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Everything posted by p0cy

  1. Ce que appelle "la règle de base" est juste une bonne pratique. Donc comme expliqué plus haut, le fait qu'elle ne soit pas appliquée ne peut entrainer aucune sanction. Même si d'aucuns trouvent ce comportement casse-pied, irrespectueux ou pire.
  2. Et qu'est-ce que le "bon" endroit pour une cache ? L'endroit indiqué par les coordonnées ? l'endroit où le CO a mis la cache ? l'endroit où tu as trouvé la cache ? L'endroit où tu penses qu'elle aurait du se trouver ? Sachant que selon le moment et les circonstances, ces différents endroits peuvent être distants de 10m ou plus.... et que cela peu varier. Si tu penses que la cache n'est pas au bon endroit, contacte le poseur qui fera éventuellement une maintenance, pour autant que cela se justifie.
  3. Bonjour, A quelle règle non respectée fais-tu référence ? Si un owner supprime un log alors que le logbook est signé, c'est normal que le geocacheur demande le rétablissement de son log.
  4. There is no way to zoom in on pictures in reviews. (iPhone) is it a bug or a feature ?
  5. Hello, Using version 9.6.0 on IOS 15.5, several variables are not showing their actual value but just variable_PLACEHOLDER Examples : CACHE_DETAILS_FAVORITES_PLURAL_PLACEHOLDER PROFILE_STATISTICS_PLURAL_PLACEHOLDER PROFILE_SOUVENIR_PLURAL_PLACEHOLDER ...
  6. The new filter feature is nice, but I'm finding it a bit confusing. When no filter is set (nothing selected in the filter options), I see every ALC. If i select something, I see nothing but the selected ALCs. I think it would be less confusing if, when no filter is set, every option is selected (green V) and when I deselect an option , the corresponding ALCs are not displayed. Or alternatively change the green V by a red X (meaning that you don't want to display some categories of ALCs).
  7. and why not implementing a different icon for started but not completed ALCs ?
  8. At least, you can navigate to the cache using Maps (click on the little car symbol on top off the screen). And that app is carplay compatible. Very useful. Then normally, you go out off your car to GZ...
  9. You must understand that ALC is not geocaching. ALC is just another game made by Groundspeak. So, let's go for geocaching and have fun :-)
  10. There is no scale in the geocaching app either. Only in the web interface.
  11. Numbers matter. But not for everyone :-) Some are addicted to statistics, others find them less important
  12. it seems that the crach is related to a message starting with an URL http://........ even if the URL is not active (not clickable) and is just at text string. Could someone confirm my guess ?
  13. I had the same issue this sunday. Same for a friend of mine who has an Android. cache well present on the web site, not disabled nor archived. Very strange.
  14. we exchanged some more messages (via the web interface) and now the problem is over. Strange.
  15. the app is crashing when I try to send a message to a specific user (messages to other users are fine) Ok on web and android with the same user. iphone 8 ios 14.4 version 8.43.0 (1)
  16. you're on the Iphone forum here ;-)
  17. this is happening to me from time to time. My workaround is to change something in the filter (For instance toggle the hide my caches switch) in order to force the reloading of the caches. Up to now, this trick is succesful for me.
  18. next step : distinguish between adventures started but not finished
  19. Yes, I think that many people don't want that other ones could follow their location in (nearly) real time.
  20. Same experience for me. ALC app is draining the battery of my iphone at warp speed.
  21. I even know a dog account. It was funny to read the logs written from the dog point of view :-)
  22. Stop compare ALC with geocaching. Those are just two different games with differents rules
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