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Everything posted by third-degree-witch

  1. have u calibrated the compass after putting new batteries in ?..my vista c goes mental if you dont set the compass each time after replacing batteries.
  2. 'Its run out of ribbed ones,only plain ones left'
  3. Does my bum look big in this......................field
  4. great house bareclawz nice dog to..exactly what im looking for myself
  5. i use tasco 30x35's..small,compact,ruby lenses..ethnic origin unknown
  6. Ive only climbed snowdon n scafell...nevis is a stranger.....but im gonna go for it,for now im just fishing for general intrest in the idea..when a 'team' is assembled we can discuss a firm time table
  7. Ive been thinking of doing the 3 peaks for a while now and was wondering if anyone else in here has the legs for it..Ive made no firm plans as yet so just wondered if people could be intrested in princible.
  8. i dont care if it gets wet the case is more to stop it getting scratched,both case and more importantly the screen..
  9. I use a Garmin case for my vista to protect screen...BUT..when it rains the plastic screen mists up ! anyone got any remedy for this ?..
  10. Ive come across poo bags....why is it that some dog owners go equipped with poo bag & scoop....carefully tidy up their dogs mess and then throw or hang said bag and contents in hedge for all to see n smell ????...baffles me
  11. If every irresponsible human was removed the planet would be swarming with responsible animals......nice idea....
  12. Rinty..I would certainly agree with what Lactodorum says..Some debates do get very heated in here,regardless of subject.Some people are polite in the way they write and some (like myself) say what they think without the fluffy embelishments.With so many people from such varied lives popping in and out of here there is bound to be disagreements and personality conflicts. Having said that..Most of us are willing to help each other out 99% of the time whatever the need or problem.Newcomers are especially welcome here and theres an army out there willing to help you into the sport/hobby/addiction..I would say that in time you will see that such flare ups are a rare event and that most of the time everything is harmonious.. Welcome to the wacky world of geocaching TDW
  13. Hmmmmm thats not good.Certainly put me off activating n releasing my new additions now dont think i fancy presenting someone a nice coin for their collection.
  14. I like 'Logger&Trails' idea.....QUOTE ''Personally I would like to see it set-up so premium members get priority service, that's the way they do it on a few other sites I am on. If the server loads exceed a certain level then non-paying users are locked out until the server level drops below the threshold. That way if you pay, you play.''UNQUOTE Seems about on the button to me
  15. Jeremy....Its not cutting the mustard...when people pay for a service they expect just that..service..Since all these 'improvements' have been added the server has died a rapid death.Of course i cant expect the server to run perfectly 100% of the time....I would be happy with just 50% at the present time !..
  16. free country Sp.....you do that......youre just as quick to snipe..so dont start crying when people snipe back.i for one wont miss you
  17. Sp...im not changing my tune at all......perhaps if i didnt have to support overt freeloaders like you gc.com would run smoother....anyone for free petrol or chips ?????
  18. http://forums.Groundspeak.com/GC/index.php?showtopic=128299
  19. Totally agree with lost_it.......I also pay to use the site...Im not getting what im paying for and im sick of it....Eithier start supplying what you advertise or refund my money.The powers that be like to spout on about new features and yet fail to fix the most basic of problems...ie keeping the site running....where exactly do the premium payments actually go ????.Also im tired of getting my pq's up to 2 days AFTER i wanted to go out caching ! Can someone in authority reassure us that things are going to be fixed ????
  20. Ohhhhhh that sounds intresting..have a psp im already bored of so will keep hold of it and see what this is all about
  21. If the land is within the WHS you would be suprised how LITTLE say landowners have.The whole area is festooned with burials from both the bronze and iron ages with sensitive Archaeological sites that are not publically known of.Thats why various groups,The modern antiquarians to name one,get uptight about placing caches near them.I am a member of the modern antiquarians myself as well as other offical and unoffical bodies that work to preserve our ancient sites,especially those within wiltshire and somerset.The rules regarding such sites and areas are gradually being tightened as our understanding grows.
  22. I pay to.....Certainly makes one wonder what for exactly.....This server appears to be made of toilet rolls and sticky back plastic. Groundspeak.....enough of the waffle & false promises....get the server sorted...and NOT when is less damaging to the American public all the time...other countries pay to.
  23. So....does that mean that if you say something that hits a nerve u get booted ?
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