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Posts posted by FiveDollarGuitar

  1. Welcome to the addiction, $5.

    You can use a stamp as a signature.


    I've been doing this just over a year; 500 ish finds and just 2 hides so far. I got introduced while visiting a friend in Chicago, who suggested we go geocaching. Like you, I said "what"? I thought it was kind of fun; then when I got home (England) and saw how many caches were near me (the closest was 400 feet away), I got hooked.


    Currently I am without GPSr as I had to send it off for repair, so I'm having withdrawal symptoms. I borrowed by wife's iPhone over the weekend and found some with that, but I had to give it back to her...


    I feel ya there. I do not have a GPS at all. I plan on using google maps as best I can and maybe in the future I will purchase a hand held. It's good to know the thrill doesn't easily fade!!

    thank you for taking the time to share with me!!


  2. Yes, you sure can use your stamp instead of a signature, but be sure to carry a fine-point pen for signing the logs in these: http://www.soyouwannagogeocaching.com/2008...o-geocache.html


    I have heard of these elusive nano caches. At some point I might seek them out, but to begin with I plan to go for a little bit bigger than this. I know some people really enjoy the nano and micro caches in urban areas, but I do not think they will be my cup o' tea...we shall see.

    thanks for the tip though, I will remember a pen/pencil should I go a hunting one!!

  3. Never could set still, started Geocaching about 5 months ago. My wife and I are Ex orienteers, always loved the map and compass to find the controls, but needed a meet to participate, geocacheing you can do at your liesure, I made a bracket for my bike to hold my gps, get to combine the two things I like. I had a bad time of it in Arizona (got skunked) but chalked it up to inexperiance (next year). Yeh, when the Geo bug bites it leaves a big welt. Happy Cacheing, Mesa


    thank you Mesa! and EW to the getting skunked!

  4. Hello Knowschad!!


    I wrote in my OP that I was waiting it out for starting officially until I have myself organized. Here is my list of things I personally think are important before finding a cache and logging it in as a find;


    1. finish the stamp with what is to be my log book insignia

    Letterboxing uses stamps. Geocaching uses a pen or pencil.


    2. get at least a few of my signature items created.

    Again, not in the least bit neccessary to geocaching. A few people use signature items, some people appreciate finding them, others consider them to be annoying.


    3. and the last thing I need is to create a caching pack.

    Again, optional. I really don't know of a single cacher that put a kit together before finding their first caches. That's something that you can build up as you go.


    So there you have it, I am planning, creating, and trying really damned hard to be patient.

    You really don't do things in a small way, do you? :)


    ok so the stamp for letterboxing, can I not use one to sign log books? I just liked the idea. I won't be breaking any rules right? It is a pretty small stamp.


    the signature items are as much for me as anyone else. I would be thrilled to come across others' signature pieces, and I do hope anyone annoyed by mine will just leave them for someone who appreciates the art.


    I want to put a pack together because I like to be organized. It is all apart of the process for me, makes it feel official and important. : )


    Finally, inspiration should never be taken in small doses. I know most things are best followed by the rule of "everything in moderation" but when it comes to inspired creativity, I think we can pitch that saying right out the friggin' window.


    It is not that I feel any one or all of these things are required, I simply feel motivated to approach the whole affair with as much respect and heart as I can muster. If that makes me a lunatic, well then.... "come on in, the water is fine!!" : )

  5. Good morning 5$, welcome to the addiction! What part of Florida do you call home? There are a few groups you may want to check out, as they are chock full of energetic, fun loving cachers like yourself: The FGA is comprised of folks from all over the state. NEFGA focuses mostly on the 12 northeast counties and SCGA which focuses on the space coast. Good folks all the way around. Hope to see you on the trail or at some events!


    Hello Clan Riffster,

    Thank you for the tidbit. I need all the little bits of info I can get. Afterall, I am learning about geocaching pretty far out from the beginning. I am certain there is much I do not know about the game.

    I did come across some of these local sites while searching different queries on the sport.

    I am on the central gulf coast. Not sure if there are any sites to this region or not.

    It would be nice to participate in a local forum of geocachers though, so I am going to have to look into this a bit.

    Thank you again and great to meet a fellow Fla cacher!

    much respect~ 5$

  6. I was excited about geocaching years before I even started. It's right up my alley, for all the reasons you love it.


    As to your question, most people, from what I gather, use sock puppet accounts because their real account has been banned, so they create a whole new one.


    If you don't want your personal information displayed on either the forums or in your profile, simply don't put it in. As far as I know, there hasn't been any problems with personal information being used in a devious manner, but I am not an "old timer" so take my opinion for what it's worth (about $0.56, give or take a penny.)


    The geocaching community as a whole does not seem to attract many nefarious characters. Yes, we have our "problem cachers" but they are usually discovered quickly and tend to get bored with antagonizing cachers. I'm not aware of issues spilling over into "real life" (in other words, I suspect that no one is going to show up at your house with gun and insist you tell them EXACTLY where your nano is hidden.)


    Geocaching.com has the least amount of my personal information, especially when you compare it to Facebook or other sites I frequent.


    Did I answer your question?

    you most certainly did! thank you.

    I was kind of thinking that my question might come across that I was either;


    A. entirely to full of myself to think that anyone would care to go out of their way to track me down


    B. entirely too paranoid


    the truth is, and it is a sad truth, there are creepers in the world. Being new to this and new to a forum and whatnot, I just thought I should double check my actions. I figure there are a lot of cachers out there so the odds that I would be the one cacher selected by some creepy lurker with bad intentions........ well it must fall somewhere around the odds of being strike by lightning naked while holding a plastic spoon.


    (I seldom use plastic spoons, so I think I am good to go)


    thank you so much for your time!! I will post something back to this thread to share with you some pictures when my signature crafts are completed : )

  7. I get all excited over signature items, and the ones you've described sound absolutely awesome. I have a friend who makes these book necklaces that are very similar to what you are making, and in fact I'm buying me one of her necklaces for myself. I'm in New Mexico, but maybe someday I will run across one of your items. :D Someday, I might make my own, but as you have already figured out, it takes time!


    thank you so much for the encouragement!! When I first heard about this game (as I wrote about in my OP) I went looking for all the information I could handle reading on this glowing screen. The one thing I found was a lot of talk about how the best finds have been signature items, I googled the term and found several results to picture galleries that people have compiled of the signature items they collected.


    I just love the idea of signature items. The time that goes into them translates into something more then just an item. It's kinda like cooking, the love you put into it, you know?


    I think the notion of spreading some humor, or art, or knowledge, or whatever on a signature piece has endless opportunities for creativity. The format for sharing art is not like anything I can quite think of. This is the reason I find it so exciting and inspirational.

    You add to that the adventure, the outdoors time, the new spots you find, and what the heck is there to not be excited about!


    While I have your attention, I wonder if you could answer me something? It has occurred to me that I posted this thread with my geocache ID, and did not take the time to become a sock puppet (just learned about those yesterday). I couldn't understand why people would make 2 IDs..... but now it registers in my wee little thinker that when players log caches, particularly players who do not travel too much, that other people here will be able to deduct roughly where someone is living. At least the home town.

    Has this ever been an issue for anyone at GC? Should a new player follow any particularly safety rules when it comes to anonymity?


    thanks for your time with this, and for replying!!

  8. Just curious... you are so obviously enthused about this activity... when do you plan on logging your finds? I was hoping to be able to read what you wrote about them.


    Hello Knowschad!!


    I wrote in my OP that I was waiting it out for starting officially until I have myself organized. Here is my list of things I personally think are important before finding a cache and logging it in as a find;


    Hope this answers your question!!


    much respect~ 5$


    ps, my stamp is probably a week out from finished, and judging by how the first signature piece went (there is a lot of drying and cutting and drying, gluing and drying, and painting then drying, then I have to pour the epoxy which has a considerable dry time) I should be able to have at least 3 made in time to take my stamp swag to my first official cache.


    One other thing I want to add quick, I am not too concerned with how many caches I find or how quickly I accumulate logs. Right now I am more concerned with having some kind of (granted small and likely unnoticable to the geo masses) influence on the quality of the game. Put positivity in, get positivity out.

    We shall see how well my theory works out for me. Just the thought of one happy cacher finding a unique signature item makes me smile!

    I will be sure to leave some words about my finds when I log.

    ok, I think that is all for now. Thank you for reading and responding to my post : )

  9. I started almost two months ago (39 finds). I too freaked out when I signed up @ geocaching.com and plugged in a local zip code. HOLY CRAP! The # of caches blew me away, and some of the craziest locations! I just thought there was one here or there, mainly in a remote forest area. Boy was I wrong :D


    We love the outdoors. I hunt, hike, canoe, and camp and thought this would be the perfect addition to add to our outdoor enjoyment. I even enjoy the urban caches, with their unique challenges. I'm not interested so much as to what's stashed in the cache. I enjoy the challenge of the hunt the most. Just need more time for the sport.


    Some people do look at you a little odd when you try to explain the game. I'm getting used to that, and have printed out several brochures that I keep with me for such occasions.


    BROCHURES!?!? or dear god, don't go giving me another thing to add to my list!!


    yea, I think I will leave those to you!

    Music and nature are some of life's best medicine!

    (laughter is right up there with those)


    much respect~ 5$

  10. Just curious... you are so obviously enthused about this activity... when do you plan on logging your finds? I was hoping to be able to read what you wrote about them.


    Hello Knowschad!!


    I wrote in my OP that I was waiting it out for starting officially until I have myself organized. Here is my list of things I personally think are important before finding a cache and logging it in as a find;


    1. finish the stamp with what is to be my log book insignia


    2. get at least a few of my signature items created. I started my first today after days of thinking and planning and gathering materials. I am making something kind of like charms out of those plastic caps that you can not throw into the recyclable bins with your plastic bottles. I am painting them (spray painting those puppies seems to be what is going to take me the most time) and then adding recycled clip art from catalogs I collected years back when I worked as a picture framer. There are many awesome small prints of great art and images that would otherwise just go in the trash. I have been hand drawing my guitars, musical notes, and other instruments on sheets of computer paper (I am using those pieces that we all end up with when you misprint or those pages that you print that somehow just one or two lines ends up on a clean sheet. Once that happens, those pages are trash, and I thought I would make use of them) I am adding the musical genre clippings to the art images and then adding very tiny charms or shells or dried flowers, pieces from old and/or broken jewelery, or any other odd and end I can think of to layer the piece. This is a process because everything has to be coated in either a clear glue, or a spray sealer, piece by piece during the assembly. This process has to be done to protect the integrity of the item before I cast the whole piece by filling it with epoxy. So far the first one I have just about completed seems to be coming out quite nicely!! I almost do not want to part with it.


    3. and the last thing I need is to create a caching pack. I want of course the usual, pens, bug repellent, ziplocs, grocery bags for trash carrying, and any other thing I think of along the way that might be useful. I have noticed some people commenting about there being a lack of a log book in some caches, so I thought I might purchase just a few small spirals for those emergencies.


    Once I have all this in order I will officially find my first cache and log it here. I have located 2 caches already, the first was to check this whole thing out (I did not sign the log book here) The second I went too simply because I had a taste for it and I couldn't stand waiting for my list to be complete. I did sign the log book at this one, and left some fun swag, but I didn't log it as a find because I really intended on waiting until I was ready by my standard.


    So there you have it, I am planning, creating, and trying really damned hard to be patient. The signature items I am making are going to be time consuming, I know, but I think it will be worth it!


    I will be making a gallery at my profile on the geo site of all my signature items, well, until there are just to many to photograph. Like I said they will all be constructed of as reused material. They will all have some kind of relationship with the theme of music.


    Hope this answers your question!!


    much respect~ 5$


    ps, my stamp is probably a week out from finished, and judging by how the first signature piece went (there is a lot of drying and cutting and drying, gluing and drying, and painting then drying, then I have to pour the epoxy which has a considerable dry time) I should be able to have at least 3 made in time to take my stamp swag to my first official cache.

  11. Hello and nice to meet ya CastingCrows, and Sarah (chaos)!!


    It is honestly easy to be enthused by this whole idea. I love the outdoors, camping, hiking, biking, canoeing, etc, and I easily get sucked into activities that involve some kind of creative outlet. I actually do play a 5$ guitar. : )


    Thank you sarah for your tips about finds the quality caches, seems this will be important if I am hoping to get signature items into the hands of folks that will appreciate them.

    I was wondering, is it ok to make a signature piece and attach a little note that asks it to be moved along? I know their are hitchhikers and such items that are designed for this type of thing, and registered trackable. Would it be ok to have an unofficial traveling signature item. I understand I will never know if it made it anywhere, but I thought it might be fun to pass it along with "old school" means of charting, like maybe an inserted small scroll which would only carry abbrev. of states or countries. Is this allowed or frowned upon?


    thank you for your very kind "hellos"


    much respect~ 5$

  12. I had been hoping that the forums would liven up a bit. :D


    Welcome!!! You sound like I did when I first found out what the cool people did for fun.


    I probably wouldn't know "cool" from "uncool" if it was chewing on my leg, but I do know some things are just worthy of some positive participation. :wacko:

    I think forward to putting some energy into the game.

    thank you for the greeting!!

    ~ 5$

  13. I really don't see the rampant newbie bashing that TAR is referring to. If someone comes here with an earnest question most forum regulars fall over themselves to help the person out. Sure once in a while you'll see that ridiculous popcorn icon, or someone will make a flip comment in an poor attempt at humor, but they are generally received well.


    There are times that new visitors are jumped on and it usually occurs when:


    - They set the tone with a negative, accusatory or belligerent OP.

    - They are obvious trolls.

    - They are sock puppets and not really newbies.

    - They have little or no geocaching experience and are disposed to tell us what's wrong with the sport.


    But if they come here and are sincere and polite they are almost always treated respectfully.


    So.... allow me as a newbie to ask an annoying question.....










    sock puppet?


    I am assuming you do not mean the ones we made in preschool.


    much respect ~ 5$


    (the annoying part was the useless scrolling, I think the question was a fair one)

  14. An all expense paid trip to go caching anywhere you want, where would you go?

    I would like to go and drive around Nevada or other desert area to find caches for a couple weeks or Norway for a month or two.


    wow, endless places.

    most certainly I would want to go west. Washington State, Oregon. (never been to either) I would guess the desert areas would be fun too.

    Also, Maine, Vermont, and Virginia.


    as far as overseas...

    Australia for sure. Ireland also.


    but that is not to leave out any other places. I would take an all expense paid trip to [i]almost[/i] anywhere right about now.

  15. It was my 38 dodge pickup. The sport has changed to more micros and more park and grabs but everyone hunts what they like.


    yep, I could have guessed that. I am thinking and suspecting my likes are going to veer toward nonPG and I think I would prefer more than a micro. Though, I suppose things can change. Never say never.

    It seems like the whole thing would be more enjoyable IMO the further you were from traffic.

  16. Welcome to the addiction. Been doing this just shy of 8 years.


    ridiculously pleased to be here.

    thank you for sharing how long you have been hunting and gathering.


    may I ask, how, if at all, has this game changed in your opinion in the last 8 years?


    (if for any reason this kind of a question is opening a can of "don't really wanna go there" I take no offense to you not answering)


    great to meet ya, love the muddy truck!


    (oh and another thing, just below this box, what does the "enable signature" box do when checked?)


    correction.... not muddy truck..... old truck. least I think its a truck. I thought I saw like a big off roader, and now.... perhaps I need sleep.

    love your whatever it is whatcyamacallit icon avatar wheeled thing.

  17. Welcome to the addiction. Been doing this just shy of 8 years.


    ridiculously pleased to be here.

    thank you for sharing how long you have been hunting and gathering.


    may I ask, how, if at all, has this game changed in your opinion in the last 8 years?


    (if for any reason this kind of a question is opening a can of "don't really wanna go there" I take no offense to you not answering)


    great to meet ya, love the muddy truck!


    (oh and another thing, just below this box, what does the "enable signature" box do when checked?)

  18. At this Tenth Anniversary of Geocaching I wonder how many people realize that I created the most energy intensive sport on the planet. Geocachers driving from cache to cache consume large amounts of fuel and create a huge carbon footprint.


    Do I need an award for creating the biggest carbon footprint on the planet?


    Just think how much fuel Geocachers will burn in the Next Ten Years!




    Dave Ulmer - Inventor of Geocaching


    P.S. Just call me Big Foot !


    FYI, I have every intention of walking and biking to every location that is not too far to do so. And by too far, I mean, will take more than several hours to get there.


    so there.

  19. Looks like someone got a bad bite from the geobug!

    I wish you the best of luck! Don't sweat over the swag. Just do your part to trade equal or up.


    Happy caching!


    Thank you for the warm welcome.

    I am not sweating the swag at all. I am sincerely excited to do my part, and to do it creatively. Like I said, I wanna do this the way it is meant to be done, with a little heart.

    I am a crafty person anyhow, and I enjoy making stuff, so what a great way to share that stuff with the people who take the time to follow the hunt. No sweat at all.


    Mainly I mentioned it because I want to put a message out there to you cachers who have been doing this for sometime now (long enough to see how it has played out over one-ten years) that there are still newbies coming into this with a great wonder and respect for the game. Newbies with every intention of keeping the game going or even adding just a little bit summin summin new to make it just that little bit better. I would guess that in a game like this, the more people who set out to make it fun/creative/exciting the better the game will be for the community that is Geocaching.


    I will make my signature pieces because, well, because I want to. ; ) Hopefully some will want to take them home with them or pass them on!!


    Thanks for reading this Intemp, and for replying!


    You seem to have a good grasp about what this game is about.


    Hmmmmm, well it seems like it shouldn't be too hard to wrap one's head around, or arms for that matter.

    But, as I stated in my OP, I did do some reading up, and the more history and background of the game I learned......

    the more inspired and propelled I became.

    I hope coming in as a newbie-tadpole my excitement and motivations can give back some inspiration (an encouragement about newbies and their intentions) to you froggie geocachers (or whatever an all grown up and wise geocacher is called : )


    thanks for reading!! much respect 5$

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