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Everything posted by Grank

  1. Regarding the XL at 9.1.05 (and as shipped at 9.1.04), one new feature that has me stumped is that the compass no longer locks onto the GOTO/Active route. The compass always points north (the PDF manual that ships with the unit says it will lock onto the Active Route, but the on-line version on the Magellan site has been subsequently updated to say it "always points north" - I've read both). The eXplorist series and Meridian series (the one's I have used at any rate) all have the compass lock onto the icon displayed when a GOTO or Route is activated. For me this was just a great feature at the GZ and even when backtracking. I would have thought that this was also of great use to boating and / or fishing enthusiasts. It is far harder to lock onto the GZ on the move by watching an icon swim around rather than have the compass lock on and continue to set me straight. I went geocaching with my geokiddie the other day. He had my old eXplorist 100 and beat me to the GZ every time. I have taken to keeping the eXplorist 100 on me so that when I am having trouble at a GZ I can switch to my old unit and "lock on"(it's pretty hard to focus on a little icon when stumbling around a rocky ledge covered in fallen trees and brush!). I would recommend to Magellan that they enhance the XL to be consistent with the other eXplorist and Meridian GPSr and have the compass lock onto the GOTO or Active Route.
  2. Lurker for me, and maybe not even that... I entered the forums to gain information and some guidance and in many cases I found what I was looking for. I still do this (that’s how I cam across this forum). However, I also found that some of the discussions / opinions were influencing my enjoyment of the game. I started questioning my approach - was I doing this right? was my approach wrong? should I be doing this? etc. I was even considering at one point just dropping out of the game completely…. but I took another approach and decided to avoid the "controversy", dip into the forums only when I needed some particular guidance/information and avoid the “attitude”. I am now enjoying a "blissfully unaware" existence in my local area as I lay and find caches. I find theirs, they find mine – balance in achieved, we log the find, say “than you for the cache” and move on. Off to find that bit of info I was looking for ...
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