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Everything posted by Mr.B.Baggins

  1. I'm something of an expert on dogs' opinion of caching since I am one. I'm not very fond of caches where I just get out of the car and then get back in. The ones I like best are where i get to walk along a nice trail with a few stops along the way. My person almost always remembers to bring water. And dog treats. Once I even found a dog treat in a cache. I think maybe my person put it there but I didn't see her do it. I'm a Mellow Sheltie so when my person is exploring places with lots of Sheltie size brush I take a nap. Also sometimes when there are lots of caches along a nice trail we skip some. That way we can come back again. Also when my person is walking in circles, she lets me guard the backpack so I don't get dizzy. Anyway I'd always rather go places with my person then stay home and sometimes I find the cache first. Oh I forgot to say I'm a travel bug. I like to go to events and get discovered but I never get left in a cache. I even have business cards with my number on them.
  2. Hi I followed my person here. I think she was mostly right. She didn't give me enough credit though. I've been the first of the team to find 2 caches already and I've hidden two. I like that she mostly takes me interesting places but it would make things easier if she had a better idea of what's it like to be 13 inches tall. She does give me a boost when I need it though and sometimes she lets me choose which way to go. Bilbo PS Shelties have better manners than silly terriers but I have been known to chew things I shouldn't. One was a leash.
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