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Everything posted by Fox_Trot

  1. Wow, thanks for all that in prattville... looking for montgomery ones but that sounds graet if in the prattville area. I am not really worried about "doggy" stations but more like forests where no one is around so i can let me dog run...
  2. wow neat'o... not a bad idea, i think i need to get more into it till i become a prem member. I just get frustrated finding these nano's and buffalo tubes and give up easily. I think once i find more ill get the hang of it, you know any really neat areas to take a dog around here?
  3. When you look at the forums and you click on the alabama part it shoots you to where you can browse by city but it also shows you the past like 7 caches that were put out there... i want to be the the first so when does the site update it? is it a certain time of the day?
  4. hi everyone... looking for a friend or two that has a dog or two that would like to find some caches in the montgomery, AL area...lemme know!
  5. Yah thanks guys, I'm thinking I'm just gonna get the new iPhone... That way, if I don't stay with geocaching, atleast I got a new phone. There isn't a new iPhone coming out any time soon is there? Also I heard apple will be done with AT&T in may? So cheaper plans maybe??
  6. Wow thanks lee, I'm either torn between getting a 3gs iPhone and a gps, my sister uses a 3g and has Ero problem finding a cach. So I'm thinking what makes me aggruvated is that it doesn't show my exact location due to having a 2g phone. If I can get within 10 m I'm fine with that but the 1g iPhone sometimes shows u miles Away, sucks
  7. hello everyone- new to geocahing...but as you all prolly were, addicted. I havnt found any with my first gen iphone as you all might or might not know the app is super sweet but on the first gen the compass doesnt work. My application though is not accurate due to the GPS not being totally accurate. One time it didnt update my location even though i tried moving in differnt spots of an entire block. So what i heard is that the other iphone, the new one....is much better. I think that the Application by far is really nice and really conveniant and easy to use, BUT.... it doesnt get me at all close to a cache and doesnt update my location due to the technology in the GPS part of the phone. SOOOOOOOooooooooooooooooooooooooooo what to do? I can either A. Upgrade to the iphone 3g S B. Buy a cheap cheap GPS C. Buy a super nice GPS what would you all reccommend? Any help in any area of what i covered would be super greatful, i appreciate it, thanks abunch! Fox_Trot Also... i am located in the Ottawa, IL area currently but am traveling all the way to southern Alabama on sunday so i wanted to find a Bug to bring all that way, any ideas?
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