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Everything posted by DerDiedler

  1. Auch das war in den letzten Tagen nicht immer so
  2. Hier gehts heiß her. GS killt JavaScrips auf den Profilseiten. Seit Tagen gehts da hin und her. Mein Profil sieht regeläßig anders aus. Mal kaputter mal weniger. Ich kann nur empfehlen die Füße still zu halten bis es einen Endgültigen Stand gibt. Alle Reparaturversuche werden möglicherweiße direkt wieder kaputt verbessert.
  3. Well Tonybatts, i guess thats how some people would welcome one to his new game. But I assure you. There are a lot of nice people here as well. Not only Smartypants and wanna be lawyers. I send you a verry warm welcome. Have fun and stay curious!
  4. Smatypants Yes it´s true. And if you use another free of charge app you can even see all Geocaches that are no PMO
  5. I am bugging along with Firefox
  6. I´m getting frequent Errors when doing stuff on the website. Refreshing and sending data again solves it mostly, but it´s anoying. Does somebody experiance the same? What to do about?
  7. oh, if this is the actuall question my answer is geocaching.com
  8. Upload the picture of your choice, for exaple as a log photo. So it is embaded at geocaching site allready. Then klick edit on your public profil page and ad the following to the "about" window: <td><img src="********************************************" > </td> replace the stars with the link of your foto and that should be it. Maybe not the easiest or best way, but it works
  9. It seems they changed it back or did something else. My Profile Information looks like normal again. No more broken banner or country flags.
  10. kann es sein das du Signaturen deaktiviert hast? Siehst du meine?
  11. I think it wouldn´t be publishable, since I don´t see a way to chellange check it.
  12. Offtopic: @jennergruhle deine Signatur scheint aus einer Ladung leerer Absätze zu bestehen. Daher ist unter deinen Posts immer eien mords große weiße Fläche die man überscrollen muss. Wenn du das nicht aus irgendwelchen Gründen absichtlich drin hast dann änder das doch bitte
  13. I´m not good in such things, but is that why my banners and country flags are not shown anymore in my profile? And if so, how to restore it?
  14. Hmmmm, of course its sad to see such an oldie pass. But isn´t that what oldies do from time to time? In didn´t check back to the cache listing or logs, but as you say the CO had to move the cache, for what ever reason. So It wouldn´t have been the same cache anymore anyway. So why to keep the cache under life support, just to bute force it´s continued existace under all circumstaces? I feel think, things have to be alowed to go, when it´s about time.
  15. Absolut, kann ich nur bestätigen. wird auch gerade (mal wieder) im englischsprachingen Forum drüber den Kopf geschüttelt.
  16. A verry verry good example ist this one GC6YRRA And it still irks me. I´ve loged a DNF, looked up the logs and it was so obvious, that the cache is long gone but still finds were loged on a daily basis. An suggested to archive the cache, the CO then contacted me in a way.... let´s say he do not understand what freaky problem I have with his nice cache. Now the cache is up again and the storry just continues. Love it!
  17. That´s a big irk for me too. And it seems to be quite comon in Holliday Destinations. Had the same over and over.
  18. I love threads like this where the initiator just disapears after his problem was placed. No further reactions, no answeres to queries, no report about the actual state or further actions taken. Have he clickt the link? what happened? Ok, one excuse would be he clicked the link and his machine got smoked
  19. Isn´t it a better idea to contact a refiewer about this issue?
  20. Gibts oft genug das Kopien im Umlauf sind, teilweise ganze Klon-Horden. Ob das verpönt ist, keine Ahnung. Sinnvoll finde ich das nicht. In deinem Fall würde ich persönlich sagen das passt schon. Eine Kopie zum reisen lassen, damit der Trackingcode auch seine Daseinsberechtigung hat und du zuschauen kannst wie er so rum kommt.
  21. It´s not really a container, isn´t it? I mean it´s not supposed to hold anything inside it.
  22. Oh, ok, I see. Has been a long time since I was not a PM ?
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