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Everything posted by TheVoxx

  1. Hi Team I am in the market for a new Garmin handheld. I have been using a 60Cst but after a recent trip to Arizona I found that Garmin Basecamp was no longer in use and Garmin Express does not support this device. I spent a few hours trying different ways to transfer the pocket queries from iCache to the gps with no avail. I am an infrequent geocacher and will use my phone app when I'm in urban environs. If I'm on a trail, I prefer to have a handheld. I have a Mac, so... I want your best advice for a Garmin that will easily transfer pocket queries from a Mac without having to be an IT Engineer. I want a color screen, the ability to preload a few pocket queries (1000-2000 caches). I want to spend around $200 or less and have a device that Garmin will support for at least another 10 years. I don't mind buying refurbs so if you have a Garmin licensed reseller I would be happy to look at their models according to your recs. Oh, and please don't try to sell me on another gps manufacturer, I will use Garmin for the remainder of my time on earth. Thanks Danno aka TheVoxx
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