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Everything posted by zcubed

  1. Where's the "Oh the DRAMA" picture? We need one here.
  2. Just set your coords 30' from the cache and note that in the logs.
  3. I guess I always pictured it as a doublewide.
  4. BTW...I do like the graphic. Very nice.
  5. The Astrocaching web site has a new look? I will have to go see. sorry, had to be done.
  6. You would be surprised at how easy you can miss a car that has rolled on its side wheels facing toward you in the dark and snowing. Not always as obvious as it sounds. When fire trucks are racing towards a house on fire everybody and their brother are out there waving and pointing like lunatics at the burning house, like some how the fire fighters are going to miss all the flames and smoke, but you go on a hard to find medical call and everyone stands there with their hands in their pockets like statues watching you drive by. <back on topic> I think I would do about as good caching if the SA was turned on, as with it off
  7. I figured as much, with all the cachers tromping around it would've had to happen eventually. <Last off topic post for this thread from me>
  8. I know you are 13 and excited about caching, but in the forums you are expected to keep the posts on topic (somewhat anyway). Now I answer your off topic question: Your question is typical of a boy your age. I have seen my fair share of bodies while playing firefighter/EMT, and it isn't something you want to see. You have to remember that the body used to be a living person that was just like your dad, mother, sister , etc. so there isn't anything "cool" about it. I hope to never find a body while caching, I haven't heard of this happening (I still new to the sport) and I certainly hope that nobody ever does find a body caching!
  9. You mean the one that is frozen in the ground or the one that is closed for the season?
  10. GC is a great web site and I enjoy the member features. GSAK is a great program that makes caching easier so I registered it. If everyone knew how much work and time goes into a web site or coding a program they would cough up the small amount too!
  11. Here are two caches using electrical boxes: M B-80 SPS 5-35 Once you are standing in front and see the cache name it is very clear that this is a cache. WX cache The description states that it is a electrical box and when you finally find it you know it isn't live. I think these are fine as caches and I had fun searching out WX above. Looking at the picture that Criminal posted it is very clear that this won't be your last cache.
  12. I have already encountered several of these and its pointed out in the cache description what it is or obvious that it isn't live once you see it.
  13. I have turned the house upside down, mrs. zcubed has as well. I have looked even in the most ridiculous places, freezer, under the kitchen sink, etc. Nada, Zero, nothing.
  14. The last thing I was doing with it in the field was getting coords for a new cache I am setting up. I brought it home to type in the coords and from there....POOF! I have no idea where it went, but I know I had it here because I have the coords.
  15. Good to hear that no one was hurt! T-boners are the worst.
  16. I ordered a new one on Valentine's day with the wifes approval. I should get the new one Thursday (Oh, how I wanted to check the next day air shipping option!) and I can't wait. I got the Etrex Vista C this time. Now I hope my old one will magically appear. I never thought that I would grieve over a GPS! If I would have lost it down a hole at least I would know where it is. It is comforting to know that my lost GPS knows where it is! After trying a couple of caches without the GPS I will maybe be that much better. Ok, maybe not.
  17. I am two away from 120,000 completed units on Seti@home maybe I will switch over to crunching protiens.
  18. I submitted a virtual for approval not knowing about the moratorium on virtuals. I have now changed it up to where the virtual stop is now a part of a multi with a micro hidden away from the site. Mine hasn't been approved yet, but now with a micro and a log I hope it will. For your cache have people add up dates or make those date correspond with the coords of the next step and hide a micro somewhere nearby or miles away whatever the case may be. Since it is a spy cache make them solve spy puzzles/codewords whatever.
  19. The weather is wonderful and I would love to be out caching, but I have lost my GPSr so I am home whining, moping... looking at Garmins that I can't afford. <me grieving my lost GPS> I am now in the acceptance stage. Yesterday was denial. And I don't care what people take or leave or don't leave at caches, I am in it for the fun, well that and I'm addicted.
  20. Uh, yeah....where did you say that coin was? Cha-ching!
  21. Some people are leeches and there will always be those leeches. I would hope they feel guilty, but I doubt it as they probably live their whole lives like that, all taking, no giving. Maybe in the logs they can be pointed out like "Replaced items that were leeched by previous cachers" or just tolerate them and go on.
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