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Posts posted by Gillala

  1. Ho ho ho,


    It's way better, thanks. Still :

    - clicking on "More info" keeps opening the cache page in the same tab. It should by default open in a new one ! You manage to do it from the map's conceptual menu, it should be easy to do it here too ! Please !

    - coming back from the cache page, most filters are now remembered, which is great. Still, some are not : ""basic/premium", "enabled/disabled", "has corrected coords Y/N". How about a filter "name doesn't contain" ? (If I want to ignore "bonus" or "challenge" caches, for exemple) And the previous location and zoom information are lost :(. Had the previous point (open in new tab) been done, this wouldn't happen...

    - when entering the search textbox, all previously text is deleted. That's not very user friendly:( 

    - Why is there still no scale on the map ? I can guess distances in my home zone, but not in some remote area !

    - Is the owner of a cache so unimportant that it's not even displayed in the preview of the cache in the left panel ?

    - Still no further map provider ?

    - Still no pocket queries integration ? Pity :(

    It's surely better, but there's still a lot to be done. I'm looking forward to seeing the result of the next iterations. Until then, I'll stick with the old quicker and more responsive map.

    • Helpful 1
  2. So, as others, I gave it a try, but I finally decided to opt out. The opt-out feedback form was too small, so I'll write more details here. Here my thoughts :
    - the new map is MUCH slower than the old one
    - The filters are a pain to use. They should apply automatically. The multiple checkboxes are not clear. What if I check "enabled" and "disabled" at the same time ? And it's still very limited. I'd like to show all my caches withOUT corrected coordinates (to know which mysteries I haven't solved yet). I want to filter by distance, by found date...
    - When I do a search, I want the result as a complete list (as it is now, with filterable columns over found/placed date, terrain, difficulty, distance...). I may want to map the result, sure. But not always ! Just add a link "map the results", but don't force a direct redirection to the map ! Moreover it's a waste of data. No problem with WiFi, which we don't always have... Please let the result of a search remain a list !
    - The 500 caches limit is a little small in my dense cache area
    - I miss the PQ. I want to still be able to map the results of my PQs !
    - the caches quick overview is still raw. For example, who's the owner (the people who actually create caches and without whom there'd be no game) ? ...
    - It's buggy (no more icons for my owned caches. More infos doesn't open the cache page in a new tab. Going back from a cache page, all previously applied filters are forgotten. The search box keeps forgetting what I previously wrote... The caches behind the filter panel are actually found ! The scale map disappeared !!! And different other bugs...)
    - The maps choice has drastically dropped. While I don't use it, I see other users complaining about that
    - And I might forget some other things :(
    Most of it has already been written in the thread of the forum. All in all, while the new map looks good, except the quick cache view with the latest logs, it's no real improvement over the old one, it's slow and buggy. And the whole scenario from the search page directly to the map is really not fluid. Please reconsider !
    Sadly, the new map is now 2 months old and there seems to be no improvement. Users' feedback seems to be mostly ignored. Developers' feedback is mostly inexistent. The last 2-weeks sprint is now 1 month old. Does anyone even read this thread ? Does anyone still work on this project ? Do the developers actually use their map ? Do someone actually test them before they go live ? It unfortunately looks like ever since this agile development started, projects have been started, updated once or twice, then been put back to the backlog to start a new story. And everything finally stays in beta-status and nothing gets finished. What a pity :(

    • Upvote 5
    • Love 1
  3. Hi all,

    The new map already looks great, well done !

    I would just appreciate if the links from the left panel ("Log a cache", "More infos" ...) would open a new tab instead of opening in the current one. It's a pain to go back to the map and wait for the page to load afterwards.

    Also, as said by Tungstène, I'd rather see "only UNcorrected coordinates" in order to know for which myseries / multis... I don't have the final coords yet. The current filter doesn't really make sense for me.

    Maybe a filter "Only show caches with a TB" would be interesting.

    Otherwise, I really like the new map :D

    • Upvote 5
  4. Et bien en voilà une bonne idée de questionnaire. Je vais ajouter mes réponses, en espérant qu'elles servent effectivement à améliorer la qualité des caches futures.

    • Pour vous, qu'est-ce qu'une cache de très bonne qualité ?
      • La boîte : c'est de géocaching qu'on parle. Quand j'ai démarré dans ce jeu, je m'imaginais que c'était une sorte de chasse au trésor, pas une chasse aux boîtes de pellicules. Quand je cherche une cache, seul ou avec les enfants, je m'attends donc avant tout à trouver une belle boîte en bon état, adaptée aux conditions climatiques (ETANCHE). De préférence de taille > micro, avec des goodies dedans. Si la boîte est personnalisée, c'est mieux forcément. Un logbook, un crayon/stylo (quoique ceux-ci disparaissent souvent, ce à quoi les owners ne peuvent pas grand chose). Le tout au SEC.
      • Le lieu : Dans les guidelines de pose de boîte, on trouve cette belle citation : "When you go to hide a geocache, think of the reason you are bringing people to that spot. If the only reason is for the geocache, then find a better spot." Et ben je suis d'accord ! Une cache doit être posée dans un endroit intéressant (peu importe la raison : monument, point de vue... il y a plein de façons pour un endroit d’être intéressant), un endroit où on a envie d'aller !
      • Le descriptif : c'est quand même mieux quand il est bien fait, joli, sans (grosses) fautes, quand il raconte quelque chose, qu'il explique la raison d'être de la cache.
      • Cas particulier des énigmes : une bonne énigme est une qu'on a plaisir à résoudre. Elle peut être simple, compliquée... peu importe, mais ludique.
      • Les maintenances : malheureusement, même une cache de qualité, ca peut disparaître. Ca fait partie de la démarche qualité de la réparer/remplacer/archiver au plus vite des possibilités de l'owner.
    • Pour vous, qu'est-ce qu'une cache de mauvaise qualité ?
      • La boîte : quand je trouve une boîte de mauvaise qualité, je le sais tout de suite. Je me demande pourquoi j'ai perdu mon temps pour trouver CA :( Une boîte pas étanche, un logbook moisi. Une nano/micro au bout d'une longue multi / d'une dure énigme, d'un long chemin, dans un endroit où une plus grosse boîte aurait eu sa place.
      • Le lieu : il y a des endroits où on a vraiment pas envie de chercher une cache. Des endroits sales, par exemple. Des endroits sans grand intérêt (un arbre pris au pif parce qu'il est à 161m d'un autre, un lampadaire, un grillage, un parking, une zone résidentielle...). Parfois, c'est par "nécessité", l'endroit convoité étant déjà "pris", ou alors n'offrant aucune possibilité de cache. Mais dans ce cas, mieux vaut s'abstenir
      • Le descriptif : bourré de fautes, sans mise en forme, voire vide. Si l'owner N'a rien à raconter dans son descriptif, c'est que l'endroit ne mérite pas de cache. Qu'est-ce que les trouveurs pourraient bien avoir à raconter si même l'owner n'a rien à dire ?
      • Cas particulier des énigmes : Rien de plus frustrant que de ne même pas savoir ce qu'il faut faire. Je veux bien tenter de résoudre une énigme si je sais ce qu'il y a à faire. Mais souvent, ce n'est même pas le cas. De plus en plus, on voit fleurir dans les villes des énigmes insolubles, dont seul un groupe d'amis de l'owner et de ses amis s'échangent les coordonnées finales (sans même savoir comment les résoudre). À quoi bon créer des caches pour qu'elles ne soient pas trouvées ? Pour le commun des mortels, ce n'est que frustration. Un touriste allant dans une ville (au pif, prenons Freiburg), se voit limité à une poignée de caches accessibles seulement, les autres étant réservées aux locaux. Sans parler des énigmes mal formulées, contenant des erreurs...
      • Les maintenances : pas faites, mal faites, faites tous les longtemps... La cache n'est pas archivée mais reste inactive pendant des mois.
    • Quelles mesures la communauté peut-elle prendre pour améliorer la qualité des caches ?
      • Logger les DNF/NM/NA !
      • Ne pas faire les maintenances à la place de ceux qui n'en font de toute façon pas. Ca ne fait que retarder les prochains problèmes
      • Montrer l'exemple en placant des caches de qualité. Les nouveaux joueurs reproduisent souvent ce qu'ils voient. Après avoir commencé en trouvant des mauvaises caches, ils vont certainement abandonner le jeu. Ou bien peut-être reproduire ces mêmes mauvaises caches. Faisons en sorte que les joueurs, et en particulier les nouveaux - et potentiels futurs poseurs - découvrent de bonnes caches !
      • Expliquer aux poseurs de caches de piètre qualité (qui veulent bien entendre et accepter les conseils) pourquoi leurs caches sont de piètre qualité, pourquoi les géocacheurs ne trouvent aucun plaisir à découvrir leurs caches, et comment les améliorer.
    • Quelles mesures le Geocaching HQ peut-il prendre pour améliorer la qualité des caches ?
      • Interdire à un géocacheur ayant moins de xxx caches avec un total de yyy PF trouvées au compteur et ayant une expérience < zzz jours de placer une cache. Avant de poser, il faut avoir soi-même trouvé des caches de qualité. Et souvent, les jeunes joueurs posent rapidement des boîtes, puis abandonnent aussi rapidement le jeu, laissant des boîtes souvent pas terrible dans la nature)
      • Permettre aux reviewer d'accélérer l'archivage de caches en mauvais état n'ayant manifestement plus d'owner.
      • Interdire à un géocacheur dont la note de santé moyenne des caches déjà posée est faible, qui ne fait pas de maintenances quand c'est nécessaire, d'en poser de nouvelles.
      • Obliger les nouveaux poseurs à suivre une petite formation sur la qualité (répondre à un questionnaire ?)
      • Obliger les nouveaux poseurs à envoyer aux reviewer une photo de la cache pour éviter les boîtes improbables (allumettes, papier aluminium...)
      • Limiter les power trails. A moins que chaque cache d'un power trail ne soit de qualité, ceux-ci ne font que noyer les caches de qualité dans la masse. Si la promenade indiquée par un power trail est agréable, elle l'aurait sûrement été autant sans les xx caches. Inciter les gens à créer des multis à la place. Celles-ci finiront peut-être par être cherchées du coup.
      • Interdire les énigmes insolubles. Un owner d'énigme doit fournir au reviewer le moyen de résoudre son énigme, pas uniquement la solution. Le reviewer doit pouvoir refuser une énigme trop complexe. Sinon, les D5++ vont continuer à se multiplier. Et à interdire aux caches traditionnelles l'accès à des endroits que les géocacheurs pourraient vouloir découvrir.
      • Interdire les caches dans des murs en pierre / du lierre... sans spoiler. Certains chercheurs détruisent tout sur leur passage !


    J'aurais sûrement plein de choses à ajouter, à mieux exprimer... Mais ce sera tout, pour le moment.

    • Upvote 1
  5. Same for me. Zooming in and out didn't do the trick. Nor refreshing, nor closing the tab.

    EDIT : using chrome + win10

    FWIW :

    common.js:22 Uncaught Error: fromContainerPixelToLatLng: Point.x and Point.y must be of type number
        at $k (common.js:22)
        at _.Yk._.m.fromContainerPixelToLatLng (common.js:184)
        at Object.<anonymous> (ScriptResource.axd?d=xxx:8455)
        at Object.<anonymous> (ScriptResource.axd?d=xxx:8341)
        at Object.fire (ScriptResource.axd?d=xxx:8348)
        at ScriptResource.axd?d=xxx:8409
        at ScriptResource.axd?d=xxx:8403
        at Object.get (ScriptResource.axd?d=xxx:8418)
        at Object.manager.getGrid (ScriptResource.axd?d=xxx:8402)
        at click (ScriptResource.axd?d=xxx:8409)

  6. Hi,

    I just noticed that I could setup the search radius in the "Nearby Events widget". Great ! Too bad it doesn't seem to be working :(


    1. I set the radius on 1km

    => I can see two events : 2 km and 6 km from home (!) + a mega event some 400km from home. All others are hidden 

    2. I change the radius to 5-10-20km

    => Same results

    3. I change the radius to 50 km

    => I can see events up to more than 100km from home

    4. I change the radius to 100 km

    => I can see events up to more than 250km from home !

    5. I select a 20km radius on a date I know an event in the radius that I attended. Then I click on that date, then "Search events". There should be one hit, but there's none, although all filters are set to "All".

    6. I select a 100km radius on a date , then a date where there are 2 events below 100km, another 102 km far and, according the the link below, "5 more" to view. If I click on that link, I cannot see those 5 more events, but only the 2 that are inside the 100km radius.

    7. I select a 100km radius

    => there are no events in January ! There are some if I choose 50km, none of which is actually inside the radius.


    That seems a little untested, doesn't it ?

    Thanks in advance for making it work correctly.


  7. 4 minutes ago, HiddenGnome said:

    In a normal, mobile-responsive layout with a main column and a sidebar you might include the sidebar in the flyout (hamburger) style menu with the main column as the focus of the mobile responsive view. However, when we started building the Dashboard our mobile responsive menu already included the site navigation so we did not have a place to put the sidebar content. We also did not have control over the contents of the menu so we had to decide how to display the sidebar and the main column content. We made the decision to make the sidebar content available in order to provide access to the other gameplay specific pages (My logs, My trackables, etc), but that meant that the main activity content is not displayed when in the mobile responsive view. This is not an ideal experience when viewing the dashboard on a mobile device if you want to see the activity. We are hoping that future changes to the site header will provide more flexibility so we can revisit how/what is displayed on the dashboard when viewing the site in a mobile responsive view.

    OK, at least I know. Thanks for the reply.

    I tried on my computer and it looked good. I still don't know how I will be notified of the PF. I hope I'll soon find out.

    I noticed that my archived logs (owner maintenance in the present case) still show up in the activities list. Is that on purpose ?

  8. I prefer not to tell everything I'd like to, I'd be too long and a lot has already been written. And it could not be pleasant... So in short :

    - Great update, we now have several watchlistS to play with, thank you !

    - In the "GEOCACHES" menu (do you have to shout so that we know GEOCACHES is a section title ? I conceed that it's not clear with the style used.), I really miss the link to show the nearest caches from my home that I haven't found yet. I used it a lot. How am I supposed to do now ? It takes me several clicks instead of 1 to reach the same result using a pocket query, and even more with the brilliant new search. Even looking for caches is made harder. Regression :S

    - Responsive design... look into it, really, it's not too late !


    The old page wasn't really the prettiest, sure. Topping it should have been pretty easy. Well, as you had warned us, it's still a work in progress. And we, paying users, are the beta testers (am I the only one who's shocked by that ?)... And I'm just not confident, with the recent history of functions removal, (javascript) bug additions, bad design... Now everything's below the fold. Really unique. I fear the day the old pages will be removed.

  9. I see a broken link on this page, 1.12. Find a GeoTour



    Search for a GeoTour by GT code



    3.Enter a GT code. Complete list of GT codes. <----this link doesn't work.




    We appreciate that you found this broken link, palmetto. :wub:


    Hmm, now it leads to a new page, but not to the right anchor... And when I click on the back button of my (chrome) browser, I stay on the GeoTour page unless I go back for a second time.


    This new help center looks good, really.

    But once again, who the hell tested it ? Don't you have automated tests that simulate clicks on all the links ? Ever heard of Coded UI (or similar) ? It can prove really helpful...


    BTW, the listbox "Select a language" is too narrow (in french at least), and its style is unique and doesn't look like anything else in the page.


    Still, this new design is very pleasant :)

  10. Once again, I wanted to post a note on one of my caches using the new page... But the log form remained all greyed out.

    There is a BUG in PRODUCTION !!! How can you just let it that happen ? And so long !!!

    Removing features is one thing. One bad thing. But adding bugs ! That is even less acceptable ! Come on guys, you're better that that !


    I haven't seen that, it might be a unique problem to your configuration. You should post your OS version and browser/version and perhaps somebody here could help.


    You haven't, other have, if I read it coorectly in the different threads concerning the new looging page. I don't expect any help, so it's not helpful to mention I used Windows 8.1 / Chrome latest version (see months old freeze with the map, which can only be prevented thanks to a script). It happens randomly. It's okay after a refresh. Appropriate testing would probably have shown that...

  11. I don't play enough to noticed anything negatives. But I found a cache the other day and logged it right away.


    So far, so good.


    I really wonder if some people dont have better things to do. It's almost like the geocaching is their only life. :ph34r:


    Be happy and find a cache and log the find.


    If you arent happy with GS, go find a new hobby. :blink:


    Well, you wrote it yourself, you don't play enough to see the negatives. Until you eventually encounter them... The mere fact you don't see problems does'nt mean there aren't, no ?

  12. In case you missed it, we outlined a few reasons why we created a new logging page in the blog post. Below is an excerpt, you can read the entire post here. Thank you for continuing to share your feedback!


    In case you missed it (you seem to only answer to easy to solve issues, so I'm not sure), the change is mostly badly perceived. In this forum, we outlined a lot of (and not just a few) resons why.

    As for the blog post, I don't know what others do but I rarely read it. Well now I did. I have the feeling that the comments are not quite positive either, to say the least.

    I continue to give my feedback even though I am quite sure it will be ignored.

    Oh, wait, I found a tiny bug you can easily handle : the tooltip "file input" for the photo button is not very useful right now.


    incorporate more robust features

    Well, actually remove more fetures would be correct.


    respond faster to your feedback and any problems

    As I already said, and others too in this thread : only as long as the issue is easy to handle. But when it doesn't go your way, you never give any feedback, sorry.


    fix timezone issues

    Looks like ther's still a lot to be done here too (see bug reports)


    mobile responsive

    Responsive is something your new logging page is far from being, sorry. When all I see on my 22" monitor is white, then something is not responsive. When the loading circle doesn't stop looping on my phone, this is not responsive. When a mostly empty page takes 3 to 4 seconds - at best - to load, it's not responsive...


    Much of the website is unable to support the features today’s geocachers want and need, such as adding a favorite point and photo to a draft on Geocaching.com.

    What we want and need is not a website that is slower and offers less functionnalities. We could add favorites, it's not something new. Adding the possibility to add photos is good. It was already possible, but not from the logging page. Good idea. Bad implementation ! How come limiting everyone to be able to upload just one image ? If you need to free up storage, start up with old unused images...


    Now in our 17th year, we are addressing some growing pains that only come with being a game nearly two decades old. Namely, old code.


    Professionnaly, I work with code written in the early 2000s. Guess what ? It's still working ! ( Like the code Groundspeak wrote back then, it's well designed and working pretty well. Must have been done by cachers who knew what other cachers wanted.) But as I need to maintan it and do some evolutions, I confess it sometimes is a pain. But there are changes to be made, which by the way will be done in more modern ways, using newer languages. Then there are people who design how the new things should look like. Others who validate the changes. Then I do the changes. Then someone checks my code, before the change can be properly tested. Then some people do the testing. Then I correct errors, if necessaty... and only once all the tests are OK, the change can be sent to production. With a small target group if necessary. There's a golden rule in the process : changes add something, but never remove anything that had been possible before !

    Well, I'm pretty sure it's how you do too. We geocachers are (paying) users, no beta-tester, right ?


    As a customer, I can't believe how you treat us here ! As a customer, I should expect that the tools I've been using for years won't suddenly be worsened only because it was written a long time ago and your current developpers can's handle that ! Actually, how things are done doesn't interest me and is not my business. The only thing that interests me is the result. Removing functionnalities has nothing to do with old/new code. Increasing loading time has nothing to do with old new/code. Javascipt code that has your pages (map freze, message center freeze, now log page freeze) has nothing to do with old code It has with new code... And I won't even complain (oops, I am) about all that being done because of one of the poorest geocaching applications from the market that I've tested so far. Look at your concurrents/partners (?), it could be instructive. As of now, your release is not thoroughly tested and is not ready for production use. Why not confessing it, do the job, communicate about it and go live back later when it's eventually ready ? You proved with the withdraw of the "challenges" that you could admit when something didn't work out as it should. It's about time you recognise your mistake, isn't it ?

  13. I don't want the website or apps to remain the same because people don't like change.


    Neither do I. I want it to remain the same because it's better ! Change is always welcome when it brings improvements. The new page looks good, and that's about it. From all other perspectives, it brings less to the table.


    Maybe the developpers should look into responsive design media queries... It is actually possible (and not so hard) to improve the look and feel for apps / smartphones / tablets... without impacting desktop users. One day, maybe...

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