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Everything posted by ScroogieII

  1. Now - which was the caramel? I'm still as mystified as ever here. Caramels represent about 25% of the population at large. Obviously, I haven't yet divined the formula used.
  2. Also - Welcome to all the new comers here. Feel free to join the madness here, as well!!! We only haze newcomers for a few months, at most.
  3. T0SHEA is - she's the "General" there now and I expect she'll get back to you shortly. Keith
  4. For reference with regard to the reason for this poem refer to the accompanying thread: One of the joys of Waymarking An Ode To Software which Shall Herein Remain Unnamed They're Waymarks, they're Benchmarks, they govern us all We scurry around from the spring to the fall Through heavenly days and then, too, the odd squall We'll brave what should come just to get pix of all. Trekking to mountains and rivers below Searching for gems we refuse to forgo. In town or in country, if ill winds should blow We'll stay on our course, through rain, wind or snow. We're hooked on the hobby we managed to find It's given us jewels we've oftentimes mined. Though it's since become somedays a dutious grind Their arduous searching we often don't mind. On occasion a glitch, though, will rise its dark head And cause us to wish we were elsewhere instead. Or better, that day that we'd just stayed in bed Ignoring completely whate'er lay ahead. 'Twas a day such as this I decided to try A transfer to GPS, now I ask why. The work at the task had gone quickly awry The results causing much more than just a sad sigh. While not naming names (it seems that deed's been done) The work with my software was much less than fun "A" would refuse to do this and then that While "B" was no better and just passed the hat. Together they managed to bring about wroth Of a sort which has even created a froth. It's even evoked an emotion that's wrecked The rhyme of this poem which now I detect. I've threatened the cat and I've pounded the walls I've even gone out and I've screamed in the halls With patience at length now I know I'm not blessed I swear I was sane when I started this quest.
  5. OK. I stand corrected. You should, too. It was a free gift from the time we switched to Telus. When we switched back to Shaw we you still had the computer. I lost access to the computer I was using at that time. Didn't mean any harm here. Was just trying to keep the story from getting unnecessarily long. Smile - I'm working on the poem right now!! About trashing my computer - I REALLY trashed it later when I took it apart to try and clean out the fan because it was running really hot. After I put it back together it never started again. So... ...Had to get this one. Computers die and life goes on.
  6. Well, Benchmarking, actually. As usual, as today dawned, the sun rose over the trees this morning and shone into my bedroom, followed shortly thereafter by "The Pud" (that's her to the left), crawling and pawing all over me in an effort to convince me that she was about to perish from starvation in the very near future and her demise would hang over me forever and ever. All around, today's was a completely normal beginning for us. However, the day quickly slid downhill shortly after I got up because... ...THEN - I set out on what turned out to be the arduous (and as yet unfulfilled/unfinished/incomplete/undone/yet to be realized/implausible/improbable/when hell freezes over/as likely as flying to the moon) task of trying to load a set of Benchmark coords onto my GPS. It's an exercise I've accomplished successfully dozens of times, albeit with the occasional backfire, often of my own making, occasionally elicited by unnoticed unusual characters in the text I was feeding into my csv-gpx converter, sometimes the work of gremlins never completely identified Now, when I lost my computer, I also lost the converter, namely Extra Poi Converter. Of course, since I didn't have it and hadn't used it for several months, I couldn't even remember its name. It took most of a coupla hours of searching to find a download for it, and that only because I happened to stumble across a screen shot of it, which I recognized. Downloaded it, installed it, fed it a csv, transferred the output to the GPS, told said GPS to import the Waymarks file and was immediately greeted with an error message. Shortening the story a bit, I proof read the file, made changes, reloaded, proof read the file, made changes, reloaded, proof read the file, made changes, reloaded, proof read the file, made changes, reloaded, (once or twice ) without success. Got really desperate and tried GPS BABEL, which I had never used before. After a few more false starts, it managed to crank out a file that the GPS wouldn't regurgitate, but it was unable to produce anything in which either comments or descriptions could be made to appear. Returned to drawing board. By offering chocolate, wine and even body parts, finally got Extra Poi Converter to create a file the GPS would deign to accept, but again, neither comment nor description could be made to work. It's not easy to chase Benchmarks with no description of the Mark's setting. Some, no problem, but with many, the Coords only get one to the vicinity; it's the description which allows one to zero in on the exact location. Uninstalled, reinstalled, etc., etc., etc. And then, after further editing and tweaking, I'm back to files that the GPS simply spits back in my face. After wiping them from my glowering mug I decided that I needed to vent a bit, and chose you, the kind folks at Waymarking, to be my unfortunate victims. Sorry 'bout that! So now I'm sufficiently POed that I could WRITE A POEM!!!
  7. That was on for awhile recently but seems to be gone now. Haven't noticed it lately.
  8. I had that but thought it too stupid even for an Aggie. My best guess was gonna be "They painted the cargo white." Next?!?!
  9. OOOOHHHHHH - this sounds like a tough one. Lemme ponder on this for a bit.
  10. Unfortunately Thomas Ulsrud up and retired. The new guy, Magnus Ramsfjell, at least wears flashy socks. You must be watching reruns of reruns.
  11. Yeah, what if??? I guess you're saying you are fully up to date on each.
  12. As in cojones?? We'd take that as a compliment. Again, I have trouble wrapping my Canucky head around the vision of a Kranky Kansan, deep in his Lazy Boy, beer in hand and pretzels at the ready, watching Swedes or Canucks tossing stones at houses. An Okie told me that she found a curling rink there, much to her surprise. I'm betting you could even find one in Kansas, if you looked hard enough.
  13. If The Vulture don't want it, I'm beginning to doubt that it may be worth the effort.
  14. What happened to Tom??? Mebbe he found some curling on TV. Here it's been on since he posted - mebbe he's watching the same reruns I am.
  15. Hey John, What network are you finding it on? Not that I need to find it, just curious. I have the first 5 seasons on DVD. Somehow I never managed to get season 6.
  16. When you find it let me know. I've searched all over Saskatchewan and have yet to spot it. Mebbe it's smaller than it's made out to be on Corner Gas.
  17. So it ain't about the humour. It's about the Women.
  18. A Texan sitting watching Corner Gas - I just can't wrap my Canucky head around that... ... back to the curling.
  19. That's ScroogieII (as in 2), not Scroogie11. Might that impact my status as a Chocolate-covered cherry?
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