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Team Bear-Cat

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Everything posted by Team Bear-Cat

  1. Sent our info to Laval K-9: March 1, 2018. Name received from Laval K-9: March 5, 2018Sent my gift: March 7, 2018My gift arrived at destination:I received a gift:
  2. Hi Sherminator18 -- sending a PM with resolution/trade offer to hopefully bring this to closure.
  3. Sent our info to Laval K-9: March 1, 2018. Name received from Laval K-9:Sent my gift:My gift arrived at destination:I received a gift:
  4. We have replied by email and on Groundspeak... Unfortunately we have not received this Mission. Apparently the coin we sent has not arrived, or that person has not posted that we can tell... Willing to resend, but would like the ship-to name and address re-confirmed...
  5. EMAIL SENT: 9/14 NAME RECEIVED BY ME: MISSION SENT BY ME: MISSION ARRIVED AT DESTINATION: MISSION RECEIVED BY ME: Looking forward to this mission! We like most coins but our favorites are navigational, Day of Dead, Greek Gods, vaults, lockers, time, bears and cats ...
  6. Mission 1: Nancy Name received: March 19 Mission sent: March 31st Mission received: April 6th Sent mission received: 4/14/2017 Mission 2 Name received: March 19 Mission sent: March 31st Mission received: April 14th Sent mission received: 4/11/2017 All complete ! Receivers have posted theirs. We will post pictures soon! Terrific mission !
  7. You are more than welcome. You'll have to wait a few months for the next one though How about an Earth Day/Conservation one later this month? Or Summer-theme in July ?
  8. We had fun picking out cards, coins, etc ! Both of ours are heading out of the country -- hoping they arrive safely and soon !! Meanwhile, we eagerly await those wonderful padded envelopes... Mission 1: Name received: March 19 Mission sent: March 31st Mission received: Sent mission received: Mission 2 Name received: March 19 Mission sent: March 31st Mission received: Sent mission received:
  9. To clarify: two missions. One for Mike (the Bear of Team Bear-Cat): Name Received Mission sent Mission Received Sent Mission received And one for Nancy, the Cat of Team Bear-Cat! Name Received Mission sent Mission Received Sent Mission received
  10. We are each in for 1 Easter Mission!
  11. Nancy (The Cat of Team Bear-Cat) Name sent: November 15, 2016 Name received: November 22, 2016 I sent my gift: December 15, 2016 My gift arrived at destination: NOT REPORTED YET I received a gift: December 19. 2016 - Thank you for a great holiday coin, Ray and Darcy !!
  12. We are both on-board ! Looking forward to this !! Mike: (Bear of the the team!) Name sent: November 13, 2016 Name received: I sent my gift: My gift arrived at destination: I received a gift: Nancy (Cat of the team!) Name sent: November 13, 2016 Name received: I sent my gift: My gift arrived at destination: I received a gift:
  13. We also noticed problems with the event-page yesterday; probably just the sheer volume of logs at this and other nearby events and caches. It's OK today, just a little slower than usual. Team Bear-Cat
  14. Got a similar problem -- we picked up a California Highway Patrol geocoin, but when we enter the tracking number, it comes up 'Sorry--unactivated'. It was not in any kind of wrapper, not even a little plastic bag. Where can we find the activation code for this 7-pointed geocoin ?? (Very cool detail and design!)
  15. Merry Christmas to all! Hope that there are (were?) lots of geocoins in your stockings! Team Bear-Cat
  16. Got all the others we posted wanting last week -- thanks for some great trades! Still looking for: * November GeoCoinClub -- benchmark/transit coin * London Phonebooth * Mississippi 2006 Have to trade: GeoQuest 2006 BBB 2006 Personal coin Thorny1 personal coin GEOSET 2006 (all trackable) Thanks again! TBC
  17. ISO: Compass Rose 2006 London Phone booth Absolut Geocaching Temecula Valley (grapes and hot-air balloon) Have to trade: Silver Tennessee 2005 Georgia on my Mind 2005 GA/TN Search 'Engine' (Locomotive) Back Brake Billy 1st PC (cycle wheel) Team Thorny1 (Please e-mail; we're not on the forum a whole lot... ) TIA! TBC
  18. We have a 2004 GGA coin if you need? Please e-mail. Saw several on your trading list that we could use! TBC
  19. We collect state geocoins from states where we have logged caches and we need a New Mexico Land of Enchantment geocoin! We have the Compass Rose, new GA, TN (pewter and silver), older GGA (2004) coins to trade. Others coming in also. TIA! Team Bear-Cat
  20. VERY cool coin! We are in the process of designing our personal coin, and then when they are ready, we will be heading out on a 'trading coins and caching to states we haven't been to yet' road trip! Hope you will still have one in Feb or March! Team Bear-Cat
  21. What can be done with a coin not-yet activated, but the sticker with the activation code is gone?? We ordered a trackable Euro-coin. The system does not recognize the tracking number that is carved on it, and the activation code is apparently gone for good... Team Bear-Cat
  22. It would be nice if Geocoins had their own Forum, so we don't have to sift through all the various and valid TB threads when we're looking to trade coins.
  23. Just ordered two via PayPal.
  24. We're looking for an Alaska Geo Coin. We have the new 2005 GGA coins (mint and uncirculated) to trade, also some foreign coins and currency. TIA! Team Bear-Cat
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