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Rocky Raab

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Everything posted by Rocky Raab

  1. If you'll allow me, I'd like to point out something we all may have forgotten. The first cahe you find of ANY kind is fun, novel and entertaining, whether it's a lampost hide, a film canister or an ammo can under a pile of sticks. The second cache of that same kind is a bit less novel. Eventually, you've found about every kind there is. The same goes for forum threads. The first time you read a topic discussion, it's novel. And so on. If caches or forums ever get too boring for you - and I mean each of us personally - then find something else to do. But don't complain that others are still intrigued.
  2. If and when folks go there on a regular basis, I predict that cachers will be among them. It won't take long to establish caches. Whether a system of Lunar Positioning Satellites also gets established is another question. I doubt the GPS system would work (or be very accurate if signals COULD be received) on the lunar surface. Assuming some similar navigational system gets built, and caches hidden, obviously, they would not be GEOcaches, but LUNARcaches. I hereby suggest (and demand to be credited for it) that lunar caches be numbered with an LC prefix (as in LC0001). Mars caches would be MCxxxx and so forth. Remember, it was my idea.
  3. I'm fairly new to these forums, so I don't have a firm grasp of either the rules or the "personality" of the board. But I'm what you might think of as the "Jeremy equivalent" on another multi-forum board (not related to geocaching). We do not allow personal attacks whatsoever. One violation and you are on probation (and the thread either edited and locked or deleted entirely if editing is impractical). We discuss such events in a Moderator's Only forum that regular members cannot see. Heated discusiions happen on all boards. On ours, the Moderator of that forum will attempt to ameliorate the heat. Failing that, one of the super-Mods will take action up to and including banning. If a person is banned, we block not only that board pseudonym, but the sender's ISP as well - no sneaky re-joining under another alias. If a person stalks off in a huff, we take no action at all. Sometimes they come back, tail between their legs, and reform their act. Sometimes not. In short, some acts are forgiveable, some aren't. If someone wants and is eligible for forgiveness, they should get it with a smile and a virtual handshake. But if the offense is egregious, the official board reaction should be in proportion, to include permanent banning.
  4. I know that the recent sunspots were predicted to have an adverse effect on the GPS system (I read that somewhere). For the past week or two, I've seen my Magellan EPE go from 6-8 feet to as much as 90 feet. This past weekend, I logged six consecutive DNFs - some of them on AMMO CANS - just because they were all hidden in heavy cover areas where 30 feet off meant a whole lotta brambles to crawl throguh. And I declined to do so. Okay, I may give up easily. But when I have six to eight satellites giving high bar signals and WAAS working, and STILL get an EPE of 40 feet...well, something is screwy.
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