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Everything posted by ADTCacheur

  1. Oh! Now I see, that picture is from a website. phew, I thought that actually was your car for a second (with geocachers, wouldn't surprise me a bit). If that is your car, then be careful to buy suction cups that actually stick properly. My Nuvi's suction cup keeps falling off the windshield, and having to constantly pick up 5 GPSs from the ground while driving and stick them back up on your windshield might qualify as a driver distraction!
  2. How many watchlists do you have? With the amount I have, It's taking me much longer to write this post then to delete every single one of my watchlists. That includes going to geocaching.com, getting to my page of watchlists then deleting them
  3. Here's a possiblity: CO hides cache. It's under tree cover and his GPS has 20' inaccuracy. Your GPS and your friend's GPS have 20' inaccuracy. Your friend just got lucky and got their GPS pointing 20' off in the right direction while yours was off in the other direction.
  4. Oh! I thought I should mention, you can't do paperless geocaching without a premium membership anyways. You can only see coords, D/T and cache size, not cache info, hint, or logs.
  5. in your title you said Oregon 450, but said 400 in your first post. I'll clear that up by mentioning there's NO Oregon 400. (there is 400i, 400c, etc.) I recently bought my Oregon, and I decided on it because there were certain features that you would lose by getting the Dakota. My friend has a Dakota though. It is the exact same GPS, but you lose some unimportant features (such as 3d view, which you can't do unless you have topographical maps [and isn't very good anyway, I saw it on my friend's GPS (He has an Oregon 450t)]) and you lose about a quarter of an inch each direction. I forget exactly what features are different, but they are nearly the only difference.
  6. My geopuppy caches with me on my account. Her favorite geocaching area is a hiking trail between rivers... the multicache was only a 2.5m one, but she must have ran 20m!!!
  7. That has got to be on purpose... You could accidentally leave caps lock on, but you couldn't accidentally type a delta instead of an "a"... Now for the real question: why?
  8. first off, 40 degrees Fahrenheit, right? as in 5 degrees above freezing instead of 40 (and also smaller degrees)? That would be cold. Just to point out, I'm on a swim team, and I swim in lake superior (the coldest of the great lakes) about an hour a day 2 weeks a year. I think I could handle this cache without equipment so don't say you NEED snorkeling gear. If there is any NEED, it's some kind of goggle, but even that isn't a need if you're crazy enough...
  9. Unfortunately below about 2 feet you would not be able to expand your chest to take a breath. There is a reason that snorkel tubes are not much longer than they are. I didn't know that. My new fun fact of the day!
  10. .....be really cool if it did the multi colors and patterns as you sprayed it out the can though ??!!?? you could probably get 3 spray paint cans (green, dark green, brown?) and spray randomly with each... No way yet invented to actually have a pattern come straight out of the spray paint can (give those scientists time... If they stop inventing useful things)
  11. I would like to voice my opinion on this matter: 1. I personally do not like the idea of a rating system for caches. (not yours specifically) 2. For your system, you would either have too many rules so that the algorithms would get very complicated, or you'd have urban caches getting highest priority over rural caches, though the latter is usually the most popular 3. more people can fit a park and grab into their schedule, but generally I prefer long multis 4. there is already a 3rd party 0-5* rating system in effect, though I forget where to go to get it... 5. with ANY rating system, you risk having people feel really bad because they thought that their cache was so good, but it turns out that people don't like it quite as much (sometimes people can even feel like that because they though their cache would surely be in the top spot of their area, but it got 5th place) that's all, but remember, I'm against rating systems in general
  12. clearly i am too new to comprehend "constant maintenance"... as i see that as a sign of poor selection of location and/or container. The only thing that I meant in my original post was a reflection of my area: a lot of people are too proud to log DNFs, and then if you only check on the cache every few months, somebody looking for the cache may get disappointed because it's been muggled and they didn't find out until a few months after it happens. If you only check every few months or so, and people don't log their DNFs often, this becomes only slightly less likely then the being stolen in the first place Sorry if my first post didn't come across as that, but even the best hides will often be better off with regular maintenance
  13. what I do (the closest caches to me are 8km) is I decide on a cache, go to the cache page, click "driving directions" and print the directions it gives me (extra step of adding your current location if you haven't plugged in your home coordinates) I then walk to the geocache, and realize it's been muggled, and walk home disappointed... note: I do not actually have evidence that they've all been muggled, but it makes me feel better then saying that I spent 30-45 minutes looking for 1* hides and couldn't find them...
  14. I find it too hard to type on the Oregon, so I just log a find on my Oregon (so it doesn't show in my nearby caches anymore) and if there are any, log the 'hints' found inside the geocache for the series finale... Wouldn't want that to be posted on the site, so I write up my logs at home
  15. solved? there aren't any logs puzzle reminds me of that old game show "concentration" You've got a point. Maybe he means muggled? that would really suck after all that work to get the coords
  16. That looks like the kind of cache where you wouldn't find it while looking for the other cache! Although if you aren't clear enough with saying it's an underwater cache, people may find the other one while looking for yours... Anyway, contact GSP and hope you have a waterproof container!
  17. You borrow ideas... If so then when do you give them back? My perspective: imitation is the highest form of flattery. You're not stealing, your imitating them! probably the reason your "easy" one took 3 months for FTF was because most people find puzzle caches too hard/too boring/too something and ignore them in their PQs... what can you do?
  18. I'm confused about something, you find out about geocaching on the same day you post this thread, but yet you're talking about a cache you found the next day (although monday is 2 days after saturday) and you never edited the post... am I missing something Anyway, nice to hear from new cachers. good luck with our language!
  19. Make a 100 cache limit, and you will cause history to repeat itself. all the small towns will no longer have any new caches (I have about 20 caches in a 20km radius, and I don't drive so that's my limit) and eventually the old caches will be archived, and there will be none left. The big cities will have people reaching 100 caches, and then psychology will cause them to want to hide a cache (whether they can hide a good one or not) just because they can. Next thing you know, there will be caches full of deterium
  20. You better visit the cache more often than that!
  21. ADTCacheur

    TB Race

    here is a type of race I would like: 1. start anywhere you want 2. sent your TB/GC to (within 100m of) the exact opposite side of the world from where you are 3. have the TB/GC return home afterwards 4. first TB/GC back wins!
  22. really, it all depends what kind of a cacher you are. I've seen caches ranging from 5* for a cache that was a tree leaning on it's side so much you walked up the trunk to get it (only a 5* because it was a tree) to 3* for a cache probably 50' in the air, with no branches for the first part so you have to climb the trunk itself (this one was straight up). assuming it's just an average tree, 30' up, I'd say 4-4.5*
  23. Somebody I know is getting one for $0 with airmiles or something
  24. Thanks for the help! I now have the maps I needed.
  25. I agree, soft coordinates are a bad idea. But wouldn't a good camo job be maximizing damage to the area as well? If the searcher can't see it, then the search goes on, no? yes, but at least with a difficult hide you only have to look in a 20'? area, whereas with coordinates off by 50', you would have to look in a 100' area (not including your GPS's inaccuracy) note: the OP did not mention 50'. It was just an arbitrary number.
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