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Everything posted by LandRover

  1. You've got to be $hittin me. I can't believe someone is fake logging caches, geocachers are such a fine, wonderful and honest group of people..... well at least I am. This has got to be stopped dead in its tracks. This guy needs to be outed and rounded up by the locals so you can burn him at the stake in the village center. Stake burning is still allowed in Latvia isn't it? A few good stake burnings and fake logging will become a thing of the past.
  2. Your killing me Crim. Sounds great but I just can't get over that far this weekend What AndrewRJ said!!!! Monte Cristo two weeks ago,the coast last weekend, a possible trip to Vantage next weekend, Mt Rainier the next, the Tri Cities a couple weeks after that, Lake Valhalla for a possible over nighter the next weekend. I gota spend some time at home to work on the honeydo list.
  3. It's on my short list but I'll be in Longbeach Thursday afternoon/evening and Friday morning before heading up to the campout.
  4. We're up for doing this one. It's been eons since I was out that way. I think the last ice sheet had just receded right before my visit. We'll bring our mountain bikes and be on the 6:25 ferry which should get us to Granite Falls somewhere between 8:00-8:30, depending on whether the ferry is on time, traffic, etc. It should be noted that we are using Google Maps for the time estimate and Google can be somewhat conservative with driving times. For comparison, according to Google's estimate, you will not arrive until around 8:30. In this case, the estimate looks fairly reasonable, so we are going to assume you may like to keep the right-hand pedal under some pressure. We like to use a more moderate touch, so let us know if 8-8:30 is too late, because we have no desire to take the earlier 5:35 ferry. If the time is agreeable, where is the meeting point going to be? The Masonic Park? Between 0800 & 0830 is fine. Belleterre is grabbing the 0605 Southworth boat. The meeting point is N48 06.913 W121 54.241, somewhere near the entrance to the Masonic Park, I've never been there before so I can't give you any better info than that. When you get to Granite Falls give me a call, hopefully there's cell coverage. Sorry Fat Fingered Typo
  5. We're up for doing this one. It's been eons since I was out that way. I think the last ice sheet had just receded right before my visit. We'll bring our mountain bikes and be on the 6:25 ferry which should get us to Granite Falls somewhere between 8:00-8:30, depending on whether the ferry is on time, traffic, etc. It should be noted that we are using Google Maps for the time estimate and Google can be somewhat conservative with driving times. For comparison, according to Google's estimate, you will not arrive until around 8:30. In this case, the estimate looks fairly reasonable, so we are going to assume you may like to keep the right-hand pedal under some pressure. We like to use a more moderate touch, so let us know if 8-8:30 is too late, because we have no desire to take the earlier 5:35 ferry. If the time is agreeable, where is the meeting point going to be? The Masonic Park? Between 0800 & 0830 is fine. Belleterre is grabbing the 0605 Southworth boat. The meeting point is N48 06.913 W121 54.241, somewhere near the entrance to the Masonic Park, I've never been there before so I can't give you any better info than that. When you get to Granite Falls give me a call, hopefully there's cell coverage. My cells is
  6. I think I could be in Granite Falls at 8am. What cache(s) would we be going after? I can bring a mountain bike too. Here is the bookmark of caches from Barlow Pass to Monte Cristo.
  7. I need to be at the Masonic Park in Granite Falls at 0800 to drop the wife off for a breakfast deal which means leaving Federal Way at 0630. I know 0800 is pretty early to be in Granite Falls so depending on what time anyone else can be there I can either hang out there or not. I am also be bringing my bicycle just in case, I can either use it or not depending on others.
  8. The Blog of the good samaritan rescuer that found him
  9. Loch Katrine Monster is a road walk, an abandoned road walk, but it is a road walk. It's the last 600' to the cache that is the challange. A hike I have been looking at for a while is Lake Philippa. Of course either will have to wait until the are is open again.(linky thing here) Apprently that forum doesn't allow direct links to the posts. I can get to the forums but not directly via your link. The links work for me but here's the URL's for those it doesn't work for. Lake Philippa >> www.nwhikers.net/forums/viewtopic.php?t=14571 Road Closure>> www.nwhikers.net/forums/viewtopic.php?t=7977208
  10. I'm heading up to Monte Cristo this Sunday. I have to drop the wife off in Granite Falls about 0800 and want bring my bike for the ride in from Barrlow Pass, not a necessity but I thought it would make the roadwalk a bit easier/faster. Anyone want to go too?
  11. Although the North Fork Snoqualmie Road is open it looks like all of the spur roads and trails have been temporarily closed by the Hancock Timber Company because of "extreme" fire danger. On a side note it does look thier working on replacing the bridge over Sunday Creek.
  12. Loch Katrine Monster is a road walk, an abandoned road walk, but it is a road walk. It's the last 600' to the cache that is the challange. A hike I have been looking at for a while is Lake Philippa. Of course either will have to wait until the are is open again.(linky thing here)
  13. No, I just now know what my limit is of course if it was cooler my limit might could go back up. So......... I guess I still don't know my limit, there are just too many variables to pin it down.
  14. Dream Lake??, maybe Otter Falls & NQSD. A recent trip report for Otter Falls shows the "Easy" trail to the cut off doesn't appear to be quite as easy as it was in the past. And maybe Tull's Canyon as for the rest I think I just listen to the stories over a Jalapeño Burger at The Parkway.
  15. With the exception of two little spots that my sweat soaked shirt rubbed raw most of me feels much better than I thought it would this morning, maybe it was those Canadian Tylenol that I picked up a few weeks ago , not that I'm ready for another hike this today. Even the deep breath induced back spasms I was having on the drive home last night are gone this morning.
  16. I'm OUT when/If you do Kings Lake!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  17. Don't be so sure about that. This is by far the toughest hike I've been on including Camp Muir. I thought it was bad going up but coming down was even worse.
  18. We missed you on this one Brian. Just got home and I'm not sure I'm going to be able to get out of my chair for 3 or 4 days. I did atch ans release 3 trout and a 4th one broke my line just as I was about to land it and swam away with my lure in it's mouth. First time I've been fishing in years and had a good time, the hike on the other hand was a real killer.
  19. So, 4 or 5 light cycles to grab the cache and another 4 or 5 cycles to be able to replace the cache? If the light cycles ever 2 minutes, probably more like 4, that would be up to 20 minutes for a P.O.C LPM. LPM's generally rate about 1 minute, find sign & re-hide to make them worth the effort. Once you hide a cache you have no control over how the finders go about finding your cache. Think about that if you decide to place another cache and place it somewhere where the finder has a bit more "cover" while looking for the cache.
  20. I'm in. Glad this one's on a Saturday so my knee will have a day to somewhat recover before Monday. I finally got in to see the orthopedic surgeon and he says just give him a call when I want to schedule the repair on my meniscus so I think I'll probably wait until September / October before going in, unless it gets significantly worse.
  21. Which one of your sisters was that?
  22. One For the Little People
  23. Spotted the moose while on a Delorme / County run in NE WA. This was the first time I've seen a moose in the wild. No the best picture in the world but I didn't have my good camera with me so I had to use my coolpix L15.
  24. Although the Green Trails map shows a gate there is not gate on the road to which I refer. The approx coordinates for the road head is N47 21.402 W121 19.346. There are ruts and a few water bars but I've made it up in both my DiscoveryII and my LR3. The first time was the dead of summer, no mud on the road at all, the second time was last fall after a mild snow fall and melt and there was mud in places but still didn't have any real problem navigating the road. Whadayamean "IF"
  25. Study your TOPO maps; if you have a decent 4WD you can park less than 300' from Wonktania. 3 years ago when I did it the road was no problem but last fall it was a bit sketchy but it had just snowed and the road was a muddy, should be a bit easier w/o the mud.
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