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team sartorius

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Everything posted by team sartorius

  1. uhhh How many PC's are buried behind that pile of Monitors? EDIT: ALso, is that a radio broadcast room? beleive it or not, only five. it's a control station for a particle collision detector.
  2. how many member caches vs. non member caches are active?
  3. gpsr for christmas? i plead guilty. and looking for more info ran me into the geocaching web site. now i've got a nasty case of the cache!
  4. Main Entry: sar·to·ri·us Pronunciation: sär-'tOr-E-&s, -'tor- Function: noun Inflected Form(s): plural sar·to·rii /-E-"I, -E-"E/ Etymology: New Latin, from Medieval Latin sartor tailor, from Latin sarcire to mend : a muscle that crosses the front of the thigh obliquely, assists in rotating the leg to the cross-legged position in which the knees are spread wide apart, and in humans is the longest muscle
  5. i guess this is a good place to work on shedding my tadpole skin!
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