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Everything posted by naffita

  1. Write a note, you will be able to drop the tb. If you want, you can then delete the note.
  2. The one for england is: http://www.geocaching.com/map/england.asp you can expand the map from there.
  3. The OP makes a request and adds please, why on earth have so many people taken offence at such a simple request? When you consider the time it must take to organise an event, a few seconds to put the information on the cache page is insignificant. Some event organisers seem to think it is essential to reply to every cacher who states their intention to attend the event, and post numerous notes on the cache page and many posts in the forums. Is it so difficult to mention the nearest public transport? Surely the idea is to get people there, and the more the merrier?
  4. A number of cachers in the UK use "see picture" or something like that as the encripted clue. Its great when you are fifty or sixty miles from home and have spent the last half hour thrashing round in the bushes, you cant find the cache and resort to the clue, "see picture" is the last thing you want. If you decode the clue and look at the picture before setting off it spoils the hunt, and if you don't its a hundred miles or so round trip to look at the picture. So. dont use a picture as the hint is my opinion.
  5. edited, as alterations to post No.14 now make my comments redundant.
  6. edited, as alterations to post No.14 now make my comments redundant.
  7. Cut the tree down to a short stump, not too short, you want enough to be able to get hold of it to pull it out. Treat the stump with SBK brushwood killer mixed with oil or diesel fuel.
  8. I'm with you on this one, people who know the cacher who reaches a milestone can send a pm, to anyone else its a big "so what?". No, you don't have to read them, but don't they clutter up the forum? In the days when there were only a couple of hundred caches in the country, 100 was a big deal, now you can clock up a hundred in a couple of days if you realy want to. In a recent thread there were several cachers with over five hundred caches within 25 miles so what's the problem with finding a hundred, you could do it after tea without too much of a problem.
  9. Ah no, I'm just pleased to see it back, I will e-mail the finder/placer but only to thank them for putting it back into circulation.
  10. My Tb was logged into a cache on 27th March 2004 and then disappeared from the face of the earth, I sent several e-mails to subsequent finders of the cache but no one had seen my Tb. I gave it up as lost. It was placed into another cache yesterday, that's 775 days MIA. Can anybody beat that?
  11. Fair enough. I thought you were in a hurry for them. Globalpositioning systems want over 7 pounds each.
  12. Send a tenner to The Aplastic Anaemia Trustand I'll post two TB's to you. Let me know your address.
  13. Both reviewers do an excellent job, most threads are left to run their course without interference, even the obvious trolls are allowed their say. Keep it up you two, it's a definite well done from me. By the way, it must be time for a wage review, how about we double your pay?
  14. See my earlier post, the edit was added before Eckington's post. I'm with you on this one, and the thread's going as I suspected. With the added little drips of information accidentaly dropped into the thread I think I know which cache we're on about.
  15. From GAGB guidlines: No cache should be placed in such a way as to risk damage or disturbance to any Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) or Scheduled Ancient Monument (SAM) From GC.com Guidlines: Caches may be quickly archived if we see the following (which is not inclusive): Caches placed on archaeological or historical sites. In most cases these areas are highly sensitive to the extra traffic that would be caused by vehicles and humans. In addition, there may be local regulations already in place for certain types of parks in your region (state parks, county preserves, etc.). There are many local caching organizations that would be able to help you out with those regulations. If the Geocaching.com web site is contacted and informed that your cache has been placed inappropriately, your cache may be archived or disabled and you may be contacted with any information provided by the individual or organization who contacted us. What was the question again? Edit: A tiny voice is saying "You should have waited for the follow up". Something like " then why was this allowed"
  16. GCJA3V and GCH5E3 are only 300 feet apart, but a fairish walk from one to t'other. It depends on the situation.
  17. Why not just replace the box and log book if it's needed? Put the cache on your watch list and say nothing. No brownie points, no need to adopt the cache, just the warm fuzzie feeling of having done a good deed.
  18. Its up and running now. Many thanks to whoever sorted it.
  19. I have no problem getting to the right page, but when I click update I get the listing denied response. I have emailed the category owner a number of times since submitting the waymark.
  20. I get "Directory Listing Denied" "This Virtual Directory does not allow contents to be listed." ???
  21. It is in Landlocked Lighthouses and was listed 8/16/05. It doesn't show in the lists, but if you look for wm18 it does.
  22. The title says it all really. Since submitting the waymark, Dunston Pillar, and getting an enthusiastic e-mail back I have heard nothing, despite three or four requests for info, it is still not available. So, what is the reason?
  23. Geocoins and travel bugs tend to attract people to your cache, if you remove the coins and 'goodies' people will visit less. The whole idea of the game is to hunt for caches, how much of a hunt will it be to find your own cache? You might also consider that you put out a cache for other people and not to become your own free collection box. If a TB has been tied up in your cache for a long time then it is OK to collect it to move it along but nipping in as soon as they are left is hardly playing the game. Several cachers make a habit of removing TBs as soon as they appear but in the main it's best to leave them for the real finders rather than the "just popped back" types.
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