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Everything posted by JZKA

  1. imho - you will always find someone to complain about something. im sure some kid somewhere would try to eat on e and you would be blamed for it... but i like the idea. unless they were to break (and youre right - they are tough to break open - i had to do some for a cub scout ceremony)
  2. nice now i know - if i find it easy to park near the cache location - im likely in a parking lot
  3. agreed - i would rather have a clever hide than bad coordinates
  4. In reading the logs for a cache where i had a DNF - (actually i was #3 of about 5 with a DNF) someone else subsequently found the cache and posted to "remember the 50 foot circle". i assume that when you 'zero out' this cacher assumes that you should search all within a 50' circle of that area due to your gps unit not being so accurate - though i dont have that issue with any of the other caches ive found (or not found). Also - this is a micro cache in a parking lot - and im not one to be searching around a bunch of parked cars Now i understand my gps will not always zero out and the cache jump out at me - but is it 'normal' for some to get kinda close with the coordinates to make it more of a challenge?
  5. im trying to remember that - i know it had something to do with a charity watch type organization and was last logged may 31, 2009 - so i wasnt the first to not log it - just the most recent... You might have to do a little better than that. A search of Charity brings up 32 pages of trackables. EDIT: I did check all of those pages. Most are geocoins, there are a few Travel Bugs. Only one was logged on 5/31/09, a geocoin in Germany. http://www.geocaching.com/track/details.as...9880&page=3 theres the tb - i sent the owner a message lets hope theyre still active and respond soon as for the "needing to do better than that" - yeah - sometimes it tough - i live in FL - work in NY/NJ during the week and was out in dallas for last week - so i dont always have access to notes/records/etc... but i have fun with it anyway
  6. im trying to remember that - i know it had something to do with a charity watch type organization and was last logged may 31, 2009 - so i wasnt the first to not log it - just the most recent...
  7. long story short - i picked up a TB in florida - left in NJ - found out i was going to texas and picked it up and left it in GCNBYJ . now that i am home and have time to log all of this fun, i found out the TB was never logged in my original finding place. if anyone is near texas motor speedway and can send me the numbers - it would be greatly appreciated thanks jeff
  8. I have a palm pre and have the geocaching software installed. i also have the delorme pn30 i use as my GPS unit. i agree 100% with the quote above because i have started to try and use both (i wanted to see if i could cache on the go if/when i find some free time). i often have problems when i have a weak cell signal having the gps lock into any accuracy that is helpful. i may be stuck with using it for the hints and all since i dont have a premium membership). and most of my caches i search for are not way out in BFE. this may be a pre versus iphone thing - but i figured it applies i would get the best gps unit possible for your budget. if you buy a crappy one you will have something that is just slightly better then your iPhone (i dont know much about all of the units you listed) i hope this helps some.
  9. nah - todd gives me a hard time because i gave a kid who was stealing crap from my garage a hard time... so i was offering my services lol
  10. todd - i would find them and threaten their children
  11. so i am sure people are coming here and will always be asking "what do i get" - "what works for....." etc... so i will share my experiences. i purchased - i mean - santa got the kids a delorme pn30 for christmas. good deal on amazon.com and i liked the features it had for the price point of under $200 shipped. my friend has a garmin unit (one of the higher end ones) and i couldn't see spending that much for something that could just sit around. being a traveling consultant - my caching time can be few and far between because of projects that require a lot of my time - but i digress. the GPSr is a great unit and very easy to use. i like the fact that after a couple minutes of training - my 10yr old can operate it - including putting in field notes, finding the next closest cache and even looking up the hints. i have used it in the woods - in urban areas (both FL, NJ and NYC) and it has been as accurate as expected. battery life is great - 2AA batteries last at least a whole day - or at least as much as my son and i can go out for a few hours. rechargeables from wally world mean that for about $10 i get a backup set to bring along Now i also have an iMac as the home computer and found out safari and geocaching don't work together well - or at least i couldn't get them to work together. downloaded firefox and it works perfectly to download to the GPSr. i also have the palm pre as my phone. sitting in the airport the other day i found the geocaching software for the phone and immediately downloaded it along with a mapping tool. i haven't had the chance to use it, but i saw that the phone could be used to get the cache hints... yes - right now im too cheap to spend the money for the premium membership. with myself getting out of the hospital (30k) and the wife having surgery earlier this year (12k so far) - my disposable income has dropped as you could imagine - so its nice to see the hints downloaded to the phone. now the only downside i have seen is that some of the cool maps you can download for free for a garmin - may not be available for the delorme (though i havent looked into it enough to see if i am wrong). well i hope this helps someone as i sit at home - beautiful weather out - and waiting for a database to refresh so i can get back to work
  12. i laughed because my first day of caching i found the one mentioned at the M club in NYC. didnt even need help from the doorman
  13. beyond the mico - regular - large etc... descriptions i have looked for some caches that were labeled as other. here is a local example... http://www.geocaching.com/seek/cache_detai...40-3d01e3effbc9 so i fully understand part of the hunt is just that. do you like to know what you are looking for? do you want to know if its a 35mm canister? a camo tupperware container? or do you like to turn over every stone and have an adventure of a hunt? just wondering since i want to go try and find it this weekend and i dont want to have a run in with someone who is just trying to call BS on me looking for some item that i cannot describe
  14. being in FLORIDA - no many bare trees around any time of the year heck - it was over 70 today. ill go hide while everyone in the snow hunts me down
  15. with the delorme i bought i can download some maps to layer. now ive found almost 30 caches of different types without using any sort of map (well i did a couple with google maps - pre GPSr). im thinking of getting some maps but dont know which ones (if any ) would be worth getting. the USGS high res look great but im sure that wont help me find anything quicker. Plus, im sure any caches in the woods - i would only see tree tops on the maps - so what are your experiences with maps? thoughts? thanks in advance
  16. anyone else have that tune in their head now? if not watch this - so we decided to come up with a code word when searching for caches where there are a lot of muggles. the kids decided that "peanut" should be the code word - and when we find it thats the trigger to let others know to stop looking. so of course - i find the first one - and this dang song comes into my head because i had to say "found a peanut" i will never hear kids sing this again without thinking of geocaching
  17. Is this your first GPSr? Hmmm The "Watched-Pot" ??? me: honey - you need to wrap stuff - im going to take the kids out for a couple hours - get them out of your hair.. i love you wife: whats in the box? me: no speakey engrish <runs out door> 1 find before too dark to try and find any more - now i am looking at the software and debating the premium memberships (here and for the maps)
  18. it got here just after i posted - wife wont let me go out and play so im hiding it from the kids trying to convince her it needs to fully charge
  19. Yes - ended up with the delorme pn-30
  20. the waiting is the hardest part. i dont know who is worse today - me or the kids.. 12/24/2009 9:23 A.M. OUT FOR DELIVERY come on - its been almost an hour - why isnt it here yet? i need to go do some "christmas caching".. err r i mean "shopping" today
  21. i would surely say yes. though i wouldnt say i am much further along than you, i have done this both ways. except for those caches that are very obvious where they would be (from google). a couple i saw today - google only had old pictures from when buildings today were just dirt fields, so it was hard to tell where it should go.
  22. plus, with amazon - i can use the 1 day shipping and have it in time to be under the tree if i get enough answers while i cannot sleep
  23. my friend (who introduced me to geocaching) has a garmin oregon iirc. i liked the unit a lot and it was very easy to use the touchscreen features - granted he set everything up and i just held it and was the hero for finding a few caches - but i dont yet know if i want to spend much more than $200 right now. i know that seems to be the magic threshold number in many posts. i stopped at the $200 since i seem to have a habit of saying "well for $50 more i can get ____________" until i have spent a ton more than i originally set out to spend. but the oregon 200 is only $40 more .....
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