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Everything posted by wolfslady

  1. Most our racers seem to be stalled.. Sadly most weren't even muggled, they are "in the hands of" I think 2 are newbies who took them and then never cached again. I sent a message to each of them but didn't get a responce. One was passed from one cacher to another and she never grabbed it. I was given her email address but she didn't respond to either of my messages. Sadly that was the one that was in the lead. I think 1 is in a cache that hasn't been visited in awhile so there is hope there. Somehow it seems worse to me to have coins picked up and held without any update then it does for them to just vanish. It does seem like the racers aren't doing much. I check the page when I can but since I get emails on all my coins (I don't have enough for that to be overwhelming.) I can see that only 1 or 2 of my coins has moved in awhile. I only have a couple besides the racers. I did hope the fun from this would last a little longer. It was really exciting for a short time. Thank you for all the hard work and the updates.
  2. There are some awesome stories here. I'm really enjoying reading them.
  3. Very nice coin. Kind of looks like Wolf Song's halloween costume although he was an astronaut. (black because mama made it and she didn't want to paint everything.) He is only 3 1/2 but he has recently turned his love of outer space into a love of Star Wars. Which he has never seen. LOL I haven't shown him this but I hope oneday we will stumble across the real thing and get to discover or move one.
  4. I sent an email, but as far as I can tell my post didn't go thru here. So here it is: I'd love to join. It sounds like a lot of fun.
  5. I'm enjoying reading these. Some great stories. I had to think about it a bit. This one came to mind along with several others that I took extra care with for one reason or another. Usually the more interesting the cache the harder I work on my logs. But sometimes even an easy one will make a good story and I love to tell a story. Most of the others that I like involve some embilishment in the spirit of the cache. Like the one for The Bloody Mary nightcache, that I even wrote a poem for but that's posted under our team name. Or one that was "Behind the Swamp" But this one is more pure truth. I hope you like it. GC219QQ</SPAN> Houston Area Pick 6 Challenge I made some mistakes on this one. First I sat my water down when we got the stroller out. Joe (Wolf Dancer) had some soda but I wanted to leave that for him and Wolf’s Song since I always seem to think of them as being more fragile. Wolf has a lot of health issues, including diabetes, a bad back and double hip replacements. I sometimes forget that even though he's in constant pain he's still strong as an ox. As we arrived I think I was starting to be effected by the heat. OK so I know I was. They followed thinking they were 1 short (they weren’t) and I took a few sips of the drink as swarms of mosquitoes dive bombed us. I grew up in S Florida and laughed efforts, but a few were breaching Wolf’s Song’s defenses. I told Wolf Dancer to take him and go on without me while I rested in the forest shade next to the cache. It was so peaceful there and I reflected on my day as I enjoyed the calm. My plan was to cool off a bit and catch up. I must have rested longer than I thought, because by the time I came out they were out of sight. I was feeling a bit refreshed and started off at a pretty good clip. I quickly realized that I was really thirsty. By the time I got a little ways down the road I was feeling the heat again. The sun was beating down relentlessly and shade along the path was found in tiny puddles that dripped along the edges of the woods. I sat in one of those enclosures huddled in the meager shade wondering if I was going to be forced to call for help. Mustered my strength and set small goals… The next bench; the bridge; the fork in the road… Crossing a bridge I considered stopping for a dip. I’ve had some basic first aid training and I recognized the signs. I knew that I needed to cool down. I had let myself get over heated that was causing the problems. While the water looked inviting it was not likely to help. It seemed like it took me hours to finish the loop. By the time I hit the trail where it split my slight nausea was full blown. I found a shade puddle and sat again cursing myself for being old and out of shape. I could see the pavilion in the distance and while it would have seemed like a short walk on a cooler day, it seemed almost insurmountable today. But seeing it gave me an idea of how far I actually had left to walk and I knew the car was much closer than it was. Joe had already reached it and moved it to the gate. When I spotted both shimmering in the distance it was like an oasis in the desert, it gave me a burst of strength. That only lasted until about the time I hit the bleachers where I crumpled on to a seat. I saw Joe and Daniel coming to meet me with a cool bottle of water. Daniel wavered when he spotted rocks and wanted to throw more of them into the water. I called to him “bring the water you have a mission to save mama.” My 2 ½ year old is fascinated with missions and outer space, so he quickly headed my way. My heroes! The water was so refreshing. The icy bottle seeped its magic into my pours as I rubbed it over my skin and sipped the life giving liquid. I contemplated the day and watched my family laugh as I exclaimed “you saved me.” I thought about the lessons I’d learned along the paths we’d traveled today. I wondered about my sanity because as exhausted as I was and already struggling to make it back to the car as I passed one of the turn offs for a “room” cache I actually paused and considered going for it. I knew even then that I’d be back to make this loop again. To triumph over the trail. Hopefully by then I’ll be in much better shape from future trips, geocaching or just plain exploring this wonderful world of ours. It was a beautiful hike but I didn’t give it the attention it deserved. I’d love to see it in the fall or early spring when the weather is cool and the sun is not quite so relentless. Even a brisk winter day would have given me strength instead of stealing it from my with every step. Thank you for the challenge.
  6. This is one of my favorite coins. I love night caching and it's just so cute. The red is my favorite. I really wish I could bid on it, but alas things are rough right now (Aren't they for everyone.) and coin buying it out. I'll have to hope that I can trade one of my "little dreamer" or "10 years" coins for a coin or two that I like in the future. But if I had the money I'd be bidding on this one. Did I mention I really like it?
  7. Ooohhh I love this coin. I love diving too, and I miss it so much since I moved to Texas. I hadn't even seen there was a new one out. Wolf's Song woke up hungry and he's sitting with me trying to get back to sleep. Mickey is his FAVORITE! Of course, he's 3 1/2 so it's almost a given that it would be in his top 10 anyway. LOL He spotted the picture and he was so excited. When I got to the red one he told "I want to buy that one mama, because red is my favorite color and it's your favorite color." In any given day his favorite color might change 3 or 4 times. He's also very fond of "Buzz Lightyear" green, but so far Buzz hasn't been a regular in his bed like Mickey is. We just wanted st say how cute we think your coin is.
  8. Oh a Captain coin how cool. I've been off the threads for awhile due to so many things that I would rather not have been dealing with and I'm trying to catch up on what's been going on. I am looking forward to seeing more pictures of this coin. Congratulations to those of you who were lucky enough to get one.
  9. I wanted to say I am very sorry my mission was sent so late and I didn't update here. We had quite a few medical things come up (still dealing with some if them) and other financial setbacks. Even though I worked hard to get everything together for my mission first I was busy nursing everyone and trying to deal with the other stuff; then when I went to mail the package the USPS worker told me it was going to be over $17 to send it. I was embarrassed to admit that I couldn't come up with that right then, Oddly and thankfuly when I returned to send it, the price wasn't quite that high. I did try to come and update after I mailed it but another huge problem I'm dealing with is my computer. I'll leave it at Grrrr. I do hope that the items were liked and that the effort I put into finding a coin for the mission helps to make up for the delay. (BTW I had been trying for months before the mission to buy a coin with that animal on it for my dad who collects those same animals, but they were not easy to come by in my price range. I know I didn't have to do the coin but it was important to me that I try until I had to give up.) When I recieve my mission I will post another update. (Maybe at least some justice for my tardiness? LOL) Again I'm sorry that I did'nt know in advance that we were going to have so many things hit us at once. I hope I can be forgiven. Thank you.
  10. I did it. May 2, 2010 I wanted to do 10 for the 10 years event, but the nearest webcam cache was over 80 miles from home and I didn't have time to do the Wherigo that was in the park. I did CITCO because I don't believe just showing up is enough to collect the smiley. There is a pick 6 challange in the park GC219QQ and if you look on that day I'm sure you will find several poeple who did 9 or 10.
  11. Sure Rub it in. LOL I'm so glad you're getting to go. I can't wait to hear your story.
  12. If you post it, I will come,.....ummm after I finish the cache adventure. It doesn't look like we will get to go this week as I'd hoped. Maybe after we get paid I'll find a way. I'm really bummed out. Maybe I will try to push it out long enough to do an event either before or after.
  13. I keep about a dozen jewelry items in my swag bag. I'd guess the value of th items I have are between about 3 and 20 dollars. (I don't count Martigras beads as jewelry) I've left some and seen notes that it was taken, when I went back to log my husband or son's find. I put a pretty nice necklace I made (at least several dollars in supplies) in one of my caches and the FTF said "took necklace left lots of silly bands." At the time I didn't know what silly bands were and I happened to be driving by the next day so I checked. There were 3-5 of the things and I was a bit put out that they thought my necklace had so little value. But I did realize that could happen and I let it go. Personally I'd love to find jewelry in a cache. It doesn't have to be new either. I used to love buying jewelry from auctions and flea markets. Just as long as it's not broken trash. I put mine in a baggie. Next time I put out one of the one's I did last time I need to put a card in with it, which I forgot to do. It was one of my Baby Dust necklaces that is supposed to bring infertile couples hope and hopefully luck while trying to conceive. I sent a note to the person who picked it up so they would know what it was and not wear it lightly. LOL
  14. I've never done one before and I don't know the area at all. Also I think you need 2 weeks notice for an event and we only decided that we might do this when we figured out we couldn't have the party we wanted to have that weekend. We had to move it to the next because his cousin was born on his birthday and 1st birthdays get first choice of party day. (My opinion not a rule as far as I know) But if anything keeps us from going that day I will just push it out 2 weeks and try an event.
  15. Since no events have popped up as far as we can tell, we've been considering doing it for Wolf Song's 3rd Birthday. It's on the 13th. If anyone is interested in meeting up let us know.
  16. Wolf's Song and I have been searching for an abandoned one to place a cache, but we haven't found one yet. Don't worry we will.
  17. oops my bad. I read it again and I think I've got it now. It will still count for milage but not for the number of geocachers moving the coin? They have to leave it and have someone else pick it up. That makes sense. I'm leaving my other post just incase someone else is tired and misreads. Thank you. Don't know what's happening with my coin that was doing so well. The person who picked it up has had it for almost a month and hasn't logged another cache. It looks like they go long periods of time without caching and then will do a few and take a break again. I'm hoping it will turn back up soon. In the meantime I've been enjoying watching some of our others move a bit. I'm going to check the standings and see what's been happening while my son was sick.
  18. I'm sorry I'm confused. Are you saying that if they use the new "visited" feature instead of actually placing the coin in and retrieving it from the cache they logged that it won't count toward the mileage? Even if they got a smiley for the cache? I guess I never considered that there was a difference other than making it easier to dip a coin. I'm sorry I'm confused. Are you saying that if they use the new "visited" feature instead of actually placing the coin in and retrieving it from the cache they logged that it won't count toward the mileage? Even if they got a smiley for the cache? I guess I never considered that there was a difference other than making it easier to dip a coin. I guess we will all have to update our coin pages if that’s right because everyone will assume they can dip the coin the easy “new” way. And here I was liking this new feature. Now not so sure. I think it’s going to be really hard to get people to read the coin page well enough to follow that rule. If I misunderstood and it’s the other way and it will still count that’s great to know.
  19. GW7 was Southeast last year. Thank you for pointing that out. I know there have been mega event's in the southeast but not nearly as many as there have been up north. I understand why but at least once year it would be nice to have something a bit closer to home. Dallas would have been great for us (we didn't discover geocaching until this year) but a long trip from S. FL. Well everything outside of FL besides GA is a long trip for S. FL I guess what I really meant is it would be nice if there was a least 1 Mega Event each year that was within a day's drive of most geocachers. I get that it's not going to happen right now, but it's fun to dream of.
  20. As far as the postmark goes does it need to be postmarked from the actual city or just the general area. We don't have much here in Conroe and I can't say that I've ever seen a post card for our city. I have seen them for some of the cities I'm hoping to take a day trip to in the next month. But I'm not sure I'd want to sit down and write out a post card on the road or while I was visiting so I'd likely mail it from near home. The places I'm talking about are not across our large state, but anywere from about 50-200 miles. Great idea for a cointest. I'd love to see the postcards and notes. Don't even care if I win so I'll send one anyway even if it's DQed. Funny thing is I never buy post cards unless I'm traveling and I just bought 2 Texas one's to send to my Godson who is in boot camp. Guess I could send one like that and I'm covered no matter where I send it from.
  21. My bad. I thought you wanted to have a cache where you have to car jack someone to get it. If I'm going to take the 80' ladder for the tree caches and the stroller for the long hike caches and the beach bag for the swim to caches and my walking sticks, case of mosquito repellent, the box of DVD's for Wolf's Song, Rope for ravine caches, 2 foot magnetic for magnetic caches, toolbox for screw or nut and bolt caches and the spare tire out of my car to get to the jack it had better be an awesome cache or someone is going to hear about it in my log. How about a car that is missing a tire and the axle is resting on the cache. That way no one should have to go under it to get it out.
  22. I see I needed the sarcastic smiley and a question mark might have helped too. This was refering back to post 115 when Eclryam (I think) claimed that no one had called her a thief. As you have pointed out so well accusing someone of stealing something is the same as calling them a thief.
  23. Wow I can’t believe some of the responses on this one. Saying someone stole something is not the same as calling them a thief. Talk about a poor grasp of the English language. I agree with sbell 1 1 1 right down to final statement – ”it is shameful how some of you chose to behave.“ It’s also a shame that the OP choose to delete her posts, but frankly the way she was treated I can’t see why anyone thinks she shouldn’t have. She was doing her best to figure out the way this game is played when someone tossed in unusual rules. Some of us don’t have the luxury of using a game to teach our children the lessons we’d like to wait until the time is right for them to learn. They are learning them in everyday life. It’s so nice that all of you have perfect lives and are perfect parents. I’m glad you weren’t mine or my son’s. It’s easy for some people to sit in their well planned boxes and look down on others who often work twice as hard to give their children a decent quality of life. We don’t drag our children along as accessories or after thoughts. We don’t care to steal treasured memories from our little ones over teaching them lessons that don’t need to be taught. We take them caching so that we can have family time and enjoy the experience together. Some of us don’t have a lot and that small toy they trade for may be the biggest way they get a new treasure. They may be the most inexpensive way that we can find to spend time doing something our child enjoys and if the treasure at the end of the hunt makes that experience more rewarding then by God we are not too lazy to make sure that we carry a few trade items instead of saying “oh well they should have planned better.” It’s one thing to do that to a teen who needs to learn responsibility, but an awful thing to do to a toddler or preschooler. Not that people who live in their own narrow world will ever care, but there are people who geocache who realize that the lessons some of you find so important mean nothing in the scheme of things. People who treasure every second they have with their family making “happy” memories, because they know that the clock is ticking faster for them or maybe even that child. They don’t take the time spent together for granted. There are also people who don’t take every word someone writes in the worst light. “Fighting” among siblings doesn’t always mean they were having a spat. It can be very good natured and be done in a loving way. It’s just a phrase. And in my opinion when a child takes a long car ride and makes a hike and searches for a geocache being extra good because they enjoy the “reward” at the end of the trip as much as they enjoy the trip, they have earned it. They have worked for it. But no let’s teach them that they need to learn that it’s all about the smiley and their feelings don’t matter as long as mama or daddy get one. Frankly anyone who ever logs a find online. Who ever rushes out to be FTF. Who has ever even once taken any kind of item from a geocache, is being a hypocrite to try and teach their child any lesson about geocaching that involves denying their child the pleasure that they take from it. I would like to say more but I’ll leave it at this. Here are a few to the lessons I’m teaching my son while geocaching. 1. Watch where you’re going so you don’t destroy fragile things along the way. (plants, animals or PEOPLE) 2. Take care of the planet and leave it better than you found it. (Same thing for the geocache if possible.) 3. Empathy - Leave something so the next person won’t be disappointed, even if there is nothing for you to take. 4. There are many different kinds of treasure in life, some are in the in journey; others are in what you find at the end of it and those don’t have to be mutually exclusive. ` 5. Perseverance. Don’t stop trying just because you didn’t succeed quickly. 6. Just because others don’t play nice doesn’t mean we shouldn’t. 7. You can trust your parents to try and keep their promises, but they aren’t always perfect. 8. Try to find something good to say even if it’s only TFTC. 9. Defend those who are unable to defend themselves, no matter what their reason is. (so applies to this thread) 10. If you “want” something you “need” to trade even or trade up. Up is always best. See numbers 2 and 3. 11. Some of the magic in life is worth holding on to. 12. Your parents aren’t too old or self-centered to remember what’s important to kids. 13. Your feelings are worthy of respect. We can’t always let you have your way but we aren’t going to say no out of some narcissistic need to rule your world 14. Your parents care about you and are tying to make sure you enjoy the time we spend together. Sometimes the best thing you can say to your children is “let’s figure out if we can accomplish (fix, do, find a way) it together.”
  24. I really love this coin. I hope I can get one. Since I know I'm not going to make it to geocoinfest hopefully I can find someone who is going to get me one. The lines on the neck didn't bother me at all, but now that you mentioned them I can see where they might be improved, Just not sure how. If you left it exactly how it is I'd still love it. Can't wait to see pictures of the actual coin.
  25. Can we have strawberries and bananas for that Nutella? My "men" love it with the former and I'm partial to the later. Seriously, Montana has always been on my short list of places I'd love to visit. I'd love to believe that by then we would be able to afford it, but right now I can't even figure out how to go visit my Dad who just spent 3 days in the hospital. However I'm an optimist and we do have plenty of time so let’s just say the 3 of us will be there and worry about how later.
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