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Mystery Ink

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Everything posted by Mystery Ink

  1. Just curious if any of you recovered a Benchmark that you had access to but nobody else had? Mine was at my Uncles house SA0012 What was yours?
  2. Also another great one Chemistry Chapter 11 by ProTechCC I was lucky enough to find it without even knowing about it because I was going to place a cache at the same spot later on I solved it. Also ANX by workerofwood you should check those out to see the difficulty.
  3. I agree Fizzy does have some great Puzzle caches as well as Kablooey.
  4. Gut them ? O.O those can be alot of fun I know a place that sells fake ones that have motion sensors and move. They are only like 5 bucks a piece. Free is free I suppose. It would be cool if they moved though! Do you have a link for them? It is in American Science catalog. Call me the wet blanket but isn't this like feding a bear? If you hide a cache in a camera then what if the same person tries to take apart another camera and gets arreested for tampering with security devices. JMHBAO I suppose you might have a valid point, but I was hoping the find might be rather obvious since there won't be any wires leading to it. Perhaps I could paint a small geocaching logo on it? It's really not much different than the caches camo'd as utility boxes and fastened to a pole - or is it? Would rather find one of those then a Utility box fastened to a pole. Painting a small geocaching logo would be a good idea.
  5. Sometimes they do although alot of people get impationed when we produced the DNF and Found It coin. we didn't make our money back so also take that into concideration but it is alot of fun when people enjoy them. The DNF coin was trackable on another site but the Found It was trackable here.Maybe someday Ill have a trackable DNF coin here.
  6. Gut them ? O.O those can be alot of fun I know a place that sells fake ones that have motion sensors and move. They are only like 5 bucks a piece. Free is free I suppose. It would be cool if they moved though! Do you have a link for them? It is in American Science catalog.
  7. It was the Quest for the Masks series, by Eagle81. Thanks
  8. Gut them ? O.O those can be alot of fun I know a place that sells fake ones that have motion sensors and move. They are only like 5 bucks a piece.
  9. Memorial Day geocoin And the funniest package I have seen in a long time A package from the Order of the serpentine included leather straps Axe snake peel with a few other things included with it.
  10. That would be fun! I completed a series that was themed after the LEGO® Bionicle trading card game, and several of the cache containers started life as LEGO Bionicle containers. Cool what series was it is it in the Bay Area ?
  11. Found a box in the garage of some of my old toys from when I was little and came across this cool little Lego Treasure chest It will make a fine cache soon.
  12. Hey it's not always about the cache size or numbers it's the Hunt & seeing new places not everyone takes an item from an ammo can. Some micro's can be fun there is always the option to ignore if you don't like them.
  13. Glad you got it ok. Will be placing some more sig items as we pass through oregon.
  14. Your packaging Rocks fox and the hound when I got your sig item today I was amazed on how nice of a job you put everything together. You inspired me. Thanks for the kudos! But just wait 'til you see one our #10 Duct Tape Specials LOL yeah on ocassion I like to wrap up some stuff with Duct tape with little taunts while they unwrap them.
  15. There still is a few of the old moving caches around.
  16. Actually you can host it on freewebs no banners no popups thats where I host a little game on my profile page but you gotta find it.
  17. Your packaging Rocks fox and the hound when I got your sig item today I was amazed on how nice of a job you put everything together. You inspired me.
  18. Thats easy to show pictures of the park just go to someplace like photobucket.com sign up for an account and upload pictures to it they will give you the tag to copy which should look like when you click that you just enter in the full url including the image name and Wallah. Btw thanks for the updates.
  19. I too had a great experience with www.gpsdiscount.com
  20. could always do flash based it's simple stuff and fun to play with. Forgot to mention Zork Rocks I still play it sometimes!
  21. Very nice tool will look forward to using it in Starbuck Washington this weekend.
  22. Don't let people get to you nice coin though I saw some negativity with a turtle shaped coin awhile and they should have stuck to complaining to them about it and not worry about this one. If they don't like the price don't buy it. Maybe we can arrange a trade
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