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Posts posted by LandRover

  1. I won't be able to get out of Federal Way until about 3:30 but I would love to get in on the action if possible.

    Andrew, how about I give you a call when I get close for a current location?

  2. My uderstanding is, is that you can put the software on as many computers as you would like but you are restricted to interfacing with a total of two GPSr's with a single license. This is for Mapsource City Select, Metroguide and many of Garmins other software products have no such restriction.

  3. According to the map posted on the link you provided it looks like the road is open and the area to the South of the road is also open just don't stand on the North side of the road or you'll be in the closed area. Of course this is just my interpretation of the map and I will not be held responsible for any civil or criminal penalties associated with using the above information.

  4. CENT5,

    I think any way you want to run the contest is just fine with me. Your right that you're probably not going to make everyone happy, but hey it's your contest and if someone dosen't like they don't have to play. Being that this is the first time you've done this there may need to be rules added as you go, you can't think of all the possible abuses ahead of time, of course I think you should disqualify al of the TB's except #23 but that's just my opinion. :D;). I hope that this does not turn into something evil and that you get as much enjoyment out of the contest as I do as one of the winners. :unsure::D

  5. Had a great time. Thanks Travis for another grat cache machine, can't wait for the next one. Thanks Robin for the dinner. I hope all the locals had a good time watching us run around like chickens with our heads cut off. :rolleyes:



  6. Allanon Posted: Mar 27 2005, 04:43 PM 

    Just a random thought/wish...I don't suppose someone has created (and wants to share) a GPX file with the caches/route? Don't make me do all that work...   


    I have a current GPX file for the cache machine but don't have web space to share on. The GPX file was extracted from GSAK and even contains the stop number in the user data column. If you would like a copy e-mail me and I will send you a copy.

  7. I bought a GPS 18 some time back and yes you can use City Select with your 60CS, I do. One of the main reasons I bought the GPS 18 was to get the software to download maps & autorouting for my 60CS. The GPS 18 also works great for navigating on the road when hooked up to my laptop. The GPS 18 also comes with N route which is what is used for autorouting on the laptop and even gives voice commands for directions.

    Even if you never use the GPS 18 for anything $112 is a great price for the software alone.

  8. I was thinking about this cache just the other day thinking that it would be fun to do just what you have suggested. Of course it would be easier for me if I actually had a boat of some kind. But since you asked first I would definatly be interested in such an adventure. :)

  9. The Navigatorz Posted: Mar 20 2005, 09:01 AM 

    Did anyone geocache in the new snow this weekend? 

    I came over from the WET side as my wife had a function to go to so I got to do a little caching. Did the Old Chinese Labor Camp :rolleyes: , Cold and wet but no snow. Then went on to do Above Moses Coulee, cold, wet and snowing, dropped back down and did Crescent Bar View, cold and wet. By this time the non-cachers I brought along with me had had enough cold & wet so we headed back to Wenatchee.

    On the way over Blewett Friday afternoon I got to drive up into the snow and find Lookout Below & Day Trekin', depending on where you walked there was betwen 0 & 8 inches of snow, I mostly found the spots with 8".


    BTW nice avitar Navigatorz

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