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Everything posted by third-degree-witch

  1. Next doors sheep are strangely agitated
  2. Decent quality footwear and coat if needed......Cheap n tacky doesnt figure when out caching.
  3. Forget the rant / non rant...lets cook the rabbit ! ... quick someone, get firewood....its found on EVERY cache
  4. Good luck and deep joy on your Handfasting tomorrow
  5. After reading some threads in the last few weeks its become apparant that certain 'Trolls' exist within this forum.I would like to ask why such people exist....It seems to me that the authors cannot believe what they write if they have to hide behind an alias...I always give my opinion under my normal Username and couldnt give a hoot if i get burned for it,I would like to think everyone else would be open and honest to. We have all read threads on here that some of us dont agree with but i respect the author if they have the honesty and courtesy to be themselves.
  6. QUOTE:''I believe Moote is being unecessarily inflamatory in this post in that it would appear to address a concern that is already a dispute between him and the local reviewers and has been referred to Groundspeak. This being so I feel further discussion here, at the present time, is inappropriate and I would request a moritarium on further posts until the matter has been fully investiagted and a debate may be more appropriate and Many Thanks, Eckington'' Sorry but i see no imflamatory remarks in Mootes post at all.As i see it he was just touching on GC.coms own guidelines.Are we not allowed to query rules,regulations and caching practices now ?
  7. Sad to hear the original 'PINK THING' has gone missing,
  8. Sp..you forgot to add my name to your quote..please feel free to do so if youre intent on pasting quotes
  9. Nobody can be expected to tread that fine line without making inadvertant mistakes now and again.Some people are more sensitive that others..If they cant accept any apoligy offered to them by yourself then at least youve tried to make things right.
  10. Ive had both the Yellow and Vista c....the Vista is FAR better under tree cover.Ive not lost a signal in trees as yet.
  11. Good luck Ratty,Both to yourself and ALL our men and women out there in the field.Difficult job in difficult times thats appreciated by the majority.
  12. WELL done that man !...100 up in 4 months is good going in anyones book.500 in the first year ?
  13. I agree totally...ive seen many cache locations and surrounding flora n fauna totally destroyed with wanton disregard..ive always been of the opinion that cache loocations should be active for just one year then archived/moved.....not only would this create variations on caches but it would give the previous site a chance to recover before its totally destroyed.
  14. 1122 caches within 25 miles of here ! (Hemel Hempstead Herts)
  15. Great day ! ASTOUNDING amount of junk shifted...lets hope that the locals now appreciate what a beautiful place they have.... thanks cryptic souls crew...
  16. Congrats ! ive only ever had a hollow bar on my vista for 33
  17. Eyeoneder, A yellow etrex is a good starter machine,and an old palm m130 like i use can be picked up on ebay for 10-20 quid.saves reams of paper n expensive printer ink.
  18. I usually remove placcy bags from caches as 99.99% of the time they are ripped or chewed up by animals.Indeed ive found loads of caches by seeing the bags or hearing them flapping in the wind.
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