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Everything posted by vespax

  1. I am watching the thread intently, but not sure what is happening, as I told you over the weekend. Perhaps more shall be revealed before Wednesday?!!
  2. No!!!??? Serious? Right under our noses all the time!
  3. vespax


    Welcome to Batman_SA! Very nice meeting you at the event (Glad you made it there! ). Enjoy the fun of exploring your backyard in a whole new dimension.
  4. AXYZ - Will there be more intrigue? Or has Cownchicken solved it all? Time will tell.... Thanks for the mystery.
  5. OK, went through the thread again. Got an idea that our young heroes might be getting a lift to the event... Connecting though, what could that mean... All so interesting and a cache eve! Man. 4:30 can't come soon enough tomorrow!
  6. Anybody but CnC have a clue what is going on? Can't wait for the weekend to get some clues... So confused.
  7. Ah mi madre, I didn't know that gente in SA spoke Spanglish! I have been holding back todo los anos... Cuidense mis amigos.
  8. Forgive me if I am wrong, but wouldn't the iPhone SDK coming soon solve many of these problems. Perhaps someone can write a program to do paperless caching on the iPhone natively! I remember reading that Jeremy/Groundspeak is looking into the SDK for Wherigo porting to the iPhone. If the iPhone becomes capable of GSAK/maccaching paperless & Wherigo, I will most likely get one when I return to America.
  9. Es cierto. Cada vez que no encuentra una cache, debe reportarla asi. Especialmente en lugares donde no hay un denso cuantidad de caches, o en un pais donde no hay muchos participantes del juego. Con tiempo y cuidado de caches por los buscadores el juego puede crecer mas y mas en el pais. Yo lo vi aqui en Sud Africa. Cuando llego aqui mas de 2 anos, no habian muchos caches en la ciudad. Pero, hay un grupo de jugadores quien cuiaden los caches y la reportan para que el dueno o el proximo cacher puede asistir con el mantemiento del cache. Saludos desde Africa
  10. Agree with Noddy above. It's not on to log a FTF while the owner is standing next to you.
  11. Cincol - Can I get from Abu Dhabi to Doha and back from 8am to 2am for my flight? Only have the daytime hours and evening in the UAE. Care to meet me for a day of caching?
  12. I'll also be in Abu Dhabi for a short while in April, looking for a few caches to do so I get to know the city... There seems to be few in the city itself, with on disabled cache. Is public transport useable to get around or would I need a rental car? I'd like to find atleast one cache in the area before I have to fly out again, and would also like to get a feel for the city itself. So I was thinking of Chunky Monkey near airport, and than AFOC cache on the road into town with perhaps one other around. Any tips and advice on the city? Looking forward to my time there!
  13. Happy you got new units. But maybe if they lowered the prices to more reasonable rates on these units here they wouldn't have the funds to replace all the units? They do make a killing off of the markups in SA! [runs and ducks with flame suit on]
  14. Oh sweet! Butt-rocking it all the way to the cache. GnR is a requirement on the tape deck!
  15. Not sure why it would be disabled. It would be hard to remove if someone took it. Next time at the waterfront I will try and check it. Goofster lives near there, perhaps he can have a quick check on it. There are other great caches in the area though that you can walk to from the waterfront, so all is not lost if you can't log that one. You can still find some in SA!
  16. Vespax, did you notice that you made South Africa's 8000th post on the forum? I never cease to amaze myself!
  17. This is possible on members only caches I just see the audit log, which is sort of fun to see (Huskies & Battlerat I know you want to find Lucky #7 now!). I don't see where to see the 3 peoples names who are watching the cache though. Hints???
  18. Hey GR, looks like you are having a "fridged" time up north! The powder looks soft, hope you made some snow angels while en route to those caches.
  19. Honestly I would love that to. Even knowing who is watching my caches since I am the cache owner would be great (for my own interest...) But I think it was Goofster who said to me that that would take away a lot of the 'discreetness' of geocaching.
  20. Gaugeman, There are lots of caches up there, some of which are not so nice to do. refer to Larks post about drive-by caches fro more scandalous issues... Why not try for an event cache? Great way to weed out the not so fun caches via word of mouth to the locals. Just build a PQ and load them all on your GPS, than ignore X,Y & Z cache while in the area. Anyways, caching is Cape Town is more exciting so... :lol:
  21. I have heard that it is rather expensive to ski at Tiffendal. Never been there though... Looking through their website their slopes look like little more than bunny slopes (good to learn on but boring after a few runs). *Note: I learned to snowboard in the Grand Tetons of the Rocky Mountains so I am biased on this topic.
  22. vespax

    I spy

    Lots online today! Good for us!!! vespax, DiePienaars, Larks, Geoff Ogden, tttedzeins, cincol
  23. Shame life could be worse... We could all live in a desert oasis!!! I might be flying through Abu Dabi soon, and want to try my hand at those middle east caches! I'll even do a roadside cache or two! In other news, I hear rumors of someone special coming caching in SA soon. This is all exciting stuff and will be good for a pleasant cache event. Here's looking forward to the visitor!
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