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Everything posted by ScroogieII

  1. Again - DING! DING! DING! DING! These are obviously too easy for the ladies amongst us (yeah, I've noticed that no men have checked in). Again, a bad day all around... ... and here's your prize. If this keeps up, you'll soon be able to buy that Villa in Monaco you've had your eye on. You're up to a third of a Christmas present now.
  2. OK, let's try another one: You're In A Dark Room With A Candle, A Wood Stove, A Coal Oil Lamp And A Gas Lamp. You Only Have One Match, so which should you light First?
  3. DING! DING! DING! DING! We have a winner!!!! Since T0SHEA is a Canadian we don't have to explain to her the vagaries of the Canadian numismatic system. Though guesses are only $.99, she gets a full Loonie for her troubles... Sorry, looked at the thread from the bottom up and saw 99's first. Was so happy to see a quick winner I clicked on hers, not yours. Don't spend the whole thing at once. You have a tenth of a Christmas present here. EDIT: Just a minute... ... There were TWO guesses before a winner was awarded, hence $1.98 needs to be paid out. Here's the second Loonie T0SHEA earned:
  4. Since you actually came in second, you get the consolation prize. Though I messed, up you still owe me $.94. We'll just put it on your account and you can keep it for now (mostly because it seems I can't delete it). What FUN!!! There's your consolation prize. (Bad day all around...)
  5. I guess we have two (at least) parallel possible threads here. Canadian thread - Litres. US thread - Gallons. Strangely, I do remember that in 1999 gas was 98 cents in Joplin, MO. But the date on which it crossed into three digits is lost to me. Now what we need is the Europeans to clue us in as to Euros per gallon (OOPS!!! Sorry Guys!!) Litre over the years. Then the Aussies and the Kiwis. And I don't actually know whether the "Down Unders" have, at least somewhat, gone metric or not.Gotta pay closer attention to the south side.
  6. Yeah - so what's the exact date on which said event occurred?
  7. ... while out for my daily walk that Gas is 89 cents. If I had anywhere to drive to, I would be burning $1.29 gas. This should be another "Entertainment for ..." thread. QUIZ: Who can remember the last day/date on which gas was under $1.00??? (Hint - I sure can't, but I'm old, decrepit and now carry my wallet wherever I go in case anyone should ask me my name. ) Keith
  8. Well, it seems that the few who attempted a guess here have given up, so let's try another one. What number goes in the empty triangle? Look, I got it, after a bit of head scratching, so YOU should be able to get it, too. BTW - it was 47,000. That's all. Just 47,000.
  9. A Bleedin' MEN Vulture, You is a bright, bright man.
  10. I don't believe that black and brown as 1 and 2% can ever be correct. Black is never, to my knowledge, used to denote tolerance. Brown is always 1, red is always 2, if we disregard that 6th band. Anyhow, now you've gotten yourself well off course. You, and others, were much closer previously. The Green Flash - I've looked for it a coupla times in the distant past, but never did see it, alas. Now $5.94
  11. I'd message you right away but my Cone of Silence is in the shop for repairs... ...Can I borrow yours?
  12. Yes, I stand corrected - it's not purple. It's a long, long time since I've looked at a resistor color code chart, but, as I recall, brown is always 1, as in 1%. RED is 2%. The fifth band can be any of 8 colours, from silver (10%) through grey (.05%) Even more rare is the sixth band, which denotes temperature coefficient. As a one time "professional" I am aware of this, but felt we'd best not get into that and get people completely derailed. No one seems to have read the hint carefully enough. You're all hung up on resistors. So far, no correct answers, but we've collected $4.95 so far.
  13. So, did Sharon do the costume, too? She told me she was making masks at home. Thought mebbe she made this one.
  14. So this is probably one of those once in a year things.
  15. That answer is actually too specific. Read the hint given very carefully and the answer should come to you.
  16. Now we drill down into the Southern BC Interior. Not a lot of cases yet, 62 as of yesterday. The first local case, 100 km to the east of me, was reported a few days ago. As you can see, the data is all over the place as we still have a relatively small data set. Can't make any deductions yet. I have some interesting news, though: There are a few groups in the Kootenay Boundary region who have taken on the task of producing both face masks and ventilators. A facebook group is producing masks in their homes and businesses, while a group of both private citizens and engineering, printing (and other) companies are 3D printing masks. DIYers and engineers, also in the Kootenay Boundary region, have gotten together to design and prototype a low cost, easily manufactured ventilator which will be, in all likelihood, manufactured somewhere in BC. Keith
  17. Here's a graphic update on the state of COVID-19 spread in BC. The graph shows that, although the numbers are increasing daily, the rate of increase has flat-lined, remaining steady, even reducing somewhat, for several days now. I think we can consider this to be, at least, not a bad thing! I magnified the Percent data 3X to make it more obvious. Gotta fix it so the Percent column reflects the true numbers. Keith
  18. 30 May -2.9 21:45:30 10° WNW 21:48:40 38° SSW 21:51:33 12° SE visible 31 May -1.3 22:35:31 10° WSW 22:36:52 12° SW 22:38:09 10° SSW visible Unfortunately, not a usable one. I have one right overhead on Mar 31, headed ESE, but it goes dark about the time it reaches the Dakotas.
  19. I have decided that the prizes will be the proceeds from previous guesses, including the winner's own guess.. Remember that I stated to The Vulture that guesses were <$1. Hence they're about 99 cents each.
  20. Your're both on the right track, but what is it, specifically?
  21. Now I have to ask what a skill set is in this context.
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