yokohama, would be fantastic. Domo.
  10. I have a 4 year old black lab. 2 cats in the houshold as well, but they are my wifes.
  11. hey yeah, bring back SEARCH. sssssssseeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrcccccccccccccchhhhhhhhhhhhh heheheeh I am only goating... On a serious note... where is the KML download on the cache pages? I can only see "View with Google Earth" on travel bug pages but see nothing about google earth on cache pages. I checked PQ and there is not option for KML files that I can see. help
  12. Post it here and you should have a quick answer... http://www.gsak.net/board/index.php?showforum=7
  13. Yeah that is all fine and dandy. But on a recent cache run here in BC, Canada, there are alot of new ones in the area, so I went out today to get a few. Let me tell you about them... All were in local parks, so nothing too thrilling. One was a baggy behind a pole Two were boxes behind trees with leaves on em one was in a typical "challenge" spot - bunch of logs - ooo, can you find what crevis there in - oooo, joy. Another was in a woody area under a stump.... How friggin boring are these. I am sure they just drove around to every park in the city and just tossed a cache at the first spot they saw - as All caches were no more than 100m away from parking. To me this is just too lame. Needless to say I have boycotted all caches placed by this couple. My last cache (Crystal Falls) was a 3km hike (6km round trip) into the woods to a water fall that I would never have knew about if it wasn't for this cache. The hide was excellent. No micro in a rock fall, just a well placed ammo can with a hint that still made you wonder where it was. Now THAT is a cache! Not this drop crap in the middle of a park junk.
  14. You have to install Google Earth onto your computer. It is not like google maps that is web based. Google earth is an installed program. Install it and it should work. Google Earth download. Select any of the buttons on the RH side.
  15. woohooo, Congrats. Nothing is better than getting a new toy! Enjoy caching the lowermainland. Lots o great places that you would have never been to if it wasn't for geocaching. My only advice... If you go after Imperial Pop, be warned that the area is not the friendliest. cheers, mrking PS. Oh, my PDA FTF Prize cache should be popping up next weekend.
  16. I got a Palm Zire with cables off of Ebay for $5 CDN. Placing the cache this week.
  17. You may want to drop by Clydes new forums and ask him there. You'll get a much faster response. GSAK Fourms
  18. You would need a GPX file that is generate from GC.com. For that you have to become a premium member to get access to Pocket Queries (PQ) which is just a search engine for caches. It can dump out a GPX file of upto 500 caches at a time for you to import into GSAK. Great stuff. Hope this helps. Mike
  19. mrking


    Well, I have a list of caches from a PQ I made for when I was in the Penticton area so I ran it again tonight for you. This file is a .GPX file that list all the caches within a 100km radius of Penticton. There are 100 caches in total. You can use this file and import it into many of the programs then send all the caches to your GPS. It save ALOT of time punching in coordinates manualy. I am only doing this as you are new to the sport and I always like giving a helping hand. I can email you the file, just PM (Private Message) or email me with your email address. Cheers, Mike
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