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Everything posted by RDLtrekker

  1. In our area, many will be Dyno tape tags (you know, the blue, green, black plastic tap with letters/numbers punched out that turn white...). Some are copper/metal plates with the numbers stamped in them. More creative ways I've seen: zip-ties around a tree branch (3 zip-ties, then space, 5 zip-ties, then space, 2 zip-ties, then space to give numbers 352) and bolts in same fashion as zip ties (3 bolts - space, 5 bolts - space, etc...), a laminated leaf with coords printed within the leaf design hanging in a tree. If you find a tags with just 2 three digit number, they they are to replace the decimal of the N/W (ex: N45 23.456 W075 43.567 with tags reading 345 678, then new coords would be N45 23.345 W075 43.678). Look on tree branches, under/behind signs, on fence postes, under beams, etc... keep looking, it's there! Good luck!
  2. Just tried it and does not work for me too. All I see is the "*****NOT AT THE ABOVE COORDINATES*****" message and nothing else under. No puzzle, no hints, nothing. Strange... ... I just read the above (I really suck at puzzles), so I guess having no other description is part of the puzzle... therefore, I guess it works for me. I can see all the logs, the coordinates, etc.
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